Rest of the Arc card

Why do I always think Colour Vision is chestnut? Which Godolphin horse must I be confusing him with?
I intended to back Saddlers Rock but got busy doing something and missed the start, so finally a little luck on a crap day.
Charles Charlet on RUK as good as went through the card, the Silver Fox; not that I was taking heed.
Delighted for Tom Hogan; we had Espartano with him a few years back and he is a grand fellow; great company and a bit like Arthur Daly in Minder. More power to him.
Any wonder Naas is known as the punters' graveyard with races like that!
Signs on when Viztoria wins a maiden by 71/2 lengths there that she must be some tool.
P.S. Will someone pls bring Orotorio back from India or wherever he is gone!
Any wonder Naas is known as the punters' graveyard with races like that!
Signs on when Viztoria wins a maiden by 71/2 lengths there that she must be some tool.
P.S. Will someone pls bring Orotorio back from India or wherever he is gone!

Oratorio is in oz, still with Coolmore just no longer shuttles back to the Northern hemisphere.
Ha ha sorry Simmo but that has made me feel slightly better!!!!

I managed to back Molly Malone for a couple of quid which slightly offset a nightmade day for me.... Looks like you had it worse...

You have to take solace in the fact that it was nearly a great day's punting. Picking seconds hurts but at least you're not picking back markers.

This is true. Although it was also punctuated by such clangers as "I can't be arsed looking at any more horses, I've already found the winner of this one", whilst the form page was open at Ridasiyna.


"Well got it down to Penitent or Gordon Lord Byron - think I'll back them both". Then failing to do so.
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By Racing Post trainers list T Hogan ran just 4 horses on the flat this season.
2 winners. For a guy who had upwards of 80 horses 5 years ago it is great he got this one, even if by chance.

This highlights how important the buying of stock is for any trainer.

Great news for the guy and he's been a terrific horse this year.