Quick Question


Senior Jockey
Jan 6, 2005
I am off to the States next week,and i`m currently in the middle of booking my hotel room in Atlanta.Problem is they want the UK`s international dialling code and i haven`t a clue what it is.Anyone know?
Not the most interesting city in the USA, Euronymous. Unless you have friends or business there the most interesting things are the Braves, the Falcons, CNN and Coca-Cola. I do recommend a meal at the Atlanta Fish Market, though, which despite its name is a restaurant.
Thanks for the heads-up.Luckily during my two weeks over there i`ll be taking in Tampa as well and three games between the Devil Rays and my beloved Red Sox.
The code for the USA is 001.

If you are in Atlanta go to Buckhead to shop and if possible stay at the Ritz Carlton. This is the worldwide training hotel for Ritz Carlton and the service is absolutely superb, you can also stay there reasonably if you phone and request a special rate. The hotel is equivalent to 5* here.

A colleague and I stayed there for $120 a night after asking for that price. Buckhead is a very lively district north of the city and is great fun. Downtown Atlanta is boring and dangerous.

Brian's recommendation of the Atlanta Fish Market is spot on as it is a terrific restaurant that is good value with excellent food but you cannot book. It is nearer Buckhead than Downtown.
A fascinating juxtaposition: "boring and dangerous"! :lol:

Are the Atlanteans dangerous because they're so bored - or is the danger from tourists expecting a second Las Vegas, and venting their boredom upon the natives? I think we should be told.