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Pets At Halloween

Soba, get sticking up a few posters if you haven't already - perhaps with a small reward. There are lots of websites that help look for missing dogs. There might be one that covers your area. Is she microchipped?

I really hope she will turn up safe and sound and luckily with the weather continuing to be mild she will be fine if she is still outside. Let's hope someone has taken her in perhaps, and it's just a matter of time until you are reunited with her.

Please keep us posted.
soba I really hope coco returns home soon.

As for fireworks, well its like a war zone here from Oct right through to New Years, we got round it by making no issue of it at all, Huskies are not the most sensible of creatures but we found that if you dont react they didnt, we now have (only one husky) that wanders round the garden as if nothing is going on. Lots of you know that we adopted Tiger last year, we didnt know how he was going to be with the noise and lights. We completely ignored the fact that war was breaking out and guess what after about 15 mins and the other dogs not giving a toss and us not caring he didnt.

Mind you I hate fireworks always have but for the sake of the dogs I didnt run and hide behind the couch.
Hope Coco reappears soon, Soba.

My menagerie are pretty bombproof when it comes to gunfire and/or fireworks - the mares don't seem to give a toss about them - we held a fiftieth birthday party for a friend a few years back here with a pretty magnificent firework display. The mares and youngsters came in for the night to be on the safe side and they had a ball, too, as the party was in the barn opposite their yard and they enjoyed all the extra attention!

The Chubs are pretty oblivious to most stuff except food and I haven't noticed any panic when the shoot is on the farm. The dogs just get over-excited as they think they're off out beating/picking up again.... gun-shy is not an option!

Aversion to loud noises is real breed characteristic with all types of collies in my experience - there's something in thier make up that makes them unable to cope with them.
songsheet your probably right, luckily I must have had dog that are not sensative to bangs and crashes, but I still stand by my statement and its the same with horses as you will know, make a big thing of something and it becomes a problem. I seriously understand that pups and Galiloe has said his is only young and still has a problem. I wasnt trying to be glib.
My border Molly isn't too bad when she hears fireworks - she might slink about a bit but most of the time loud noises don't really bother her. It was the first, Boot, who used to die of fright every time he heard them! Then again he was a typical nervy collie. The two in between weren't so bothered, Doggan could get a bit nervy at times but Josie wasn't bothered by anything bar people shouting at each other [she was ill-treated before we rescued her].
I'm over the moon to report good news finally arrived with regards to Coco!!!!

After another night and morning of searching with no results a wonderful lady arrived in our yard this afternoon asking if we had lost a dog :) It turns out that Coco had arrived on her doorstep on friday evening looking petrified so the lady took her in. After trying to contact the dog warden and the local animal sanctuary (yes, the same one we had told about Coco and left contact details with :teeth: ) she decided the best option was to hold onto her until monday morning, rather than risking letting her go and finding her way back home. It turns out after turning her head inside and out all weekend she remembered where she had seen C. before, C. loves to sit out at the end of our lane watching the world go by and that is where she had seen her before. I then smothered her with hugs :D
We then went to collect her staight away and she is now finally safely tucked up back with us. I couldn't smile more now if i tried and the relief is enormous!

Looking back on it now we are trying to figure out what it was about the fireworks that made her run scared. She is actually grand about bangs due to my OH having a shotgun club ran here on the farm and she never normally turns a hair, so all i can think of is it was possibly the lights the fireworks made. It does seem they are bigger with a 3D effect and more dazzling these days than before, i'm just guessing i suppose.

Anyways, a huge thank you to all who sent kind thoughts and especially to Jinnyj who was a great source of information and kindness :)

This is the big dote by the way. She hates her pic taken and sorry about the size, i'm useless at this putting a pic up on here lark!
Delighted to hear it - what a relief .

And I agree she looks to be a lovely hound in her picture
That's wonderful, Soba and that's an awfully kissable nose! So: xxxX!

If she wears a collar, could I just suggest tagging it with your phone number - two friends' dogs (one who ran off for the same reason, but was located at a night club!) were retrieved via this device. Just a wee thought.
I kinda assumed she would be chipped - that's a good idea, but if the dog's caught and held in someone's home, it's not as immediately useful as the phone number.
Thanks folks :D

Krizon, the collar has always been an issue with Coco as she always seems to get rid of them! Houdini has nothing on her, how she does it i would love to know but it goes without saying i am going to keep putting them on her now regardless and with our details attatched.

Also she is going to be booked in FIRST thing tomorrow morning with the vet to get a long overdue microchip. As for the time being while the fireworks are still on the go she is under supervision where toilet, playtime and walkies are concerned. The local rabbits will be delighted to know the game of tag is over for a wee while :ph34r:

I'm soooooo looking forwards to a good nights sleep tonight!

Oh and the lady that found her will arrive home this evening to find an enormous bunch of flowers and ridiculously large box of choccies waiting for her. :)
Hurrah - you must be so relieved - its the not knowing that is the worst bit.

As for wardens etcv - dont get me started - my friend lost a Basset Fauve de Bretagne a couple of years back - hed had his collar taken off for a bath pre champ show,soapily wiggled out of Mats grasp and off down the road -we immediately took posters round everywhere and put them on lamposts etc ( like within 2 hrs - these are seriously rare dogs over here....) after two weeks of us looking, calling the RSPCA,me checking the kennels daily, and constant calls to various rehoming centres and wardens he was finally found in a home that had rung the RSPCA the day after the dog went missing and had been visited by a warden with a poster of him in teh van!!! on day three of his adventure :angy: We were so relieved - and the people were showered with everything Matt could think of - he was just lucky that they saw a poster up and rang Matt.
IMO the RSPCA are completely hopeless. Im sure they do fantastic work - its just very very well hidden !!
Brilliant news Soba! You must be over the moon, we lost a whippet a few years ago overnight, we were devastated and thankfully it was at the time of the petrol crisis, so all the people waiting in line at a petrol station spotted him the next day and called the local police and we tracked him down...we nearly missed him and were driving home absolutely gutted when I saw a glimpse of him out of the window...we were on a dual carriageway and I saw him on a small road at the time...my mother has never driven so fast to get around to him, and he'd never seemed so happy to see us, vice versa, I know how you feel!
I've never had a collie bitch and so have never had the opportunity to breed a collie litter but knowing what I do now, I'd certainly try and bring them up in the same way I do my Weimaraners - ie, in the house and therefore exposed to all the noises and dropped saucepans etc etc possible from the get-go.. it would be interesting to see if it worked. It's bloddy hard work having them in as it's one constant round of cleaning/disinfecting but I think worth the effort because the puppies are much better balanced.

Maybe it's because the majority of collies are working dogs, living outside and therefore less likely to be a 'home' raised pup ~?

Glad Coco has been found safe and well, for all dog owners the following is worth noting.

Under the Control of Dogs Order 1992, every dog while on a public highway or in a public place, shall wear a collar with the name and address of the owner inscribed on the collar or on a plate or badge attached to it.

When in contravention of these requirements, an owner of a dog and any person in charge of it, and any person allowing the dog to be on the highway or place of public resort shall each be guilty of an offence.

Exceptions to this requirement are:

A pack of Hounds
Dogs used for sporting purposes
Dogs used for driving/tending cattle/sheep
Dogs on official duty with HM Forces, Customs & Excise or Police
Dogs on emergency rescue work
Dogs registered as Guide dogs for the Blind.

Thanks again folks for all the kind messages.

An Cap, i do believe a dote of a ginger collie dog has been the undoing of ya and thawed ya out just a wee touch :D

Tetley, that was interesting to read as my OH always maintained she never needed to wear a collar as, although she is not exactly ready for one man and his dog she does help out with our few sheep and also a farmer that rents out some fields from us with his cattle when they brought in. I never classsed her before as a working dog, more of a pet but i guess my OH was a bit right in sorts (not telling him though ;) )

Haven't told Coco yet but she's booked in for the vets on thursday for the chip, i'm sure she will be delighted :what: