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Ranting Nonsense Corner

Originally posted by BrianH+Nov 28 2006, 08:59 PM--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (BrianH @ Nov 28 2006, 08:59 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> <!--QuoteBegin-clivex@Nov 28 2006, 08:53 PM
Merlin has a slight point when he says that discussion of this issue does result in emotional response
Speaking for myself, I would respond in the same vein to a posting on any subject that was full of so much bollocks. [/b][/quote]
by the way the DVLA ....DO....have an office in BIRMINGHAM so please don't get in to telling porkies...it deals with all aspects of the transport licencing act, the same as another 12 app offices spread amongst the land.

remembering, I have not I have posted something that was sent me..............

But yes I doubt very much that someone with a face cover would have a photo taken to go on a licence, that is so absurb........... :rolleyes:
It's an insincere attempt by the author to chameleon themselves with a sense credible plausibility through denial prior to launching the thrust of the argumnent. How many people do you frequently here starting a tirade by initially denying something? It's a well trodden path

Warbler you believe in what your teachings have taught you!!! Thats your perogative, But I personally think your talking shite now when posting the above if your accusing me of being the author?....

I remember a debate on GAYS on here, and someone posted the same... what utter rubbish and shite...... that is just a charade in which to stifle free speech. :rolleyes:

And if you have not already gathered I am a bastion of free speech................ :rolleyes:
The post said Birmingham Council though. They might issue leisure passes, but they don't issue driving licences. Any more than cancelling christmas would be tantamount to a political own goal that no local authority would risk. This business of "In God We Trust" being our national motto was the clincher for me. Initially I thought it was some meat head, with their facts all wrong and a low enough an IQ not to realise the stupidity of what they were saying. You might excuse it through ignorance and confusion also etc but taking the American motto, immediately made me suspicious of some other more cynical and organised agenda.

I don't in fairness see that there's anywhere to go with it any further. Some of you were fooled because it chimed with you, others appear a tad embarrassed that someone took the piss out of you so comprehensively and you didn't see it, and one of you doesn't seem to think it matters because it was borderline truth.

I suppose in the final equation after reflection, we ought to be grateful to Merlin for giving us the opportunity to de-bunk this nonesense, otherwise its the sort of thing that probably sails around unchallenged
Merlin, if you are going to call Brian Hartigan a liar or accuse him of "telling porkies", just go and read what he actually put. I think he was talking about the Birmingham Council having nothing to do with the issuing of driving licences I can't find anywhere in the possibly rascist e.mail you posted where it mentions that the DVLA have an office in Birmingham. Please point it out if you can find it.

This whole thread has blown up because you said in the title "its so true" having (presumably) not actually read the e.mail (or you did and you agreed with it) then you happily then posted on a public forum.

An important lesson here to be learnt I think - but I doubt it somehow.

Of course, please also feel free to completely ignore typing a response to me but perhaps an apology to Brian Hartigan may be required in due course.
Originally posted by Merlin the Magician@Nov 28 2006, 09:49 PM
:o Warbler you believe in what your teachings have taught you!!! Thats your perogative, But I personally think your talking shite now when posting the above if your accusing me of being the author?....

Perhaps you'd be so good as to point out where I accussed you of being the author? I think you'll find (if you do me the decency of back reading my posts) that I have happily attributed to an unnamed American neo fascist organisation on at least 2 occasions? If I were to indulge in a bit of amateur 'criminal profiling' type of activity, I'd speculate that they're a right wing Jewish American, there's a few possible pointers to this.

The first is clearly "In God We Trust" and overtly American motto as mentioned it appears on every dollar bill, and anyone with a grasp of UK culture would know it's not our motto. Anyone with a wider knowledge, would know whose it is, and where it originates.

The tiraid is also laced with heavy christian sentiment, the type of which just isn't prevalent in the UK, even amongst the British right - they don't use it as a recruiting agent, and frankly know they'd look silly if they tried. For that reason you're again thinking it's someone using their American religious zeal to try and strike a chord with an audience that it won't connect with. They clearly don't understand UK history either.

The list of languages and countries they isolate also hints at an American Jewish author. It's clearly someone out of touch with the migrant tensions in the UK. The reference to Spanish I suspect is the language rather than the country. It's no great secret that we export more population to live in Spain than we receive. The Americans by contrast have an influx of migrant hispanics, hence them appearing foremost on the list I suspect. Russia and Japan are self explanatory given the history of 20th century conflicts. No British author would cite either country I feel? China is an emerging threat to the States, but isn't one that's necessarily going to set the British blood boiling either. And Lebanese? urm..... A strange one to include I'd have thought? Why? I don't think the Lebanese figure too highly on most people's lists as a perceived threat, other than one country, and their principal bank roller by proxy.

Anyone who was British and wanted to plug into national hostility would have gone down the German, and French route (for language and historical purposes) and then Eastern Europe (for contemporary nationalist tensions) then throw in a few Kosovans, Somali's and the odd Asian Commonwealth country and you're much more likely to hit a nerve with your intended victim.

Now I don't believe I ever said you were author, but clearly the poster. They are in this case, mutually exclusive. To be honest I think you'd have been hard pressed to compose something like this, as you'd clearly have had to adopt an American perspective.
Warbler sorry mate, I actually thought you were pointing a finger at me, please accept my humblest of apologies............. ;)

I don't think I'll post anymore on this thread as its taken its course me thinks, and outsiders are trying to shite stir so with regrets I am closing on this now...

Yes there really were a few howlers posted in that email and yes maybe I should have read it a few times and digested the content, but we cant ALL be perfect can we??????? :lol: :rolleyes:
It is borderline truth Warbler.
A large number of people are completely fed up with being told what they can and can't do in case they upset minorities, and you can put me at the top of that list.
Melendez, over the years I have seen hundreds of reports of normal activities being banned in case it upset some religous or ethnic group.
If I searched hard enough I could come up with hundreds of examples, but life's too short, so here's just two.

Example one

Example two
The religous hatred bill was a clear step in that direction

Personally I would make it compulsory to hate most religions but the bill was a disgraceful sop to those minorities who are intent on stealthily restricting freedoms in the name of their poxy so called beliefs

Just like fat useless lardo Hattersley defence of the fatwa against a novelist (FOR WRITING A BOOK FFS), this was a creeping turning back of the tide of liberation

The sikhs and christians protesting at plays THEY DO NOT HAVE TO WATCH, nearly as bad

If we want our freedoms maintained then we have to take up against this crap (like the french and the dutch have learnt to do), because the intentions of many "minorities" is to impose their will (which are usually based on violence, sexual repression, misoginy, homophobia, racism, the list goes on...) on the rest of us

Secularism must crush religous facism. Secularism works. religions fail

These are just examples of people acting daft.

This has the whiff of the pot noodle advertising campaign about it.

Again what do YOU want to do that you are prevented from doing for fear of upsetting minorities.
Absolutely Gareth

Fortunately the church of england is a gentle beast (and pretty admirable in its own quiet liberal way) but religous beliefs are to me strictly a personal matter and in no way should any one sects beliefs be imposed upon another

except for bank holidays....
I'd agree with that a complete separation too. Thing is, that would probably lead me to support the principle behind a state-run institution like a library disallowing the promotion of religious services on its message board.
Yes, let's all laugh at people who wear turbans and have to put up with abuse like that.
Originally posted by Merlin the Magician@Nov 28 2006, 09:33 PM

by the way the DVLA ....DO....have an office in BIRMINGHAM so please don't get in to telling porkies...it deals with all aspects of the transport licencing act, the same as another 12 app offices spread amongst the land.

The DVLA do have an office in Birmingham along with 39 other local offices. All will take driving licence applications from you but none of them are processed there, they are all processed at DVLA Swansea.
Sorry Melendez, what do I want to do that I am prevented from doing in case it upsets minorities? Absolutely nothing, but I do think we as a society should be careful that we don't go down the road of banning normal activities for fear of upsetting certain minority religous or ethnic groups.
Like you say, the examples I have given are of people acting daft, but I don't think we should allow this to become acceptable. These lunatics should be told where to get off.
Not sure the first example is at all daft? an eminently sensible position for Buckinghamshire County Council to adopt I'd have said? You can go one of two ways;

A} Allow every political/ religious/ or interest group to use you as a platform equally ..... or....
B} Allow none of them to use you equally

Believe me, B is the much easier to manage and resolve. Lets be honest, the Church of England is a substantially bigger land owner than any County Council, the fact that they're having to piggy back other peoples facilities to publicise their programmes says much about the attraction and attendance of their own buildings.

The second example I'll try and explain, as I'd be pretty damn certain I know exactly how it occured (or at least aspects of it).

It's clearly the result of an individual, possibly supported by a sub-ordinate acolyte who's launched a largely unilateral action against a back drop of probable despondancy and apathy. There's a pretty good chance this involved a small 'sub group' tasked with overseeing something which 90% of the attendants (provided they turned up for meetings) weren't the slightest bit interested in, as it wasn't their brief really, and they were thus tagged onto it in the name of 'joined up working'. The chances are this person (in my experience often an Alpha Female, but not necessarily a given) has got particularly passionate about subject which no one else was terribly bothered about, and somewhere along the line they've slipped it through. The fact that the Councillor's didn't seem to know about it until it hit the press, tells me that it was never reported at the appropriate Scrutiny, Cabinet, Exec Board or Area Committee, which again leads me to deduce it wasn't viewed as very important to anyone, (bar one loose canon), for whom Christmas decorations is possibly their raison d'etre.

You'll be pleased to know Ted, that PC has actually been in retreat in Local Authorities now for about 5 or 6 years. It served a purpose once upon a time, in so far as it taught us to think about our use of language, and with that it helped foster a sense thoughtfulness for others and consideration in the name tolerance and equality. There was a time however where it became officiously dogmatic but today this is largely in the mythical imagination and hysterically exaggerated reporting of the media, who whoop things up out of context, and wantonly mis-reoprt too.

If there's one thing this thread should have underlined for some of you, its the danger of relying on alleged press/ media reports as being beyond reproach with regard to their accuracy and good intent
An 'Alpha Female' - oi! You leave us wimminfolk outta this, Warbler! The shit the world's in right now is down to your gender's testosterone-ridden ego, not mine, matey! :angy:
Couldn't resist when I saw your name appear as viewing the thread. Welcome back Kriz.

I have to say though, its bloody true (and frightening at times) in my experience. :D The path of least resistance that leads to the easy life of a lunch time pint, and a chance to escape the days drivel, is to just agree and hope know one notices. If they do, then you deny everything, (its called rule 1) and then blame everyone else (rule 2).

I think it has its roots in petty personal mandates and a desire to impose control of what I by and large regard as 'non issues'. Or to put it another way....

Local Authroity debates frequently produce the most fierce of arguments, because the stakes are so low.

Actually, can some one take Kriz's post and put in a forum time capsule please, due to possibly re-surface around January 2009? :brows:
You are a naughty young man, Warbs. If you are going to be a little pranker and annoy Auntie like that, I'll have to reduce your pocket money. I wouldn't mind all of me being put into a time capsule, and sent back to 1978, if anyone can manage it? Pretty nice year, that - wouldn't mind revisiting.

PS: nice change of topic title: c'mon, 'fess up - who changed it? B)