Remounting banned

That year, it was lashing down and they all got very wet and muddy so they slipped off their saddles as much as anything.
You've said that before Sara, but the notion that slippery saddles was a primary cause of the carnage in Red Marauder's National needs to be challenged. While rain was partly to blame, it was more the difficulty of jumping out of heavy ground that saw plenty of early fallers, but it was the work of Paddy's Return at and after the Canal Turn that truly decimated the field.
No DJ - I havent watched the race at all,so cant comment on it.(though Ive met many an equine monkey in my time!!) Im just getting heartily fed up of people thinking that you have to be able to ride to be allowed any form of comment on a horse/jockeys performance.Its the biggest load of baloney on the forums at the moment (well - almost!!) as I know there are many fine judges of horsemanship and race riding, who have never set arse on saddle.
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No DJ - I havent watched the race at all,so cant comment on it.(though Ive met many an equine monkey in my time!!) Im just getting heartily fed up of people thinking that you have to be able to ride to be allowed any form of comment on a horse/jockeys performance.Its the biggest load of baloney on the forums at the moment (well - almost!!) as I know there are many fine judges of horsemanship and race riding, who have never set arse on saddle.

Well said.
Particle was anything but a tired horse. Look at the jump at the second last, he didn't touch a twing. He dogged it furiously and any other suggestion is laughable.

Are you sure you mean "anything but tired"? 'cos he is some horse if they ever get his attitude sorted if he was'nt tired at the last fence in a 3m1 1/2f race.

He looked a bit tired to me.
I won't keep going on about because my mind is made up, but look at his jump at the second last, he looks like Fondmort when he won the Tripleprint. The commentator suggests coming to the second last that Particle 'is beginning to idle badly' and the jockey was presumably of the opinion that it wasn't lack of energy affecting Partcle's capability to go forward after the second last as he used the stick on him 13 times between the second last and the last.
I won't keep on either, it's all about opinions after all this game but it was the frequency of the stick use that I have a problem with, I suppose it could have looked worse than it was in terms of actually hurting the horse but there you go.
Hi bloodnok

Apologies if it looks like I was trying to have the last word by beginning my post with 'I won't keep going on about it'. It wasn't my intention.
I'm not really understanding this talking in riddles lark. Are you saying trudij that you think Particle refused because he was tired?

No, I'd guess that she may be inferring that Headstrong is talking bullshit. Which is what I think, anyway. Doing a bit of happy hacking thirty years ago makes you an expert on raceriding; not bloody likely.
Let's not end up in the gutter. We all have opinions and those should be respected, whether you think they are right or wrong.

On the remounting today, as you know, I'm for the remounting ban (as Gal points out, it is the art of jumping that we are ultimately accessing) unless at the last and that horse that fell at the second last could easily have done more harm at the last if it fell again or was injured at the second last. If it came down at the last, I'd have been gutted as an owner to miss out on a thousand quid if the horse looks fine and just has to walk up to the line.
Let's not end up in the gutter. We all have opinions and those should be respected, whether you think they are right or wrong.

Completely agree. Its not the opinion that has finally made me pipe up though - its the regular insistance by some, that if you dont ride (or havent ever!) your opinion on a performance is not valid. (which is, as many people prove time and again - a load of bollocks.... (imo!)
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Interestingly enough, as I suspected it might, the unseating of Choc Thornton from Sir Harry Ormesher at Kempton on Monday caused consternation amongst the hacks. The following day at Exeter, having opined in the press room about what a load of bollocks the new rule was, and having rubbished the views of a fellow press colleague who rides every day and is a horseman, one of the said hacks set out to seek Choc Thornton to obtain his view, no doubt damning the new rule. Choc, it is said, refused to damn the new rule and said that whether or not the new rule had been in place, he would not have re-mounted Sir Harry Ormesher anyway! So much for the hacks and their all-seeing knowledge.....
Matt Chapman made a complete arse of himself (again), in my opinion, when referring to this rule when two fell off at the last in a race at Towcester. The fact that the jocks were still on the floor as the two horses ran off and that they had no chance of even holding on to the horses let alone remounting them seemed to have escaped him. He opined that as spectators we were deprived of the excitement of the remount.

His "arseness" knows no bounds.
Matt Chapman made a complete arse of himself (again), in my opinion, when referring to this rule when two fell off at the last in a race at Towcester. The fact that the jocks were still on the floor as the two horses ran off and that they had no chance of even holding on to the horses let alone remounting them seemed to have escaped him. He opined that as spectators we were deprived of the excitement of the remount.

His "arseness" knows no bounds.

Yes and I'd imagine the jocks where just pleased all their body parts where still attached it could have been a nasty one.
As far as I know remounting is still allowed in Ireland, is that correct?

I ask because Gary O'Brien rather oddly said the other day on ATR that he was sure he had seen somewhere that it had been banned.

Surely it would have been widely publicised if it had and how difficult would it be for Gary to find out for sure? Couldn't he just ask a steward?
Thanks Luke, I never knew that. Must have missed it when it was announced on ATR and appeared in the Racing Post.