Retirements & Departures 2011

The chestnut struggling on the ground had a front leg caught up in the risen bay horse's reins, Blazer. Was that GAMEDA? It looked at first as if he was injured, but the jockeys were racing over to try and release him from the rein. What a pile-up - about six caught up in that all told?
SUSIE VAN HALL just went very wrong in the Mares Beginners Ch at Limerick - PU and limping badly, so if she is saveable, I would imagine she'll be retired from any further attempts.
No Kri.I saw that,Gamede was pulled up sharply down the back & dismounted quickly.

Susie Van Hall at Limerick also looked to have a problem after jumping one down the back just then. Lots & lots of nasty falls today.
Oh, sorry, then, Blazers, missed seeing what happened to GAMEDA. It's been a helluva day for hitting the deck - I'm hoping the horses have all survived them, even though it may be there have been some career-finishing injuries not associated with actual crashes. Also hope the jockeys are all okay - coming down in the middle of horses is no joke.
Gary O'Brien's just confirmed both GAMEDE and CELTIC FOLKLORE as fatalities at Leopardstown today. Sorry, BW - your spot was, sadly, correct.
Yes, when I was originally trying to find a pointing site, I was surprised to come up with some in the US. Really didn't think they were much into that, or hunting with hounds, but they do that, too.

They do both - I hunt with the Woodford in the US and have been to a few points over there too
You mean one that has retired, and doesn't die of an illness, Granger? I'd say that most should see out 20, some to 26, but by the time they've hit that, they're often being pts due to arthritis or other infirmity - something which is affecting the quality of their life. Batting on to 30 would'nt be extreme for an Arabian or a Shetland Pony, for example, as they are famously strong-constituted. Arthritis is the usual crippler of old horses, unfortunately, rather than something more dramatic. They can be given drugs to help their pain, of course, but as there aren't hip and knee replacements for them like us, sometimes there are too many painful sites and the drug levels would themselves be damaging (to organs like the liver, for example).