Racing Post new site.

Tits up again this morning - click on today's cards & all i get is yesterday's; the next option being tomorrow's.:mad:
Form struggling to load here,don't get me started on the tracker :mad::thumbsdown: I could go on but its all been said many times - an utter pile of s*ite
I've gone from paying for the top subscription (under sufferance for what I needed), and using it heavily, to ditching it completely. It is complete and utter garbage. I didn't think it was possible, but the Sporting Life website is even worse.

The level of incompetence in both is quite staggering. In any decent size commercial organisation those responsible would have been fired long ago.
I've converted to the ATR site. It's not perfect but at least it's usable. Ashamed to say though will buy paper versions of the weekend Racing Post once the NH kicks in, but will make me feel dirty handing over £3...
Can I ask, Perp.........what do you actually get from the paper?

The 3-Race form pages are useless for any sort of meaningful study, and the journalistic pieces are hackneyed and cliche-ridden drivel.

I don't see that there is anything worthwhile in the paper that you can't get elsewhere online, so.......why buy it?
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hated the new website, i dont subscribe myself, things have improved from my point of view, few little extras now, yes there are a few more clicks involved, would of preferred
all the results on one page.
Can I ask, Perp.........what do you actually get from the paper?

The 3-Race form pages are useless for any sort of meaningful study, and the journalistic pieces are hackneyed and cliche-ridden drivel.

I don't see that there is anything worthwhile in the paper that you can't get elsewhere online, so.......why buy it?
Mostly time pressures Grassy as spend the vast majority of my life either working or running around with four teenage boys. At weekends the rag can easily be read at football, rugby, waiting in the carpark etc. I’m also a bit of an old fart when it comes to technology so my work Blackberry’s not much use...

I’ll make time if having a significant wager or actually going racing and that will be online, but still buy the paper if attending so I can scribble all over it.

Thinking about it, the worst value in racing in Racing has to be racecards, which appear to be heading north of £4.00
I've gone from paying for the top subscription (under sufferance for what I needed), and using it heavily, to ditching it completely. It is complete and utter garbage. I didn't think it was possible, but the Sporting Life website is even worse.

The level of incompetence in both is quite staggering. In any decent size commercial organisation those responsible would have been fired long ago.

Have to agree. I use a MacBook and it seems to constantly drop my login and ask me to log in again every time I open a race result and always when i click on the race analysis. Its so bad now but the competition is so poor and the one thing the RP has is a good database and decent race write ups/in running comments. Otherwise, I hate the RP site now and given a decent alternative, i'd be gone in a shot.
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I use a combination of Irish Racing and Attherraces Aragorn. Neither is as good as the Racing Post database, but the interface on each is infinitely better. And neither make me feel like throwing the laptop or iPad into the nearest bin.
No results today?

12 Sep at 7:18 PM


Message body
Have you finally gone under - should I cancel my subscription?

Ben Walton (Racing Post)

Sep 12, 19:53
Thank you for your email.

Unfortunately, we are experiencing technical problems with the availability of today's racing results through our website.

Please accept our apologies for the inconvenience caused and thank you for your ongoing patience whilst we work to fix the issues.

Pathetic, as is their whole IT dept.:mad:
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The rot starts at the top, with their utter buffoon of an Editor.

A shabby excuse for a trade-paper, and exactly the kind of shi*tty service you can expect, when one company holds a monopoly position.
The rot starts at the top, with their utter buffoon of an Editor.

A shabby excuse for a trade-paper, and exactly the kind of shi*tty service you can expect, when one company holds a monopoly position.

I don't read the paper often enough to agree entirely but the Weekender is only half the paper it could be and I blame the editor for that. I've had exchanges of email with him and I genuinely believe he doesn't understand horse racing.
They re-designed an entire site to fit more bookies ads in.... And expect customers to enjoy it... They have lost it. I really used to like the RP but its gone to sh1t completely. Unfortunately, it doesn't help the sport as a whole either.
Just looked up the result of the Kerry National; and the RP informs me - every horse finished nowhere.
******* priceless!

the new phormat has some improvements but in general is worse than previous one

about the level
it is simply the best web about horse racing by miles
some people would want it free but in life you have to pay for things
i can not see anyone checking the form seriously about irish and british racing and doing it with another web