Question Time

Lots of people are passionate but thick too.

theres some very passionate ranters sitting in park benches with bottles of lidl cider

if he hasn't got a better pro immigration answer than "wot about the city" then he hasn't either the iq to think it through or is just lazy (and stupid)
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Who's the mad hippy sat at the back?
Back to Brand...soon wound his neck in when asked to stand for election. All well and good him sneering from the sidelines like the 2 old fellas in the Muppet show blaming everything on the city. Be interesting if they ask him if he has any tax loopholes himself.
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He answers every question with the same answer, what's the point of that?

Camilla cavendish is a class apart and the labour lady is uo to scratch too.
Are journalists the most self-regarding profession on the planet? How many times does that gal who looks like guppy keep having to say "as a journalist". They're ten times worse than teachers know how to me
I'm half listenign to it Clive as I'm tryign to get my round something else, but it's just a trait that journos have (you might argue its a necessary one in truth)
Maybe now the bbcs obsession with promoting half wit celebs on the programme will be ditched?

Surely anyone could see that it is of no use to anyone to have someone on a political debate who doesn't have t capability to think something through?

may as well have a goldfish on there
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I think you do Brand something of a dis-service. You may not agree with his message, but at the very-least you should concede that he is articulate, and by no means a dipstick.

I tend to like people like Brand. Those who offer a different perspective to the accepted consensus, and who have no other axe to grind other than to offer that perspective for consideration, are generally to be celebrated, imo - regardless of whether I agree with them or not.
You are kidding. I dont think that the description "articulate" came to anyones mind last night:lol:

I didnt agree with Farage and some of the Mary Creaghs points (shes one to watch) but they were certainly articulate to the extent that Brand became a becalmed embarrassment (Mordaunt was poor). Like the fringe nutter at party who everyone carefully ignores

He is thick. He cannot think beyond a slogan. He has a small brain which is underdeveloped to the extent that it cannot get beyond first base. It can be down to immaturity (and his mental age is possibly around 8) but there are also possible parrallels with a chimpanzee
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I meant 'articulate' in the sense that he can hold a sentence together and is well-read.......rather than 'articulate' in the sense that he constantly issues the kind of ad-hominem platitudes of which you are so beloved. :)

NB: I didn't see QT last night, and Brand might indeed have made a right royal tadger of himself. He has recently become much more politicised, and may be pushing a hair-brained, Utopian-leftist agenda. In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if he is. But as I said before, being a renegade voice is sufficient justification to celebrate, even if his ideas are impractical.
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A speak your weight machine can hold a sentence together for fcks sake. But would make a crappy guest (although an improvement on last night)

When someone claims they are "well read" they have usually not got past the Beano.
I wouldn't quite go as far as Clive on his endearment of Brand, but not far off.
He is just an ego craving the limelight which embarrassingly he gets. Though on the plus side of that, we get to see him make a twat of himself.
At least Dimbleby made Farage state his total support of the NHS ie not advocating private insurance etc. When he changes his mind [which he will] that will come back and bite him on the bum. Much as Brand was an embarrassment last night I do think he actually 'cares' about people and does want to do some good. The show did resemble the Jeremy Kyle show most of the time.
At least Dimbleby made Farage state his total support of the NHS ie not advocating private insurance etc. When he changes his mind [which he will] that will come back and bite him on the bum. Much as Brand was an embarrassment last night I do think he actually 'cares' about people and does want to do some good. The show did resemble the Jeremy Kyle show most of the time.

yes its time someone made Farage answer these i said before the show..this clown is getting away with not explaining..every time he appears on a show..its immigration..i'm sick of hearing about it..its time he had his ribs ticked about how they would run the country.

some embarrasing stuff with that critter at the back of the be fair..even if i agreed with what she was saying..i'd change my mind on purpose just because of the repulsive way it was put it was it was b0lox so i didn't have to change my mind after all.

Brand comes across as someone with no real passion at all...he just talks in sound bytes..the man is a complete fake..but he has fooled many people...looks like some of them that read him on twatter were there..that thing at the back was probably one of them.

the labour and con representatives were two cardboard cut out MP's..and represent why i have very little interest in the stuff they spout these days...tory one in particular just bemused the audience who were laughing at her at times..complete inability to say anything meaningful whatsover. Labour woman..just blaming the tories for not yet cleaning their mess up..boring..heard it before...labour party have got no pride left..that seems to be their angle now..haven't you straightened our mess out yet?
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It was the first time I had really listened to Brand last night. Yes, a few sound bites and a couple of slogans, but he muted Farage quite well by calling him a "Poundshop Enoch Powell". Although as moehat says, Dimbleby had Farage on the backfoot for most of the show.

Brand is not too be taken seriously, of course, but at least he challenged Farage in a way that most of our sh1t-scared politicians won't these days.
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Strictly speaking Len, Brand is a member of the public, and members of the public tend to terrify politicians (despite what the politicians say about how much they enjoy engaging with them) because members of the public don't have to observe the protocols that interviewers or fellow politicians do, and we can call them names and make accussations that others daren't. We also tend to be more au fait with the lexicon of the day, whereas the politicians are remote and need advisers to tell what the trendy thing is to say (note how less well wired into the zietgiest Cameron is now that he's lost Coulson). It then becomes a really difficult job for a politician to give that kind of language back (difficult, but not impossible)

Brand just strikes me as someone hopelessly lost in era 50 years too late. Hell, he's even trying to cultivate a Che Guevara look. He'll strike a chord with young voters one suspects though, and it's worth noting that at the last election first time voters, voted Tory. I think this is likely to be another bloc they'll lose (but I think there are other blocs they will pick up)
Strictly speaking Len, Brand is a member of the public, and members of the public tend to terrify politicians (despite what the politicians say about how much they enjoy engaging with them) because members of the public don't have to observe the protocols that interviewers or fellow politicians do, and we can call them names and make accussations that others daren't. We also tend to be more au fait with the lexicon of the day, whereas the politicians are remote and need advisers to tell what the trendy thing is to say (note how less well wired into the zietgiest Cameron is now that he's lost Coulson). It then becomes a really difficult job for a politician to give that kind of language back (difficult, but not impossible)

Brand just strikes me as someone hopelessly lost in era 50 years too late. Hell, he's even trying to cultivate a Che Guevara look. He'll strike a chord with young voters one suspects though, and it's worth noting that at the last election first time voters, voted Tory. I think this is likely to be another bloc they'll lose (but I think there are other blocs they will pick up)

Warbler - Brand is a famous member of the public with a following, and has exposed himself enough now not just to be taken as any old Joe Public. Politicians are slightly wary of him because, I suppose, he's "funny" enough to strike them down with a caustic put down that leaves them looking like a twat.

I agree that he is still a child.
the labour and con representatives were two cardboard cut out MP's..and represent why i have very little interest in the stuff they spout these days...tory one in particular just bemused the audience who were laughing at her at times..complete inability to say anything meaningful whatsover.
Penny Mordaunt? Isn't she the bint who thought it would be funneh to say "c**k" half-a-dozen times as a laugh/bet in the House during her "speech" on a quite important maritime debate? Give me the sincerity of Brand over the likes of her any day.

Brand, he might not have all the answers/solutions but at least he does speak truth to power. He says the things that are subconsciously thought by many of us; like how the rich are creaming it while the poor are having it ever-increasingly tougher. Like how the working class have been scammed and conned by the bankers and exploitative employers using the guise of Austerity.
Brand also questioned if elected politicians in our veneer of democracy are nothing more than mouthpieces for Capital -- the poodles of the ruling wealthy elite. In that regard, I think his rebuttal of "standing for parliament" was a valid reply to the disabled UKIP supporter in the audience.
Penny Mordaunt? Isn't she the bint who thought it would be funneh to say "c**k" half-a-dozen times as a laugh/bet in the House during her "speech" on a quite important maritime debate? Give me the sincerity of Brand over the likes of her any day.


And she was shockingly bad. Another bizarre David Cameron appointment to rival that of Chloe Smith (the former Deloitte Touche employee who Cameron thought was a qualified accountant, so made her number 3 in the Treasury. When she told him she worked in the corporate strategy department and had no background in economics or accountancy, he responded by saying "I'm sure you'll pick it up). The highlight of her career was the Paxman interview where Jezza was reduced to screaming incredulously "are you having a laugh". It should serve as a masterpiece for aspiring politicians of the future as a shinning example of her not to do an interview
you talk as if he has invented something though Ice,its such old hat he's spouting

i don't need him to tell me the when the tories get in..they'll look after the rich..and we will be worse off below at certain level..ffs thats set in stone

to me..he just states the bleedin obvious like no one else has spotted it..deary me..he's p1ss weak and brings nothing to the table..he's false..he isn't brave..he isn't genuine..he's just a plonker trying to turn himself into some che guevara type..and people are so ill informed they think he is doing something no one else can think of

his attacks on Farage last night were just sad...if thats the best the twatter crowd can come up with they need to look again within their sad ranks and find someone else
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