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Ranting Nonsense Corner

If there's one thing that pisses me off, it's when I hear about normal British activities being banned in case we upset bloody ethnic minorities. My view is that if they don't like it, they can piss off back to where they came from.
Having said that, I've met hundreds and hundreds of ethnic minorities, I live very close to Southall and Asians are certainly not a minority where I live, and I'm yet to find one who objects to Christmas lights, England football shirts etc etc.
I think if someone is going to make this sort of statement it should be factually correct, and this one clearly isn't, it just gives more ammunition to the pc brigade.

I fully understand what the person who wrote it is trying to say, and I'm sure that some of it is bordering on the truth, but like I said before, if you're going to make such a statement you need to be correct with your facts, and this clearly isn't.
I'm bound to ask another question of Ardross presumedly, though I'm certain others can offer opinions. This email is clearly designed to inflame and insight on grounds of race possibly religon? By reproducing such blatant propoganda and untruths, and putting it into the public domain, with the sub title that Merlin chose, "its so true" and then attaching it to the name of Talking Horses?

I'm sure you know where I'm going with this, but this site is open to the GP as well as members we often forget this when getting wrapped up in our own little world. I'm guessing, that we've sailed in too close this time in this particular instance? I think we need to look at this kind of thing, and some of the more inflamatory posts that have been appearing recently. It's nothing to dow ith board rules etc, its potentially an issue of law? I for one would welcome a considered opinion


That's an interesting burden of prove your asking for there Ted. Beyond any reasonable doubt? No. Just so long as it "borders on the truth", or to be more precise I suspect, your understanding of what you want to believe as true.
Because its not my place to? hence why we have moderators and a solicitor amongst them. Personally, I'm happy for it to remain as a testimony to those who posted and supported it, as they must realise now they've been made to look gulliable.

Simple answer really. I don't believe its my place to start demanding the removal of threads and opinions I don't like. If they're bordering :lol: on the illegal though, thats very different.

A bit of guidance and reminders of terms of use might not be inappropriate? I don't know?. It won't me whose prosecuted, but it does return me to the idea of what Merlin was hoping to achieve? He still hasn't answered that
Originally posted by BrianH@Nov 28 2006, 06:30 PM
...............but I take things that get posted to me as sacre sanct and feel that I don’t need to investigate into it and find out from where it comes.......

Then you can pay for your penis enlargement out of the millions you're going to earn from that generous Nigerian gentleman.
BRIAN Don't need it mate the last time I looked, well blessed!! comes to mind....................... :o

It came from my brother as a matter of fact!! and for your records.......it was sent to him.

PRO yes exactly it was as stated sent to me I posted it on here... is that an offence? Its breaking no rules as far as I am concerned................

And as I stated if these items were to have been true I agreed with the answers thats not an offence either.............

Though its obviously made a few laugh as well....it was unfortunate that I was the one who posted it....... but I can assure you I am not normally that niave.........
Originally posted by Bar the Bull@Nov 28 2006, 06:40 PM
I should really stop taking the piss out of Merlin.

He has been (almost single handedly) responsible for some of the most hilarious threads I have ever read on this forum.

This post goes right up there into my all-time list.
BAR you may try and do it on here mate but, I KNOW YOU COULD NOT DO IT IF IN MY COMPANY ..... :P :lol: :lol: YOUR NO PROBLEM AT ALL MATE I CAN ASSURE YOU!!!! AN IMMATURE KID COMES TO MIND............ ;)
The intention of posting was surely to provoke a response? I think you could reasonably deduce that the response envisaged would have been one of outrage, and indeed some took the bait thus, though even my old sparring partner Clivex quickly rowed back when the penny dropped. This intended response though might easily be interpreted as incitement, especially given that the whole thing is a fabricated crock of shite. I mean, how many school kids would want to wear a West Brom shirt for crying out loud :P

That Talking Horse is being used as a proxy to pedal an American neo fascist organisations propoganada I believe could constitute a breach? Your own opinions however, I believe are different.

What would the view be for instance if the BNP posted me an electoral leaflet through my letterbox, and I re-produced extracts of their manifesto on here. Would I be information sharing by way of a general topic, or would I be securing for them a platform? I just feel people need to think a bit first, and perhaps examine what they hope to achieve.
Warbler are you now stating that its an offence to talk about different ethnic minorities.

Its not racist to post your opinions or posting something that was sent you!Yes if the BNP was to send you a bit of bumf I would not call you a supporter if you posted it on here, to highlight or discuss.

So as all can make their minds up regards the content I posted this thread and I'LL reiterate my phrases too, the answers were in my mind acceptable if the questions were to have been true, thats not a crime either.

And we must not get away from chatting about other creeds and colours, as its not an offence either or your not racist because you chat about these people, unless of course in a derogatary manner which as not been the case......


I have now deleted it as its possibly implicating others by posting their email address
> ___________________________________________________________
> Tiscali Unlimited Broadband with FREE weekend calls only 12.99!
> http://www.tiscali.co.uk/products/broadband/

Sorry if my post was alittle difficult to understand.

And why not? The BNP are bigots and Ken livingstone is a bigot. He barely hides it FFS

The far left and far right are much closer to each other than they are to the centre. They thrive on hatred and pidgeonholing of perceived enemies
Originally posted by Kathy@Nov 28 2006, 08:03 PM
Words (almost) fail me and not for the first time regarding Merlin's postings.
KATHY do me a very very very big favour the 2nd word is OFF I am sure you know the first word as your SO fond of using it, gutter language I call it or somebody who don't have the ability to converse or is lacking in basic values.....

You wont mind if I don't answer any of your post in future will you, you ought to go and use your language were you picked it up from ......ta

Originally posted by Merlin the Magician@Nov 28 2006, 08:14 PM
your SO fond of using it, gutter language I call it or somebody who don't have the ability to converse or is lacking in basic values.....


Originally posted by Merlin the Magician@Nov 28 2006, 07:54 PM
Warbler are you now stating that its an offence to talk about different ethnic minorities.

Merlin, discussion/ talk is one thing, though an appreciation of content and context is of seminal importance I'd have thought?. Under certain circumstances then yes, I do believe that is an offence, especially when it's published. That's not a personal opinion incidentally, but rather my understanding of race hate laws. Don't think of it therefore as me imposing my opinion, but rather me reflecting a concern about the technical legality of the subject matter if its presented in a certain light. I could be wrong?

From a personal view point I'm not enamoured by the morality of the forum being used as a conduit for American neo fascists. I wouldn't want it being used as a shop window for any political party, and in many respects its not too far removed from spamming which always gets people hot under the collar. Having said that, there's clearly a compromise where individuals who hold views consistant with a political party's should be allowed to articulate them from a position of advocacy. Denying them that, imo, would be wrong, and not terribly conducive to quality debate either. I suppose therefore, its the direct re-production of material, which imo, was clearly designed to inflame opinion, where the issue probably lies. If it's illegal, than I dare say Ardross or some moderator will offer an opinion in due course, all I'm doing is questioning it.

I should also say that I understand that you can post something provocative with the view to starting a discussion, indeed my (drop Scotland) thread of recent days was one such example, but at least it was backed up with a poll that I could source. Its the sort of thing that's tantamount to throwing a stone in the pool and saying discuss. A work of demonstrable fiction however, does leave you much more exposed to the allegation of incitement.
I am not against immigration, nor do I hold a grudge against anyone
> who is seeking a better life by coming to Britain.

Was this facist?

The flaky facts offended me and the tone was OTT but frankly the basic premise is one that a huge number of people in this country would totally agree with

Merlin has a slight point when he says that discussion of this issue does result in emotional response (at least i think tahts what hes saying)
would anyone here chosse to live in a country whos values they hate (saudi arabia, iran etc)? And then attack those values?

On a more basic level though, the biggest moaners ive come across (when refering to england) have been from english speaking countries.....
Originally posted by clivex@Nov 28 2006, 08:53 PM
Merlin has a slight point when he says that discussion of this issue does result in emotional response
Speaking for myself, I would respond in the same vein to a posting on any subject that was full of so much bollocks.
Warbler well its pretty obvious that we differ in some way and seem to be singing from the same song sheet but not inharmony at all......

We have had huge debates on here regards racism and what is racism? its not racist to talk about people who are black red yellow or whatever colour they were born...

I 30 months ago pointed out the ammount of immigrants that I could see coming into this country, I was on here called from my hole to my pole for pointing it out and I was deemed as being RACIST only for the national newspapers picking up on it 7 weeks later with front page headlines then the other media T-V RADIO were publishing it after the huge debate that went on here its not racist to talk about the ammount of immigrants comming here regardless of creed or colour .

I put a few in their place earlier this year by saying I went to a barbie with only 3 white people the rest were West Indian Asian etc etc drinking out of the same glasses, I was raised in this cosmopolitian city they call CARDIFF and have had black mates of both gender so how can I be racist I have family also who are Asian too....

If we take another point regards these posts, if you read the threads on here some!!! swear openly, (I can do the same but would not lower myself to post on here but I can swear I can assure you) but in the rules of the board its an offence, but nobody bothers its also an offence to call people names or make personal attacks on other board users, but that is never endorsed, only when I react to someone being personal to myself if something is aimed my way,(I dont swear either but they do and its me that gets penalised) but its usally then pointed at me as being the aggressor so how would you equate this then ??

But going back to the original post I did not post it to be ridiculed or have the piss taken out of me I posted it as a discussion point of view, I must speak as I find and I still cant see fault in it as I stated that the answers were what I would expect if the questions were those that were posted were true.

I cant see it being against board rules but if others do well yes delete it by all means......
Actually having re-read it again, theres a lot of nonsense in there

Could hardly apply to my great city and wouldnt want it too
Originally posted by clivex@Nov 28 2006, 08:53 PM
I am not against immigration, nor do I hold a grudge against anyone
> who is seeking a better life by coming to Britain.

Was this facist?

It's an insincere attempt by the author to chameleon themselves with a sense credible plausibility through denial prior to launching the thrust of the argumnent. How many people do you frequently here starting a tirade by initially denying something? It's a well trodden path

"I'm not xxxx, but......"

Surely you're taken in by this? Judge it on the whole content not the disingenious camoflague of a few lines.

It's actually not dissimlar in technique to that used by Derren Brown 'auto suggestion'. People are more receptive and hence easily duped if they are being asked to agree with something that appeases them. In essence they suspend their critical faculties in preference to trying to connect. It's no coincidence I suspect that those of you who express views of a certain leaning gulped this down, whilst those of us who don't, saw straight through it. That's not to say we're immune, and couldn't be taken by something that appeased us thus, but on this one I'm afraid, a few of you were suckered.

Just stop and imagine how dangerous this is though, in the wrong hands? You're effectively having your thoughts manipulated by the unscrupulous use of technologies and mind control techniques. You ought to be angry by it really, and its not a million miles removed from what we were discussing recently Clive. Admittedly it's not like for like, but its a pea from the same pod interms of manipulation and permitting a degree of a predictive behaviour science through a variety of technologically and media driven drip feeds, of mis-information.