RUK Lambasts Trainers/Jockeys


At the Start
May 2, 2003
Watching RUK's coverage this morning and they have ripped into the likes of O'Brien, Stoute, the jockeys at Epsom yesterday etc for their attitude and help so far at Epsom.

Stoute and Ryan Moore did not turn up for the after race press conference for their win in the Coronation Cup and the new sponsors (Investec) were reportidly not impressed one bit.

RUK had asked numerous jockeys to come out for interviews in "Mark Your Card" yesterday and not one of them came out giving various excuses. Hayley Turner "The Face Of Epsom" turned down an interview much to Lydia's distaste.

David Yates praised Oxx and Bell for all the help they have been but had a go at O'Brien for his comments since the Breakfast Morning at Epsom - i.e. virutally the same thing about every horse and learning nothing new. He also layed into the head of the trainers and jockeys associations regarding their attitudes.

Mottershead implied that yesterdays no show by Stoute and Moore really went down poorly with the new sponsors and that they spoke to the "right people" in the BHA. Now with Mottershead you have to take things with a pinch of salt but he was under the impression that BHA genuinely took these complaints from the sponsors on board (considering it took Epsom so long to get a sponsor in the first place!) and that measures will be taken or looked at in the trainers/jockey license terms in order to almost force their hand with the media.

Yates and Hislop clearly were aching to get this off their chests and they have alot of merit to the arguement.
Completely agree with them, hardly helps the sport improve its image when the top performers don't seem bothered about talking to the media. Just makes it look even more backward and insular.

Moore is absolutely shocking with the media.
As a big O'Brien supporter I don't think the last week has been his finest either. I dont mind them leaving the jockey decision to late but a few differing sound bites or opinions on his runners other than "coming forward" for each of them would have been much preferable.
Ryan Moore in particular is an appalling ambassador for racing and I wonder if the BHA need to introduce some kind of system by way of a code of conduct which would cover 'bringing the sport into disrepute' and start penalising him.

Journos are notoriously self-regarding mind you, and tend to go OTT when someone doesn't help make their job easier for them, and they can go 'off on one' out of all proportion to the offence. There's one particularly hysterical example I can think of from the world of politics, that they ran with for about 2 weeks. It wasn't that Ken Livingstone had compared someone to a nazi prison camp commandant, but as just about every piece of copy written on the subject kept reminding us (day after day), he'd a compared a journalist to a commandant (as if it some how made the alleged offence infinately more grievous). It's one thing to compare a member of the public etc, but to compare a journalist!!!! shock horror!!! how dare he!!! It's a journalist!!!! not a normal person, but a journalist you understand.

It's a fair point though at a time when the BHA are trying to promote the sport and introduce new customers to it. Clare Balding did a sterling job filling yesterday and trying to describe the 'experience'. To his credit (even if he's not very good at it, or even the right person to do it) Deadly Derek Thompson is another who never misses the chance to implore people to attend. In this respect the journos are light years ahead of the participants in promoting the sport.

Racing is an insular and arrogant world for the most part, and jockeys wouldn't be the most intelligent and articulate of sports people anyway. To no small extent they've probably been brought up to believe that they don't have any obligation beyond that of the owners, and can't see that they have a role to play outside of riding horses. Footballers despite seemingly having a comparable celebral capacity as jockeys, are contractually bound to the sponsors to give interviews, even if they're banal for the most part. Even red nosed Fergusson has to observe a few words during in half-time of Champions league matches, though he's clearly irritated to be doing so, and keeps it as quick as he can. Athletes, rowers, and boxers who are fighting for the breath, and in some cases being sick on the track, give interviews immediately after performing feats that require greater physical exertion than riding a horse. For what ever reason, jockeys don't seem to think they need to, and that they're above it. I'm sure its roots are in some old fashioned idea that racing belongs to an elite group of insiders and after that they needn't consider anyone else or a wider picture etc

Some of them are decent of course. Dettori seems to recognise that he has a wider responsibility to the public and the sport and that the media is a double edged sword that needs to be used. Both of the Hills boys always come across as courteous and polite. Others are petulant like Moore, where as others like Walsh and Fallon seem to permanently snarl (which is no bad thing in terms of generating personalities and interest)

Turner if she's been prepared to take the position of 'face of the Derby' (what ever shite this is?) should have obliged. For what ever reason, she's calculated its in her interests to perform as a clothes horse and must realise that with this dubious role comes some responsibilities. My God, she was quick enough to jump into the commentary booth at Chester to remind us who she is, and use the media to tacitly tell the world how unfairly she's being treated.

I can only assume it has something to do with being 'in' as Balding (Ryan Moore apart) doesn't seem to have too much difficulty getting interviews.

Personally I'd like to see the BHA introduce a code of conduct and start penalising the likes of Ryan Moore with bans for not fulfilling obligations in a professional and appropriate manner to race sponsors, and to then role this out to the media within different parameters of course.

Are these the same people who moan about not enough prize money being available in racing incidentally and organise boycotts at Yarmouth?
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I have to agree with all of the above. Flat racings show piece should not have any media problems. I can understand why some trainers/jocks might get a little pissed off with all the media attention during a year but they have to realise they have no choice when it comes to certain key meetings. They are the shop window and common sense would tell you if you put up blinds on your shop window, you can't sell your product to the passing public. Terrible.
What really came through was the anger and frustation in the tones of Hislop and Yates...they just seemed so exasperated.
Terrible for the sponsors too. I think it was touch and go about whether they would sponsor or not and you'd think Epsom would make bloody sure they were happy. Can't believe the ignorance of some trainers/jocks. As always, John Oxx a gentlemen. He paid us a visit one year in college to give a chat. The time he had Timarida and Ridgewood Pearl and gave his time free gratis. A gent.
Indeed. The NH crowd seems to be a whole lot more accessible, even if they are, from time to time, monosyllabic/grumpy/misleading/outspoken/nutty as a fruitcake (delete according to punter's/forumite's/television viewer's specific gripe .. :D)
One only has to consider the help given by Nicholls/King/Mullins every weekend to see how poorly most of the top Flat trainers are.
I thought it was supeb stuff from lydia and co and the arrogance of so many in racing needs to be severely punctured very quickly indeed

I agree about the NH brigade being far better.

The best of the flat trainers is Gosden who is always interesting and informative.
Its the institutional bullying that stops people talking and in some quarters they'll resort to anything to prevent the truth or opinions being formed. Sadly racing is doing it to itself and still lives in another century. That's why it will never be classed as a true sport when it comes to the race and only the sport of kings. The jockey's know if they talk openly they get crap or no rides. I'd say it's the licencing that does it as this stops true talent in all spheres from stable lad to jockey and trainer. Lets face it what other sport requires a licence!

The inside information rule has also had an effect - Give opinion you lose your licence or job!

The BHA killed feedom of speech.
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Its the institutional bullying that stops people talking and in some quarters they'll resort to anything to prevent the truth or opinions being formed. Sadly racing is doing it to itself and still lives in another century. That's why it will never be classed as a true sport, when it comes to the race and only the sport of kings. The jockey's know if they talk openly they get crap or no rides. I'd say it's the licencing that does it as this stops true talent in all spheres from stable lad to jockey and trainer. Lets face it what other sport requires a licence!

Well the license is a must for obvious reasons but it also gives the BHA to have some control over how they want trainers/jockeys to act in future...assuming of course they have the back bone to stand up to them. I take on board what you are saying Toobe.
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What really came through was the anger and frustation in the tones of Hislop and Yates...they just seemed so exasperated.

Oh Yates is always giving out about something or another - I cannot take anything he says seriously I'm afraid. Lydia too seems to be making bit of a habit of finding something to moan about every week as well.

I'm sorry but I don't see why trainers and jockeys are lambasted for not wanting to chat constantly to journalists or give interviews; they don't have to provide the information the media are always clamouring for. It is the owner's prerogative to be the first person to hear any information or news about their horses and not hear it third hand because someone heard it being trumpeted on RUK. Not to mention that plenty of owners/trainers/jockeys don't want the world to know everything about their horses, especially owners who are the ones who stump up for the bills! They have a right to keep some things private!

That's completely aside from the fact that too many journalists are so desperate to hear long interviews/press conferences because they want the interviewee to write their articles for them through filling it up with quotes rather than having to write much else.
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Oh Yates is always giving out about something or another - I cannot take anything he says seriously I'm afraid. Lydia too seems to be making bit of a habit of finding something to moan about every week as well.

I'm sorry but I don't see why trainers and jockeys are lambasted for not wanting to chat constantly to journalists or give interviews; they don't have to provide the information the media are always clamouring for. It is the owner's prerogative to be the first person to hear any information or news about their horses and not hear it third hand because someone heard it being trumpeted on RUK. Not to mention that plenty of owners/trainers/jockeys don't want the world to know everything about their horses, especially owners who are the ones who stump up for the bills! They have a right to keep some things private!

That's completely aside from the fact that too many journalists are so desperate to hear long interviews/press conferences because they want the interviewee to write their articles for them through filling it up with quotes rather than having to write much else.

Don't you think it's important for trainers and jockeys to be polite and open to the media on big race days when the world and his wife are watching? If I'd been watching a sport I had little interest in but was keen to get a handle on and the Champion Jockey and Trainer didn't give an interview, I'd wonder what the bloody hell was going on.

Racing is stuck in the dark ages and will continue to be so whilst it's top brass are so bloody ignorant. Warbler hits the nail on the head with his post, particularly his fourth paragraph which wouldn't look out of place in a Lydia Hislop newspaper column. :p
Lydia too seems to be making bit of a habit of finding something to moan about every week as well.

The words pot and kettle come to mind Shadow Leader!

I don't see why trainers and jockeys are lambasted for not wanting to chat constantly to journalists or give interviews

Constantly? On the weekend of two the worlds major classics they couldnt bother their arse to come out and talk about the mounts? The "Face Of Epsom" did not feel about talking about the meeting? You think that is acceptable?

It is the owner's prerogative to be the first person to hear any information or news about their horses and not hear it third hand because someone heard it being trumpeted on RUK

Who wanted Johnny Murtagh, Richard Hills, Ryan Moore etc to say anything that their connections/owners dont know? You seem to be confusing this with jockeys been interviewed straight after the race before the owners get the news.

Not to mention that plenty of owners/trainers/jockeys don't want the world to know everything about their horses, especially owners who are the ones who stump up for the bills!

I presume these same owners are happy to take the money stumped up by the sponsors of the race who do so to get as much publicity as possible for the race? If you were sponsors would you be happy that the winning trainer/jockey did not have the decency to turn up to a post race interview...but are more than happy to take the prizemoney on offer?

I am not one of those people who thinks that every step a horse takes should be reported or that every market move should be commented on by a trainer. But O'Brien's quotes for the last two weeks have been pretty painful to read and the attitude of jockeys this week has been pretty disguisting.

Look at the Belmont Stakes coverage today...the American jockeys, trainers and owners are more than happy to talk to the media. Not announcing any state secrets but doing themselves and the sport justice.
Very droll Galileo - it is true that Lydia moans about a different subject every week, hell every few days, and in a very public manner using TV and the papers to do so.

I don't see why the media should whinge every time a trainer/jockey declines to do an interview. As I said before, they shouldn't have to and the press should accept that these people have jobs to do and further races to ride in, for starters. Being polite has nothing to do with it, I'm sure Stoute politely declined the interview rather than telling them to bog off.

These people have a job to do and I don't see why current thinking expects them to take time out to entertain the public/media at risk of being slagged off if they don't. Not least when the media knock it only because they want the quotes to write their articles for them.
I don't see why the media should whinge every time a trainer/jockey declines to do an interview. As I said before, they shouldn't have to and the press should accept that these people have jobs to do and further races to ride in, for starters. Being polite has nothing to do with it, I'm sure Stoute politely declined the interview rather than telling them to bog off.

The "Mark The Card" programme is on at 12am in the morning....riding in the next had absolutely nothing to do with every jockey and "The Face Of Epsom" been too ignorant to get off their arses in the weighroom.

Perhaps if the sponsors are so pissed off and the prizemoney is cut...then maybe a few might before more interested and then they might look a bit outside their own little world.
Some very good posts by Galileo and Warbler.

Good to see a trainer win who flew across for breakfast with the stars just to promote the event - great effort and a seemingly very nice man.

SL - your attitude is shared among many in racing, and is a real problem. Forget about these consultancy firms ... it's issues like these which if turned around would have such a positive effect on racing.