Originally posted by Merlin the Magician@Nov 28 2006, 09:49 PM
Warbler you believe in what your teachings have taught you!!! Thats your perogative, But I personally think your talking shite now when posting the above if your accusing me of being the author?....
Perhaps you'd be so good as to point out where I accussed you of being the author? I think you'll find (if you do me the decency of back reading my posts) that I have happily attributed to an unnamed American neo fascist organisation on at least 2 occasions? If I were to indulge in a bit of amateur 'criminal profiling' type of activity, I'd speculate that they're a right wing Jewish American, there's a few possible pointers to this.
The first is clearly "In God We Trust" and overtly American motto as mentioned it appears on every dollar bill, and anyone with a grasp of UK culture would know it's not our motto. Anyone with a wider knowledge, would know whose it is, and where it originates.
The tiraid is also laced with heavy christian sentiment, the type of which just isn't prevalent in the UK, even amongst the British right - they don't use it as a recruiting agent, and frankly know they'd look silly if they tried. For that reason you're again thinking it's someone using their American religious zeal to try and strike a chord with an audience that it won't connect with. They clearly don't understand UK history either.
The list of languages and countries they isolate also hints at an American Jewish author. It's clearly someone out of touch with the migrant tensions in the UK. The reference to Spanish I suspect is the language rather than the country. It's no great secret that we export more population to live in Spain than we receive. The Americans by contrast have an influx of migrant hispanics, hence them appearing foremost on the list I suspect. Russia and Japan are self explanatory given the history of 20th century conflicts. No British author would cite either country I feel? China is an emerging threat to the States, but isn't one that's necessarily going to set the British blood boiling either. And Lebanese? urm..... A strange one to include I'd have thought? Why? I don't think the Lebanese figure too highly on most people's lists as a perceived threat, other than one country, and their principal bank roller by proxy.
Anyone who was British and wanted to plug into national hostility would have gone down the German, and French route (for language and historical purposes) and then Eastern Europe (for contemporary nationalist tensions) then throw in a few Kosovans, Somali's and the odd Asian Commonwealth country and you're much more likely to hit a nerve with your intended victim.
Now I don't believe I ever said you were author, but clearly the poster. They are in this case, mutually exclusive. To be honest I think you'd have been hard pressed to compose something like this, as you'd clearly have had to adopt an American perspective.