Question Time

Just heard about it; wouldn't miss it for anything. Although, thinking about it, it's a bit worrying to realise that that's the level to which British politics has descended.
yes..they are two proper prick & balls that is for sure

its about time someone nailed UKIP by asking them how they are going to run the economy..all you ever get is talk about immigration..i hope someone actually puts him on the spot tonight
what is his profession though?..i've not worked it out..unless shagging most females you come in contact with has a job title i'm struggling..its not a bad job though..he's worked a good un hasn't he?
Agree, dunno why Brand gets any air time, he's not even good at the profession that made him famous.

The reason Brand exists in the social conciousness is organisations such as BBC, the Guardian and The New Statesman give him airtime, column space or in the latter case, the guest editor slot! (I refused to buy the NS post that, it's embarrassing).

I have a lot more time for someone like Farage than someone like Brand, for all that politically I have little in common with him.
what is his profession though?..i've not worked it out..unless shagging most females you come in contact with has a job title i'm struggling..its not a bad job though..he's worked a good un hasn't he?

I was thinking more comedian EC1, he ain't even that good at shagging either, even with all that practice he keeps getting dusty binned.
I was thinking more comedian EC1, he ain't even that good at shagging either, even with all that practice he keeps getting dusty binned.

aye..rumour was its a tad small so i gather

first time i saw him was on the show where they used to discuss Big Brother..must be 12 year ago..think it was that..big brothers little brother or something

i'd never seen him before that
i'd love it if when they are introduced there is an empty chair next to Brand..and dimbleby says..and tonight we have an extra guest..welcome Andrew Sachs
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Falange has to have his place whether you like him or not (I don't) but a once decent programme is made a mockery of by allowing that moron air time. His incoherent interviews and book together with his third form politics should stay in the playground.

i was once In the audience when the panellists were hattersley, ashdown, Hurd...... And Robert maxwell..

Ok they have had cnts on before too
Falange has to have his place whether you like him or not (I don't) but a once decent programme is made a mockery of by allowing that moron air time. His incoherent interviews and book together with his third form politics should stay in the playground.

i was once In the audience when the panellists were hattersley, ashdown, Hurd...... And Robert maxwell..

Ok they have had cnts on before too

yes..and it looks like you went when it was awards night for being one
yes..and it looks like you went when it was awards night for being one

Bit harsh. The three politicians were decent enough in their arenas. Especially Hurd. Was very noticeable how friendly they were with each other off screen too.
The baldy bloke scared the **** out of him. Starting to get that many people really do hate his guts.

It's embarrassing that this idiot is on this programme.
I think he is quite impressive, and performing well.
He's coming across as passionate and heartfelt.
Very persuasive guy.