DAP defusers, TTtouch, rescue remedy, good stodgy meal (porridge, pasta, potatos etc) before it all kicks off, a secure place near the centre of the house (wardrobes, cupboards, crates, baths are all places of choice). Try and avoid 'comforting' the dog, as they look on it as rewarding the behaviour

Ignore it as far as possible. Try and associate fireworks with the best possible things - a friend of mine gets out the cooked bacon and the dogs get a piece whenever there's a bang! Turn up the TV or radio, make sure the dog is in a secure place, and sometimes taking them outside and letting them see the cause of the racket helps too - depending on the dog....
PS - please avoid tranquillisers, as they don't do anything for the dogs fear levels, they just leave him unable to react, which does wonders for you, as he won't be pacing, but he'll still be feeling very frightened
Why not think about getting a sounds CD to play to him very gently and quietly to start with, once the season is over, so you can introduce him to it totally under your control and make it lots of fun for him. You can PM me as I actually have some of these I sell to puppy owners at my puppy classes.