RIP Ginger

Well he had some life! As well as his own feats he witnessed his own son saddling the winner of his favourite race - you can't get much better than that.
Old school. Aintree specialist and certainly a character... He's had a fuller life than most. He'll be remembered.
The word legend is used a little too frequently these days, but in this instance it is rightly so. RIP to one of racings great characters.
I wonder if we'll ever get a story like the Red Rum/Ginger McCain one in racing? Tend to forget that trainers like Ginger and Jenny Pitman had to fight to get to the top.
Racing has a way of throwing up such heroes. It’s a thankless task which is basically about failure… getting one to post is an achievement in itself. When things go successfully to plan it’s a story worth telling.

Oh, just picked that news up on here. Always looked a big, bluff character - have no idea what he was 'really' like other than looking cheerful on telly and in one of the earlier home interviews with his son (before the take-over), seemed to have a good, joshing sort of relationship with his lad. If for nothing else, we racing nuts should salute him for producing Rummy!
Why has no one made a film about him a la Seabiscuit or Phar Lap? Hopdefully there will be the sort of news coverage that will make a lot of people realise how special a race the Grand National was, and still is. I bet when it's on the news tonight there will be very few people in this country that don't know of Ginger and Red Rum. What a legacy.
Moe, seems you've got to be dead before you can be immortalized in film, so I dare say someone will be readying a crew for just such a memorial. Which horse will play Rummy?
'Old school' would be the polite way to describe Ginger and I didn't really warm to him, particularly in latter years, but his exploits with Red Rum is the stuff of legend and fairytales that will not and should not ever be forgotten.

His lasting legacy may well prove to be Donald Junior, a fella I've a lot of time for both as man and trainer

RIP Donald Senior, you old curmudgeon :)
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Met the old feller once at Aintree when he was signing the book "Red Rum" so availed myself of a copy, at least the last Grand National he attended was a winning one for the stable.
I suppose it would have to be - but they could show Rummy's own victories on old film, then cut to his double, like they did for the PHAR LAP film (where I thought the body double was quite impressive!). Nice tributes going up on the RP site. Crumbs, he didn't suffer his cancer for any time at all, by the sounds of it (thank God) - just a couple of weeks.
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Ginger was one of the factors that kept the great race alive in my book. NH racing needs such characters. So long old son.
:lol::lol::lol: Funniest comeback of the week!

Oh, yes, if horses were actors?

KAUTO STAR - Pierce Brosnan or George Clooney. Assured, confident, damn good-looking. DENMAN - Ray Winstone, bruiser.
ZENYATTA - Meryl Streep. She's tall, she's big, she's right out there.
GOLDIKOVA - Juliette Binoche. That French insouciance!
When I had my first winner as an owner it was Ginger McCain who presented us with the prize - Lovely bloke. I would describe him as a salt of the earth type who didn't mince his words but in this age of the politically correct I liked that about him.

RIP Ginger.