Scottish Gender Laws


Senior Jockey
Mar 4, 2004
South Lanarkshire
I don't have a particularly strong opinion on the new gender laws in Scotland, but I am absolutely ******* outraged that a government in England that we didn't vote for has decided that it has the power to stop them.

The sooner we get independence from this shower the better imo.
Common sense surely. Ridiculous passing this through.
No doubt use this to stoke more sh1te.
The cynic in me says this unnecessary and frankly horse-sh*it piece of legislation is being passed precisely because the UK Govt has no option but to over-rule it, as it is in conflict with wider UK Equality legislation.

Women have fought for a thousand years for equal rights and representation. It’s not all there yet, but they’re pretty darn close, and a Govt which allows men to self-identify as women, is effectively throwing women’s hard-fought rights on the scrap-heap.

I have no axe to grind with trans people, and think they should be free to live as they choose. What I absolutely can’t agree with is their demand to be treated the same as biological women.
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Whether it is common sense is open to debate but entirely irrelevant. An English government should not be able to overrule a Scottish one.

It's clearly not irrelevent. It's all intertwined!

The fact the U.K government have used section 35 of the Scotland Act, something which as I understand it they haven't done for the 25 years or so since devolution was granted, really tells us the law Sturgeon and Co are trying to bring in might be a proper ass.

I'm of the same opinion as many. Try to give equality but don't treat trans people the exact same as biological women.
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Whether it is common sense is open to debate but entirely irrelevant. An English government should not be able to overrule a Scottish one.

There is no English government. It is the UK Government and holds the trump cards.
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The Scottish didn't vote for them. the Welsh didn't vote for them. The Irish didn't vote for them. It's an English government in all but name.

No, Scotland and Wales and NI voted in the general election that put them in and many from those places did vote for them, as did people in other constituencies where the majority didn’t.
Simmo, all we can do until Independence comes around, is operate within the existing framework of UK law.

This legislation is in conflict with that law, and the reserved powers are being exercised - for the first time since devolution - to over-rule it. The Scottish Government knew all this, of course, but decided to press ahead anyway - in the full knowledge, no doubt, that it would be over-ridden. For me, it's posturing by Sturgeon, with a view to saying "Look, they're over-riding the will of the Scottish people", in an attempt to bolster the case for independence.

Fair enough, if that's a tactic she wants to adopt, but until we get independence, there's not a great deal we (or she) can do about it.

The legislation, in and of itself, is a crock anyway. It's a piffling issue in the grand scheme of things, should be way down the SNPs list of priorities, and I think it might actually backfire on her. It's a niche issue, that only a tiny minority care about, and many will see it as pointless huffing-and-puffing, whilst her energies would be better directed towards solving some of the problems associated with the NHS crisis in Scotland (for example).
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Lovely to hear Sturgeon talking absolute drivel again today.
Dear fukcing God!

The sooner we get independence the sooner you won't have to put up with it.

I was delighted to hear Scotland referred to as a "county" the other day. Perhaps there is a causal link between this lack of knowledge and the unfathomable electoral decisions made by your country?
Doesn't affect me as I have lived in Thailand for the last 23 years.

Here only clowns cares about gender and lower themselves to name calling but that is usually aimed at a ladyboy in and around those who live the bar life.

Many ladyboys work in banks, surgeries, offices, hospitals etc. and you as a foreginer think your being smart and dare differentiate or talk down to them their Thai friends will come down on you like a ton of bricks.

The same applies to bar can say all you want about them being lowlifes etc among friends but never ever speak shyte about them to a non bar scene Thai.

For me there should be no laws dictating what a person does with their body/gender. It is mostly nonsense as far as I am concerned.
Then there is competetive sports but that's another matter.
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You’ve really given me food for thought Tanlic. I like to think that I’m a woke person of the highest order but I have recently found myself struggling to understand all this gender stuff; it’s getting more and more complicated. But I’ve always accepted the ladyboys as what they are. I’m not really explaining myself am I because I’m still confused but it’s added something to my comprehension. You live in a society light years ahead of ours where gender is more fluid and is, I assume, totally accepted.
I don't have a particularly strong opinion on the new gender laws in Scotland, but I am absolutely ******* outraged that a government in England that we didn't vote for has decided that it has the power to stop them.

The sooner we get independence from this shower the better imo.
Great lads to talk the talk the Scottish, only country ever to vote against independence, embarrassing doesn't even come close!
Great lads to talk the talk the Scottish, only country ever to vote against independence, embarrassing doesn't even come close!

There was an interesting caller on national radio the other day.

He was an SNP member but disagreed that Scotland should divorce the U.K only to marry the E.U.

For him true independance means true independance.
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