Poker shares

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I'll trade you.

You teach me about value-betting, and I'll teach you how not to come across as a complete fantoosh with every post.

Deal? :thumbsup:
The best way to get value is to be the bookmaker which is what you would be if you quit sports betting and take up poker.
Theres no handicap or poor odds in poker unless your the mug , you simply find a mug and give him the wrong odds to make calls
Or fold when you know he's ahead which isn't hard if you study peoples behavior
I played the same casino solid for twelve months and had several tells on every reg
I knew how they were likely to behave when they have strong or weak hand.
I could tell just by the way they placed chips into the pot or what direction they looked
I narrowed the range of starting hands they could be holding by their bet size or behavior
Anyone that thinks its bingo or a game of luck is talking out the arse
I was final tabling 80% of tournies like a boss
which is why i dont consider myself an online player , my edge comes from my ability to read people
Easy game.
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And your 'read' on everyone here is that they're dumb saps who a) couldn't see value if it ran them over with a bus, and b) don't know what they're missing.

You're right up there with Uri Geller and Russell Grant, in my estimation.
Don't be too hasty, 52 playing cards are his life now, sad but true. Who knows where he'll be this time next year?

lol You dont know how good that van was for shagging
its got crew seats in the back .. wont go into full detail
wouldn't want to put off potential investors
ok because of you lot i decided to place a sports bet from my sky poker account

lets do this Chelsea

Because of this thread I played 3 games of online poker last night. Haven't played online for years and was bored silly, it was awful.

I'm playing poker later, just the regular pub game free entry bollocks. I only play as I like/need a few beers midweek. Won 150 bucks last week which paid for the night out, so I'm out to defend my title this week and hopefully scoop up another 150. :D

We play on a Thursday night as well, but thats a buy in tourney round at a mates. We get a good game, no tossers, and the occasional fresh face or two keeps it interesting. We've played almost every Thursday round there for 7 - 8 years now, even through cyclones. The game must go on.

I think you should give it a go, Markus, but you'll be better off using your own dosh. You'll have no stress about using others money, which despite what you say, that will enter your mind while playing, and one day you'll get to scoop up a nice prize for yourself. There isn't a rush to get there.

I can also tell you that at least 3 people on this thread derive their income entirely from backing/laying horses and the odd sporting event, this is a fact. They do it by hard work, dedication, discipline and then being able to spot value.

Don't underestimate some of the people on here. It's their job FFS. Nobody has taken the **** out of your loft conversion skills (which looked good quality by the way). Surely you can understand that.

Quit the ******* trolling anyway, and good luck with the footy bet.
I never really got into sports betting big or read any threads about it so i wouldn't really have a clue but it would be extremely hard to beat imo
Like poker you would have to be very good at managing money to avoid going broke.
every gambler hits downswings no matter how good they are.

The best strategy for pub poker is to play extremely tight.
They will be loose so sit back and play like the top 10 starting hands only and very aggressively.
Stack the fish Good luck
Well done, though it is indeed hard to beat the books consistently, it takes many years of experience to be able to find your niche and also be prepared to evolve with it. It is the same as with any form of gambling, you have to know when to strike and how to manage your money.

Everyone bets in different ways. Some horse players trade, others (like myself) wait for a good solid bet, others snap up value regardless at smaller stakes.

The same with poker, you could play lots of small stakes games against less experienced players and get some money out that way, or you could play less games for bigger stakes and take on the better players but you'll have to be more patient for that larger return.

Regarding the pub poker. We have started getting a good crew together on one table (the host sets it up like that for us, so we don't have to tolerate the idiots and get a good game going from the start). So the early hands are important, as it's on from the start.

Prior to this arrangement, I used to play the odd hand, and have a chat with someone at the bar, go for a ciggy, etc. Didn't really play until the blinds had gone up a good few times, and even then play tight until final table.

I'm actually regarded as a pretty good player around here, wherever I play. Though to be honest I rarely give it my all, I'm more interested in having a few beers and the social aspect of it these days. It's just an excuse to get out of the house really.

The people I play were forced to up their game a fair bit when I started playing 7.5 years ago, despite me having never played poker before that. I was winning many games for a good year or two, way more than my fare share against relatively seasoned players (they had their regional final trophies on display etc). Can only think it was due to horse racing giving me a rough but quick and workable feel for pot odds etc. Also a misspent youth playing 3 card brag giving me intuition on their play, as you've got nothing else to go on with brag. Brag isn't a game thats ever played down here, so I'm convinced it gave me an edge and probably still does.
Ive only played pub poker once and it was a shambles
idiots ruin it by making mistakes acting out of turn and talking about hands they folded
but like you say you dont tolerate idiots
When i used to drink the whole pub was full of idiots so it wouldn't work
Agreed. It's certainly left me battered and Bruced.

Its ok & normal to feel that way whilst being Educated , i felt the same at school

Now im going to use my winnings to play a ukipt sattelite on pokerstars .. see if i can get in the back door like a boss

Onwards n upwards

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Its ok & normal to feel that way whilst being Educated , i felt the same at school

Now im going to use my winnings to play a ukipt sattelite on pokerstars .. see if i can get in the back door like a boss

Onwards n upwards


You are a boss...keep telling yourself that.

José Mourinho is the only +ev sports bet , back a winner

easy game

which is why you should invest in me at the ukipt ... im also the special one
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Knocking on the door .. got into a £100 qualifer from £25 sat but didn't get through this time

only a matter of time before i get that ukipt seat !

Last night i took out some top players with over a £million poker earnings to get 3rd and entry to £100 qualifer J-rod fett

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10th of 10,000 entrants in the bigger 30k gtd on pokerstars
come on guys you know im a future poker boss !

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