Dormant account
maybe the horse had an off day...or he normally stops to a walk 1.5 out on a regular basis
I think the point is that highlighting this one is from the fact that you had a bet on it.
He always seems to know exactly what he has got in hand at every stage of the race. It's uncanny ability. I'm beginning to think too that he might even be more talented than Cauthen (although it's a bit like comparing Mozart with Bach) and I never ever thought I would say that about any jockey. Thanks for the link
Amazing that Joseph gets lambasted for going five wide on Australia yet Ryan Moore a hero for going six wide. That the photo goes your way is all important.
Adelaide is the first European-trained winner of the Cox Plate. Considering that this season he has already been to Longchamp, Ascot, Belmont, Arlington and Longchamp again before even setting off to Melbourne it is some achievement.
ryan moore is building the momentum in the final few furlongs, also riding the horse so that it doesnt run out of energy and keeps going all the way to the line,
so he is making the horse stronger mentally in the finish and this enables the horses to win races, that visually they shouldnt be winning ( from viewing perspective) IMO.