I'm over the moon to report good news finally arrived with regards to Coco!!!!
After another night and morning of searching with no results a wonderful lady arrived in our yard this afternoon asking if we had lost a dog

It turns out that Coco had arrived on her doorstep on friday evening looking petrified so the lady took her in. After trying to contact the dog warden and the local animal sanctuary (yes, the same one we had told about Coco and left contact details with :teeth: ) she decided the best option was to hold onto her until monday morning, rather than risking letting her go and finding her way back home. It turns out after turning her head inside and out all weekend she remembered where she had seen C. before, C. loves to sit out at the end of our lane watching the world go by and that is where she had seen her before. I then smothered her with hugs
We then went to collect her staight away and she is now finally safely tucked up back with us. I couldn't smile more now if i tried and the relief is enormous!
Looking back on it now we are trying to figure out what it was about the fireworks that made her run scared. She is actually grand about bangs due to my OH having a shotgun club ran here on the farm and she never normally turns a hair, so all i can think of is it was possibly the lights the fireworks made. It does seem they are bigger with a 3D effect and more dazzling these days than before, i'm just guessing i suppose.
Anyways, a huge thank you to all who sent kind thoughts and especially to Jinnyj who was a great source of information and kindness
This is the big dote by the way. She hates her pic taken and sorry about the size, i'm useless at this putting a pic up on here lark!