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Pets At Halloween


Dormant account
May 2, 2003
Going to call into the vets tomorrow but thought someone might help in advance. Is there any sort of relaxant or traquilizer (type) for dogs at this time of year. Have an 8 month old collie now and even inside she is terrified of the fireworks and bangers. Our previous dog hated them but once she was inside she was fine. Anyone used anything that worked well that I should ask for?
Give him a stern talking to and tell him to pull himself together. Alternatively - if your people lived in the countryside could you get him out of suburbia for a few days?
Halloween kicks off early here in N.Ire, as in tonight. There was a huge firework display arranged at a shopping outlet, two fields away from our house for this evening so we went to call our dogs in well before it was due to begin. Just as we were about to a few fireworks were let off early and although one of the dogs came when we called, one didn't. We have searched high and low all evening calling and whistling but as yet nothing. Coco is as i speak still missing. I'm hoping she has just gone on a rabbit jaunt and when the noise got too much she has taken cover :(

My computer is at the window overlooking the yard so i'm on night duty. A couple more minutes and then i'm away out again to look for her but as i'm typing the fireworks are being let off again. Forgive me for hating halloween at the moment :cry: :cry:

Also the horses are freaking out and the pet sheep are running scared too. I bloody hate fireworks.
I just looked at the dog forum I use and apart from rescue remedy, the use of a DAP diffuser (your vet should sell them) and wearing a t-shirt were suggested. Obviously the dog wears the t-shirt, not you :lol: It's something to do with T Touch.
I was in vets today and they had signs up about DAP diffusers for pets at Halloween.Apparently you put it near mammary glands and it lasts up to 4 weeks.Can be used when travelling or rehoming animals also.
I lived in Leicester for 10 years. Think yourself lucky, the firework season lasts about 2 months solid, and peaks on Diwali night, where its a constant explosion every second from 7 through to 12 none stop. And no that's not an exaggeration, it has to be seen/ heard to be believed
An 8 month old collie? Hope it's a border, Gal! They are simply the best breed of dogs to own, they are superb animals. My border is 9 years old now and she's an absolute legend - everyone loves her as she is so friendly and well behaved. I'd love to claim credit for training her well (as everyone keeps offering!) but training her was childsplay. I miss her so much :(

I've always kept borders - Molly is my 4th - one of our first was petrified of fireworks and thunder but if we left a wardrobe open for him he would be quite happy to cower in there for a few hours until the coast was clear. They often just want somewhere to hide and will emerge afterwards quite happy. Of course collies by nature can be quite neurotic but left alone to hide they soon recover.
:o A friend of mine has a Yorkie that's so hyped up on a normal day!!! he's the worse I have seen, so she has been prescribed DIAZEPAM for him to be used on or near bonfire night ( no not for her as yet :P ) ........honest I have never seen such an ante social dog, he will not let you stroke him he wont sit anywhere near you or its owner either she has had him 5 yrs now and he has been the same since a pup...

But yes I agree re, fireworks, didn't this government pass a NEW*** law it was to be against the law to let off fireworks other than in an organised display or celebration of a party etc..........We have had constant bangers day and night here the latest being 2-30 am and the earliest 5-30 am (these in isolation on week ends) but generally day and night for the past 6 weeks + the idiots I posted on the other day riding around on bikes firing Roman Candles at the houses in the lunch time.....just imagine if it goes through some ones open window?????????? It burns the house down....

*** I just wonder if this is why they called themselves NEW LABOUR with all these New laws they brought in hastily and THEY cannot POLICE???? Makes one wonder ... :rolleyes:
In this part of Spain they use any excuse to let off bangers - and I mean proper loud ones that make you wonder whether you're under mortar attack! Always loads in the summer when the feria is here, then loads more in the build up to Christmas.
Try explaining fireworks to thoroughbreds when new hotel behind our yard decided to have display on New Years Eve and the police wouuld do nothing to stop it.It sounded like bombs going off and there were glowing embers landing on roof and in yard.
We've heard a few lately but not too many, thankfully. I hate seeing how it affects my little heinz. His tail drops between his legs and he slopes off to hide somewhere, shaking like a leaf.
This thread raises interesting cultural points . In the UK of course Fireworks are associated with the Gunpowder Plot and the execution of the Catholic conspirators. Having fireworks at Halloween I suppose allows the fun without the historical associations.

Back to the real point - I am sure the vets can help but best is just to keep them in unless their distress reaches such a pitch that drugs are required.

When I was a kid we had a fabulous dog , who was not particularly bothered by fireworks but she could not stand thunderstorms.
Originally posted by Soba@Oct 27 2006, 09:34 PM
Coco is as i speak still missing. I'm hoping she has just gone on a rabbit jaunt and when the noise got too much she has taken cover :(

Has Coco turned up yet, Soba? :confused:

I can't imagine what I would do if Barney ever got scared and ran off. :confused: He is (sort of) trained but I didn't want the most obediate dog in the world, so he is trained enough to know how to behave and return when called etc. He is a terrier after all and one of his biggest assets is the fact he is so funny, unpredictable and playful.

He is now absolutely football mad, and now does a mean tackle and then lays on the football to stop me kicking it. I slide the ball across the wooden floors and he runs so fast he skids straight past the ball. I must get it on video one day.

Both Barney and Rhys (grumpy cat) are luckily not phased at all by fireworks but I desperately sympathise with anyone whose animals just freak out. I won't be attending any displays this year as the effect they have on animals can be horrendous.
Hope coco comes back soon soba. Ive always been really lucky with my animals - the cats weve had havent really worried,. and all the dogs positively ignore them. We used to have a big display in Verwood that was in full view of the horses field, and when i went up to check them on the nught, I found Jed Po and Herbie lined up against the fence begging baked potato of passers by and watching it all!!!

My friends hae all had horrible trouble with their pets - they usually end p sedating tem - buit they seem to go on for so long these days, its not always practical.

( need a pic of a dog in a t-shirt ;) havent heard of that one....)

as for pets at halloween - two years ago we had trick or treaters coming every fifteeen minutes or so, and we shut the dogs ( at the time we had teh spaniel and the Hovie) in the oucge, cos Katie is scared of straingers at teh best of times, and Murphy ( the Hovie) is just too enthusiastic...

Murphy escaped. Guess who had the biggest shock - Murphy at the two lads in fancy dress ( if I remember rightly it was a skeleton and a wizard)
or them when a newfoundland sized hovawart appeared out of the dark..... :lol: :lol: :lol:
Tripod just curls up into the smallest ball imaginable and cowers. Poor little mite.
DAP defusers, TTtouch, rescue remedy, good stodgy meal (porridge, pasta, potatos etc) before it all kicks off, a secure place near the centre of the house (wardrobes, cupboards, crates, baths are all places of choice). Try and avoid 'comforting' the dog, as they look on it as rewarding the behaviour :( Ignore it as far as possible. Try and associate fireworks with the best possible things - a friend of mine gets out the cooked bacon and the dogs get a piece whenever there's a bang! Turn up the TV or radio, make sure the dog is in a secure place, and sometimes taking them outside and letting them see the cause of the racket helps too - depending on the dog....

PS - please avoid tranquillisers, as they don't do anything for the dogs fear levels, they just leave him unable to react, which does wonders for you, as he won't be pacing, but he'll still be feeling very frightened :(

Why not think about getting a sounds CD to play to him very gently and quietly to start with, once the season is over, so you can introduce him to it totally under your control and make it lots of fun for him. You can PM me as I actually have some of these I sell to puppy owners at my puppy classes.
Can't you get headphones for dogs? I'd have thought strapping those on, playing their favourite tunes - 'How Much is that Doggy in the Window?', 'Dances with Wolves', 'Lady and the Tramp', etc. - would calm them down while they gnaw on an ox's thighbone in contentment.
Originally posted by krizon@Oct 28 2006, 05:25 PM
Can't you get headphones for dogs? I'd have thought strapping those on, playing their favourite tunes - 'How Much is that Doggy in the Window?', 'Dances with Wolves', 'Lady and the Tramp', etc. - would calm them down while they gnaw on an ox's thighbone in contentment.
The ox might not be too happy about that.
Thanks Trudij. Kathy, Coco is still missing :(

We have searched high and low all day, everyone we know around has been asked if she had been sighted, folks we didn't really know were asked too but sadly nobody has seen her. My OH has been out all day looking and i can honestly say he has been everywhere within a 15/20 mile radius. We have contacted the USPCA, dog warden (no cover over the weekends!) Animal shelters, the local sanctuary and police but nothing so far. She is an incredibly intelligent dog, which is the norm for border collies so we are just amazed she has not made it home if she was able. We live in a mainly rural location so it is very hard to cover everywhere so all our farming friends have also been out looking in their outbuildings and fields for her, they have been brilliant. I'm going to tack up the mare tomorrow if she still isn't home as i can cover the surrounding fields better on horseback!

I even went and looked in every ditch along the roads and checked all the fencing to see if she had been through any of them, if we had an idea of what direction she went in it would really help to narrow it down. Still no signs though and i'm again on night watch. It is just so bloody awful not knowing where she is, i just want her home safe :cry:
Really hope Coco shows up soon Soba.

Our disgusting little git of a neighbour (arrogant townie who thinks he owns the whole village) has just taken great delight in aiming fireworks over our house / garden / field purely to wind up the dogs while his idiot daughter yells over and over that it's her birthday - like I give a toss when I'm traipsing about in a field in the dark dodging fireworks making sure the ponies are okay and my poor rescued greyhound, already a nervous wreck at times, stresses herself out with the rest of the poor dogs back in the house.

I could quite happily throttle the man.
Don't you just set fire to their homes, Zozzy, like most locals who hate outsiders? It seems to work in Royston Vasey.

Good luck, Soba. If you've got your telephone number on a collar tag, I hope someone finds her and calls you soon.