Rsa Chase

Originally posted by useful@Feb 22 2008, 01:28 PM
Hobbs Hill is now 26s to back on Betfair (good news Grasshopper) but still 100/150 for peanuts to lay - bad news Grasshopper (I am presuming you had more than 2 squid on - a man of you claibre and means???)
Useful, the quote from your 'very reliable source'..............the purchase by McManus................the apparently conflicting reports about whether he runs in the RSA Chase or not......................these things matter not a jot to me, and have no bearing whatsoever on why I struck the bet in the first place. I have already recounted my reasons for placing the bet, and have no intention of boring everyone's jugs off by repeating it. I am not asking you, or anyone else, to follow me in, so I fail to understand why you continue to rattle on about it.

Perhaps you could enlighten me as to why you have a bug up your chorus about this particular bet? It couldn't be that your earlier assertion that we are all pals now was, in fact, a falsehood, and that your perseverance here is merely to get a rise out of me?

If it is, you are wasting your time. You got me to bite once - and I doff my cap to you for a most excellent piece of trolling - but I am in a more serene place now, and can assure that any further attempts are doomed to failure.

All that aside, you clearly have an 'in' at the Egerton or McManus operations, and are suirely therefore a man of high calibre and means yourself. I doubt I would be able to compete.

Your old mucker
No "bug up my chorus" Grasshopper, just looking out for you. Best off luck.

I have taken this "off line" and PMd you. Dont worry, its nice - not that I am ever offensive!
If you had as much of an "in" to the Egerton yard as you seem to be claiming, useful, you would be well aware that Edgy will no doubt have not only changed his mind on the horse's future targets four times a day, but still be trying to work out what is best for the horse. That is precisely why he will have left him in the RSA, to keep his options open were he to change his mind.

Of course the change of owners could well have a large influence on whether he runs at the Festival, and in which race.
Shadow I am merely stating what I have been told. It is not my business to come onto any forum and lie, and also not my intention to claim to be "in" with the yard.

All will become clearer in March I am sure. In the meantime feel free to avail yourself of some of the 26s on Betfair - but dont say you were not warned.
rory dont try and drag this down into something so childish.

As per my post just now, I am not claiming to be "in" with anybody. And certainly not claiming to be more in with a trainer than somebody else on here.

Equally I have not lied in what have said in any of my previous posts.

This is not a competition. It was a genuine attempt to give somebody a steer - and I have PMd that person and we are sound. So try and be a bit more gorwn up Rory please, and stop trying to casue friction between me and other forumites.
I didn't say you were lying - merely pointing out that if you knew Edgy or the way he operates at all you would know that nothing is certain until the animal is or is not declared for a race. Hell, make that on the lorry on the way to the track!

If he were that determined to not run the horse he would have taken it out of the RSA at the forfeit stage. As it is, he wants to keep his options open - and I'm sure the animal's new owners will have a big say in its running plans.

"Don't say you weren't warned"?! Wtf is that condescending rubbish all about?! We're all adults on here with our own minds - some of us are even capable of coherent thought patterns and making up our own minds for ourselves!
Actually here's a thought for you useful - since you're so convinced that Hobbs Hill won't be running in the RSA, why don't you lay the 'peanuts' being asked for on Betfair? It'd be like picking it up off the floor, wouldn't it?
I would imagine given whop has bought the horse it will now be more than likely to run in the RSA, no matter what others might be running in the same colours
I have it in the back of my mind that McManus said, years back, he doesn't like running his horses in the Sun Alliance.
Interesting, I don't remember that [tho I do know Fred Winter hated running horses in the novice events at the Festival esp the Triumph]
Originally posted by Shadow Leader@Feb 22 2008, 08:32 PM
If you had as much of an "in" to the Egerton yard as you seem to be claiming, useful
Shadow, if this is not an accusation of "lying" it certainly reads as an implication that I am making claims that are untrue.

Also, I wasn't being condescending, I was merely stating what I was told, and linking this to a thread where the prospects of the horse's participation in the RSA was being discussed. One poster had advised us he had backed the horse and I wanted him to be aware of what I had been told.

I don;t see how that is in any way condescending.

It is obvious you are very well connected in the sport, and that you have close links with the Egerton yard.

That does not mean to say nobody else in the world has any links with people who may have conncetions with the same yard does it? My link is not direct and through a friend of a friend. Does that make it any less valid?

Take a chill pill!