Scottish Gender Laws

There was an interesting caller on national radio the other day.

He was an SNP member but disagreed that Scotland should divorce the U.K only to marry the E.U.

For him true independance means true independance.

This is an interesting viewpoint though for my money the two things aren't quite the same. The EU hasn't foisted the Tories on us for 46 of the last 68 years, which the union with the rest of Britain has.

I'd take the EU any day over that.
By contrast - the Labour government of the early 70's is the only time that Scotland has had what you might call the "casting" vote.
There was an interesting caller on national radio the other day.

He was an SNP member but disagreed that Scotland should divorce the U.K only to marry the E.U.

For him true independance means true independance.
I think most people grossly overestimate the actual competence the EU has, the EU only has exclusive competence for roughly 5% of Irelands legislation for example, and of course since the Lisbon Treaty the European Parliament, which is an elected body, are co-legislators, this notion that laws are forced upon Member Stares without their say is tabloid nonsense.
I have to ask, how does an independent Scotland think they would be able to join the EU? Bearlng in mind it takes years for one, Scotland would have to take the Euro too, which it says it wouldn't. What about the Scotland/ England border? Just asking the obvious questions. Bear in mind, I don't blame any country wanting to get away from the shitfest currently undergoing here. Do you want independence just to get away from the tories? Good idea if they win next time I admit. But is that it? independence from these shitehawks? I'd vote for independence from these just for my own town tbh. But is it going to be a good thing long term for Scotland?
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Independence just to get away from the Tories is too simplistic. The way I see it, Scotland and England have different political values these days (as evidenced by 1955 being the last time the Tories had a majority up here). Like any marriage, when you stop believing in the same things then the time has come to split.

I firmly believe we could go it alone and be a success. EU membership isn't a be all end all thing for me, though there are undoubtedly economic benefits to being part of it. I wouldn't be bothered about having to take the Euro.
There'll be no chance if the tartan tory Forbes gets in,a bit like Starmer leading the controlled opposition tey're trying an establishment stitch up through MSM yet again another one..