Sandown Gold Cup day

McCoy much too confident there for all the horse jumped awful. Sanctuaire ran as I thought.
I had a few quid on Sanctuaire and in complete annoyance with myself I put up a lay of CC at 1.35 to save my stake.
My first reaction when I saw the field yesterday was to try and lay the two favs at close to evens and hope for a miracle.
Off for swim now.
With regard to Tataniano, why should he be the price he is compared to French Opera? I realise he is the more unexposed, but this far from guarantees further improvement. The price already assumes it's there. Furthermore, he is rated the lower of the two, and giving 4 pounds away. When you also build in the fact that French Opera will love this ground, it is hard to understand why he is nearly 3 times the price of Tataniano. I am not saying Tataniano won't win, but the prices seem ahl wrang to me.

I guess the issue is potential. It's a weak race, and French Opera is reasonably exposed..Tataniano isn't.

He doesn't necessarily have to be a superstar to win this, but I can only assume that the confidence which connections have is influencing the price. In addition to the identity of the connections, of course.

I'm going heavy on Tataniano because of the regard in which he appears to be held. A dangerous game, of course, but if he's as good as they think he is, he should be able to beat this field.
Fair point, interesting to read your view.

I'll stick with a small bet on French Opera for reasons as per above but perfectly happy if Tataniano turns out to be a star.
Crikey, he's not that good at all really, is he? Doesn't settle which can't help, but if he can't win that .....enjoy the winnings!
Cheers, nothing enormous. Also did a little treble with him, Dick T and Afsare.

I just thought Tataniano had one good performance and otherwise a little average. He jumped well for a long way though.

French Opera ran around 15 pounds before his best there for me. Strange race.
That horse is a machine! Commentator put it better than I could - Cityscape had the momentum but Dick Turpin picked up so well in a very easy manner. Lets hope he takes on his stablemate next up..
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Kings Gambit was lovely stuff. An old fashioned from the front sandown win

Dick Turpin showed real class and is on of those horses you have to see in the flesh

First time ive been to these meeting for god knows how long. Go to Sandown a few times a season but usually swerve this (it was free with kempton membership this year). Glad i did though. Still find mixed cards a bit weird and its a very tricky time to bet. But the pisshead level wasnt as bad as i recall a good few years back and its laways hard not to love Sandown
Do you really think the pisshead level wasn't too bad, clivex?? They were jeering and shouting from early doors then just after the last, a group of lads hilariously and originally attired (!) in fancy dress pretending to be jockeys ran out to the last two fences and proceeded to climb them, amid much roaring. On the way out I saw people rolling on the floor, throwing each other to the ground, amidst many staggering around....the day is ridiculous, been turned into one enormous moronic piss-up.
Got to agree with Clive, it was busy but the majority that I saw conducted themselves fine and I'm a regular there. No worse or better than Eclipse day to be honest. The only annoyance I had was a load of total louts still screaming for Fallon to get up on Afsare when it was obvious it was going to trail in last!

That said, I did keep within my ivory tower of the Premier enclosure and pre-parade ring area to be honest.
A superb ride by Timmy Murphy on Poker De Sivola although I don't think he had much choice early on but to settle him at the back. The horse wasn't do too much but he picked his way through and it was a Murphyesque finish and quite ironic that he should deny one of Pipe's.

How this guy doesn't get more rides is beyond me and full marks to David Johnson for sticking by him when other owners and trainers have deserted him. Bad jockeys don't ride over a 1000 winners do they?
This isn't meant as I backed the second but this media blitz about what a great ride it was from Murphy is wide of the mark - the horse couldnt go any faster earlier, and simply kept staying late on when others faded (to different degrees) - Murphy had the horse as far forward as he could at all stages - that's simply the horse and there wasn't a blind bit of difference Murphy could do!
Can't say I agree with that. He didn't even try to get the horse into the race on the first circuit and only started riding him into it going out on the second. Knew he had a horse that would stay on long after others had thrown in the towel. I did, however have a last minute 'sensible' bet on him [usually look for long priced possibles] so I am biased. I needed to round off the season with a win, having had the worst season ever betting wise!
That must be why he was riding him after 2 fences, because he 'knew' the horse was going to do what he did.. :p
I'm no expert, I just rewatched it last night and that was what I thought. But he is a difficult horse and I would imagine needs kidding rather than bullying.
Yes Shadow leader. It wasnt perfect but not that bad...agree with gamla

But this fixture used to completely sell out i recall, where as the eclipse day used to be less than completely rammed. Now its other way round
Newmarket next weekend will be much worse for lager louts, Saturdays on the Rowley Mile can be awful.