Poor Liz

In these days of austerity measures where is all the money coming from for this bullshit jamboree this weekend?

What austerity? BBC jargon for slowing down the growth in public spending.

A lot of the Royal family are byond parody, but the Queen is a notable exception and deserves all the fuss going.
Got to love the marketing in every shop and business at the moment:lol:

Celebrate the jubilee and the flags with your new Sony TV
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V V O I suggest that you get out and speak to some ordinary people and you will find plenty of austerity, not to say actual hardship, among the most vulnerable in our society.
What austerity? BBC jargon for slowing down the growth in public spending.
It's Camoron-Osborne speak for reasons for hammering the working classes and the poor.

A lot of the Royal family are byond parody, but the Queen is a notable exception and deserves all the fuss going.
She's certainly not beyond parody and I accept she doesn't disgrace us the way her family does but these celebrations are orchestrated by Camoron's crew to take people's mind off the sh*t situation they have put us in.
It's Camoron-Osborne speak for reasons for hammering the working classes and the poor.

She's certainly not beyond parody and I accept she doesn't disgrace us the way her family does but these celebrations are orchestrated by Camoron's crew to take people's mind off the sh*t situation they have put us in.

The sh*t situation THEY'VE put us in???

That's priceless
I don't think celebrating a monarch's reign of 60 years has been orchestrated by Conservative central office... That really is David Icke stuff.
It was paid for by private subscriptions and sponsorship. Only the security bill came out of the public purse.

We are the most depressingly money-obsessed, penny-grubbing nation. An opportunity for a national celebration marking an event which has happened only once before in the country's history and the moaners are out in force bleating about cost.
It was paid for by private subscriptions and sponsorship. Only the security bill came out of the public purse.

We are the most depressingly money-obsessed, penny-grubbing nation. An opportunity for a national celebration marking an event which has happened only once before in the country's history and the moaners are out in force bleating about cost.

Agree......we probably spend countless times more every week on benefits to wasters and ferals

That is what needs moaning about
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Rubbish, for every "dole bludger" out there, there is a corresponding person, usually retired or disabled, who is not claiming his or her full entitlement.
You just try fiddling the system, it is nowhere near as easy as the media and the Condems claim, and it never has been!
An opportunity for a national celebration marking an event which has happened only once before in the country's history
And that last time should have been the end of it.

This is the 21st Century ffs. Why are we still talking about kings and queens in C21?? That's for Shrek films.

Having been in USA for Fourth of July celebrations, I have no problem with major national celebrations. The Americans certainly know how to party. I wouldn't have a problem with an annual Great Britain Day - I happen to think we in Scotland should do more to celebrate St Andrew's Day but we're on the right tracks having in recent years made it a public holiday - and I have no problem with people being proud of their nationailty and celebrating it.

But if you reckon Cameron and his mob aren't making the most of this you're deluded.
Oh for goodness sake, Cameron and so on may well be breathing a sigh of relief that the focus has been taken off the current situation but unless they have a handy set of crystal balls (which I doubt, as they don't appear to have any other sort of balls), they haven't had a great deal to do with the Jubilee festivities. The whole thing has been in the planning and making for years.
Just where do you think these "private" subscribers get their money from? Off the backs of their workers that's where and I'll bet a lot of those workers are on minimum wages.
Rubbish, for every "dole bludger" out there, there is a corresponding person, usually retired or disabled, who is not claiming his or her full entitlement.
You just try fiddling the system, it is nowhere near as easy as the media and the Condems claim, and it never has been!

I used to work in the system and it is p*** easy to fiddle it, and many have and many do and get away with it.
I love Union bashers who are quite happy to take any benefits that the Unions have achieved without paying their dues.
When I started work I got no holidays until I had worked 12 months and then it only accrued by 1 day per month to a maximum of 5 days, which I had to take when I was told to. Our working week was 44 hours for which I was paid the princely sum of £3-15/6d, £1-10s went on bus fares and £1-10s went to my mum.
Things have changed slightly, haven't they? Of course all the reforms were driven by the philanthropic instincts of our benevolent employers.

On the subject of benefit scrounging being easy, I simply don't believe it, in my mercifully short periods of unemployment, I was made to jump through hoops to get my entitlement, which, as a single man I had paid through the nose for, and any way I had a whale of a time on £88 a fortnight!.
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I love Union bashers who are quite happy to take any benefits that the Unions have achieved without paying their dues.
When I started work I got no holidays until I had worked 12 months and then it only accrued by 1 day per month to a maximum of 5 days, which I had to take when I was told to. Our working week was 44 hours for which I was paid the princely sum of £3-15/6d, £1-10s went on bus fares and £1-10s went to my mum.
Things have changed slightly, haven't they? Of course all the reforms were driven by the philanthropic instincts of our benevolent employers.

On the subject of benefit scrounging being easy, I simply don't believe it, in my mercifully short periods of unemployment, I was made to jump through hoops to get my entitlement, which, as a single man I had paid through the nose for, and any way I had a whale of a time on £88 a fortnight!.

Goodness me you talk some crap
Why did you let them do so?

We did when we could, but we had four fraud officers to cover over 10 districts with split alphabet offices. One guy caught had signed on in two offices under different names and was working as a taxi driver. Multiply him by all the others not caught, multiplied by years of getting away with it.