

At the Start
Jun 12, 2005
What is it with SKY News and their fixation with all things South African.
A couple of months ago it was non-stop coverage of Mandela for days on end; now it's a surfeit of the coming Pistorius trial.

Anyway, I notice true-to-form PaddyPower has a bet offer on the trial outcome. Really bad taste by them, but who cares if there is an "angle" in it for us.
And that angle seems to be "money back if found not guilty", if Iam reading this correctly .....................

"Money-Back Special - Money back if Pistorius is found not guilty!
Singles Only.
Applies to the verdict of Oscar Pistorius' first trial for the charge of premeditated murder.
Bets void should charge be changed from ‘premeditated murder’ before verdict.
Bets void should mistrial be declared.
Bets will not be accepted on this market from permanent residents of South Africa.
Applies to all bets placed before 11am, March 3rd.
Max Stake E/£20 per customer
Applies to bets placed Online, on Mobile and in Shops.

So, if I back Guilty (at 1/3), I will get my stake back if he "walks", is that right?
There are only two outcomes possible -- guilty or not -- no?
I've taken the plunge. As far as I can see it is a virtually guaranteed 6-odd quid for absolutely no risk.

Home > A-Z > Novelty Bets > Current Affairs > Pistorius
What is it with SKY News and their fixation with all things South African.
A couple of months ago it was non-stop coverage of Mandela for days on end; now it's a surfeit of the coming Pistorius trial.

Anyway, I notice true-to-form PaddyPower has a bet offer on the trial outcome. Really bad taste by them, but who cares if there is an "angle" in it for us.
And that angle seems to be "money back if found not guilty", if Iam reading this correctly .....................
So, if I back Guilty (at 1/3), I will get my stake back if he "walks", is that right?
There are only two outcomes possible -- guilty or not -- no?

Nothing down for him, when they opened up the betting it was 2/5 he would walk now its 1/3 he don't walk no pun intended.
Paddy Power the person is head of PR for Paddy Power the bookmaker. He is very, very good at what he does, he's miles clear of the opposition. I heard him talk about it today in the office. He was on with some politician and he said "Come on it's not like anyone died.... Oh..."

The world is gone politically correct mad that anyone gets offended by this stuff.
Paddy Power the person is head of PR for Paddy Power the bookmaker. He is very, very good at what he does,
No, he isn't.
He's demonstrably very good at publicity-seeking, but quite disastrous at Public Relations.
And there is a world of difference between the two. Publicity-whoring might gain a plc some short-term gain but in the fullness of time it invariably damages the brand image in the public mind.

Paddypower has history in this regard -- the adverts featuring odds against which of three elderly people crossing the road to be knocked down springs to mind in particular.

The world is gone politically correct mad that anyone gets offended by this stuff.
That's your opinion, and you're entitled to it of course. Others, however, might have different standards of acceptable ethics and morals. One thing for sure, tho', a company intent on building a global presence in their own niche should refrain from offending a percentage -- however small - of their potential customer base.
I should add, personally I couldn't give a toss about their advertising policies.
As long as they're giving away "stake returned" freebies in tandem with their advert campaigns, then, I'm cool with it! :o
Jesus wept.
Two-word posts that add nothing to debate should be banned from the forum .................... along with offensive PaddyPower adverts. :rolleyes:

(I'm just guessing this, but, you haven't been appointed to the advertisement copy-writing dept of PaddyPower as of yet, no ?...............
I wouldn't bother waiting for that promotion, tbh, if I were you).
Have you not heard of the old saying Icebreaker?
There is no such thing as bad publicity?

People who I work with today who know nothing about racing were talking about paddy power today.

Mission accomplished!

Also agree with Slim that anyone who is offended by their adverts needs to have a word with themselves.
No doubt these are the same brigade who ring up and get offended on other peoples behalf, the Brand/Ross/Sachs radio thing springs to mind.
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How much would the same media exposure that Paddy Power has created by a simple novelty market (that no one actually wants to bet on) worth in actual advertising expenditure?

Do the maths.

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There is no such thing as bad publicity?

People who I work with today who know nothing about racing were talking about paddy power today.
Too true, triggers. You're absolutely right.
Paddy got national media coverage for an outlay smaller than a saturation advertising campaign would have cost. ( Say, 100,000 clients took the offer at the max £20 allowed, then the payout will be around £66,000 -- if Pistorius is found guilty. If he isn't, then the cost to PP is virtually nothing -- just return the stakes).

The thing is, tho', how many people -- potential customers -- have been permanently put off PaddyP by this stunt. So far, 75,00 people have signed the petition that Aldaniti linked to earlier.
I dunno, but if I was running a large company I would not wish to alienate a sector of my clients by running an advert of dubious taste. Is it worth it in the long run?

Edited to say I have just seen SC's post above. On this one, I'm in agreement with him, naturally.
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Too true, triggers. You're absolutely right.
Paddy got national media coverage for an outlay smaller than a saturation advertising campaign would have cost. ( Say, 100,000 clients took the offer at the max £20 allowed, then the payout will be around £66,000 -- if Pistorius is found guilty. If he isn't, then the cost to PP is virtually nothing -- just return the stakes).

The thing is, tho', how many people -- potential customers -- have been permanently put off PaddyP by this stunt. So far, 75,00 people have signed the petition that Aldaniti linked to earlier.
I dunno, but if I was running a large company I would not wish to alienate a sector of my clients by running an advert of dubious taste. Is it worth it in the long run?

Of those 75,000 stiffs I'll wager 0 has a PP or any bookmaker account.
And 75,000 people that will in all likelihood never cross Paddy's door when they do decide to have a bet on the National or some other event.

Do you understand that corporate-building and brand-development is predicated upon finding new customers?
Existing customers of a company are secondary; the emphasis is on finding new customers. A smart company management tries to avoid alienating this pool of potential clients in any way. In the long-term, it pays to be touchy-feely rather than abrasive with controversial advertising. Controversial adverts didn't work for Benetton in the 90's , and they never will for others in the long run.
And 75,000 people that will in all likelihood never cross Paddy's door when they do decide to have a bet on the National or some other event.

Do you understand that corporate-building and brand-development is predicated upon finding new customers?
Existing customers of a company are secondary; the emphasis is on finding new customers. A smart company management tries to avoid alienating this pool of potential clients in any way. In the long-term, it pays to be touchy-feely rather than abrasive with controversial advertising. Controversial adverts didn't work for Benetton in the 90's , and they never will for others in the long run.

Touch feely? I hate to be ironic but ah **** off. In the long run PP kills the opposition for brand recognition although perhaps it just doesn't work as well in the UK as it does on other regions.