Ralph Beckett

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Are moderator's not allowed opinions on threads the same as everybody else?

I'm not sure exactly where I've been rude and strongly feel racing needs to move towards a position where trainers need to be open to the betting public, otherwise you will have a situation where people get fed up and bet on other sporting events.

Beckett has embarassed himself with this whole episode, and to now come out with what he has today has only made himself look worse; it's a ridiculous statement which doesn't show him in anything other than a poor light ... naive at best.

I also don't appreciate being told we (by that I mean people who are not friends with Beckett) are 'living in a world of intrigue and spin' and having a perfectly logical argument belittled because I am not in Beckett's (& Dascombe's - good name dropping!) inner circle.

Hope that explains.
You know I disagree with you on what the betting public are entitled to know about a private individuals horse so we'll leave that aside.

I was just pointing out the irony of your moderator title and your ability to start a fight at the gates of heaven ;)
You know I disagree with you on what the betting public are entitled to know about a private individuals horse so we'll leave that aside.

I was just pointing out the irony of your moderator title and your ability to start a fight at the gates of heaven ;)

:) a true multitasker
but I certainly respect his reasons for not divulging any more than the owner wanted, whatever those reasons are. A trainer is employed by the owner, and if a trainer upsets that owner, they could well move the horse to a trainer who respects their wishes.

Yes, except that in this case, the owner told the press it was the trainer who didn't want to divulge the nature of the injury, not the other way around!

With regards to the name dropping, it is unwise to assume that all other posters don't know the people being discussed (be they trainers, jockeys, media or whoever) merely through dint of them choosing not to tell all and sundry all of the time that they do know said persons.
I won't be reduced to the usual mud slinging that so many on this forum now seem to relish in.

Some of you really need to get over yourselves as your comments as usual speak volumes about your disdain for certain posters irrelevent on what thread they post on. It will do nothing to attract new people to this forum especially as one of them is now a moderator!

Will this constant bitching stop me posting? .... nah!:D

By the way Gareth, you really are becoming predictable in your responses.
Gareth, I told you on Final Furlong recently that I never want to liase with you in any format, so please go away and stop bothering me. You are not funny, and you are becoming quite sad with all this following me around (especially when you were a mod) making your chirlish comments. Please go away.
am afraid your comments, as a punter, make you look a little naive. Continue with your witch hunt against him but I think you are barking up the wrong tree on this one.

The only naitivity shown here is the belief that the sport is the exclusive domain of the trainers and owners. That is economically illiterate and desperately outmoded as well as somewhat contemptuous

Any business that treats it customers, which is what we are, with contempt will get what it deserves

The owners in question will soon enough be squealing like stuck pigs if prize money plummets further because punters put their money more and more on other sports.

Nichols and King and others know this. As do the Godolphin reps. Others not too far behind.
Clivex, not all owners are like this one as you know. If I owned a very talented horse I wouldn't dream of telling a trainer what to say and what not to - I would leave it totally to their discretion. Some trainers just prefer to say very little anyway so that there can be no misunderstandings later on. If you trust the trainer's judgement - you trust them - end of. I don't know many trainers, but I can speak from experience of certain trainers - which I thought some of you may be interested in rather than the usual crap you get from the same people about me name dropping.

I cannot see what advantage the owner would have by not allowing Ralph to reveal what happened BUT it is his/her perogative and luckily I think (hope) this is a rare case. It's all the more difficult for Ralph as it is a high profile horse entered in some prestigous races. Punters want to know what to stick their hard earned cash on. No doubt all of Ralph's comments will be analysed again post and pre race... and then some more on here whatever the result.

Just my opinion.
Fair enough Kathy. I can appreciate your points there and its natural (but not right perhaps) that the more immediate direct pressure will take precedence

Good post
I cannot see what advantage the owner would have by not allowing Ralph to reveal what happened

As I've already stated Kathy, the OWNER told the press that it was the TRAINER who didn't want any details made public, not the other way around.
Perhaps Ralph (or a member of his staff or family) did something stupid which caused the problem. As long as the horse is now fit and healthy and ready to race then that should be the main thing.

Perhaps in Ralph's case, he may have felt the urge to tell the truth (rather than tell a little white one) but just couldn't bring himself to due to the nature of the incident. I'll ask him next time I go round his house for tea and buns.:cool:
That was in no way a criticism of anybody, nor speculation on anybody's behalf, just pointing out facts.
I backed a winner today, but not by reading in on this depressing thread.

No point logging on anymore
Am I the only one that thinks it amusing as to how many people on this board Kathy is in some sort of dispute with, yet in all cases, it is the other party with the problem!
Am I the only one that thinks it amusing as to how many people on this board Kathy is in some sort of dispute with

It's not amusing. I'm starting to feel left out of the group. This forum is so cliquey... :rolleyes:

Kathy, I just wanted to officially announce that I now hate you BTW. Please make this mutual, for my sake! :D
Sorry to really drive the stake home and make you feel really worthless, trackside (and dj) - but it's not just on this board either!!!! :D
I won't be drawn into yet another slanging match. Just remember, with any new people that are currently signing up for this forum are they really going to want to start posting onto threads (any threads) when they read what some people post up. They would probably run a mile and sign up with a racing forum that treats their fellow posters with respect.

Me hate people on forums Trackside, no? What a waste of energy that would be.
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