Scottish Independence.....

Just to point out that the debate on Monday was watched by about 2 million viewers which would probably put it behind Man City v Liverpool.

It's the classic head v heart but whoever allowed the pro-independence group to appropriate the word 'yes' from the phrasing of the question needs to examine their motive.

I'm fairly neutral as long as they pay a fair price for independence. If it's such a good move for Scotland (as per fat Al) then, by definition, it's bad for the rest of us so there has to be a proper reckoning.
The worst possible thing that could have happened to the BG campaign happened today.

Cameron came to Scotland.

Does he not realise how totally despised he is up here?

It had me thinking of voting Yes. I'm pretty certain thousands of so-called undecided would have been sent tumbling off the fence, skelfs in their arse, into the Yes camp.
So in one breath, the Yessies say it's not about Salmond, but in the next they say it is about Cameron.

Sounds like yet another contradiction to me.
Laura Kuenssberg piece "What's In It For Me" on Beeb1 last night was one of the better, impartial, assessments of the potential impact of Independence. It seems the closer we get to the vote, we're getting less bombast and more rational assessment of the practical impact - no bad thing.
Laura Kuenssberg piece "What's In It For Me" on Beeb1 last night was one of the better, impartial, assessments of the potential impact of Independence. It seems the closer we get to the vote, we're getting less bombast and more rational assessment of the practical impact - no bad thing.

I watched that, GH. I thought it was very well balanced and presented. A quality programme.
So in one breath, the Yessies say it's not about Salmond, but in the next they say it is about Cameron.

Sounds like yet another contradiction to me.

I wasn't speaking for anyone other than myself, GH, but Cameron should realise where he and his party stands up here. The only people/party more despised than him is the Lib-Dems [for collaborating].
Whilst they're clearly not popular, I think there is a lot of anti-Tory posturing up here, driven largely by other Parties who want to paint them as bogey-men for their own ends.
Maybe it depends on the circles in which we work/mix but while almost everyone I know is against independence, the thought of five more years of the Tories [and LibDem patsies] is making them think of voting Yes.

Then again, independence would maybe give the Greens more of a say, which would be worse.
Five more years of 3% growth, the fastest growing economy in the G7. And way ahead of the failed eurozone.

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That's kind of what I meant by anti-Tory posturing, clivex. Ignore the facts and keep hating the Tories regardless, seems to be the order of the day up's the same kind of pea-brained cretinism that drives the Yes campaign.
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pea-brained cretinism

Well thanks for much for your kind words, GH.

I should be very careful about using the word 'cretinism', though, as it is deemed by many to be very offensive outside the appropriate medical circumstances.

However, since you are of the opinion that my intellectual capacity is very limited there is no point in my trying to debate anything with you as your intellect will always overpower mine so it would be a very unfair contest.
That's kind of what I meant by anti-Tory posturing, clivex. Ignore the facts and keep hating the Tories regardless, seems to be the order of the day up's the same kind of pea-brained cretinism that drives the Yes campaign.

Sadly so. Its childish sloganeering. What makes it so surprising is that the scots have a reputation for being grounded and practical. I blame the diet

But its an easy default and lazy minded. Christ, if any nation should be better than that it is scotland
Well thanks for much for your kind words, GH.

I should be very careful about using the word 'cretinism', though, as it is deemed by many to be very offensive outside the appropriate medical circumstances.

However, since you are of the opinion that my intellectual capacity is very limited there is no point in my trying to debate anything with you as your intellect will always overpower mine so it would be a very unfair contest.

Well thanks for much for your kind words, GH.

I should be very careful about using the word 'cretinism', though, as it is deemed by many to be very offensive outside the appropriate medical circumstances.

However, since you are of the opinion that my intellectual capacity is very limited there is no point in my trying to debate anything with you as your intellect will always overpower mine so it would be a very unfair contest.

DO......honestly, that was assuredly NOT directed at you personally.....apologies if it came across that way.
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No harm in apologising, Hamm......I don't view it as a weakness, and don't have any desire for DO to think I have him down as 'a pea-brained cretin', when it isn't the case.
bit close now? Salmond is getting smugger by the day

One thing though.. think im not mistaken in recalling that yougov polls are often a bit rogue. Also the odds have come down a shade but very marginal

I still believe that polls are bravado and reality will hit home. Its a big decision to vote for economic oblivion

I suspect we will be hearing a bit about contingency plans for businesses and especially banks to relocate over the border in the event of a yes vote. difficult to trade in a country with no currency
Don't Knows excluded from latest YouGov poll numbers. Still a little worrying though.

All the polls I've seen over the last few weeks have excluded the Don't Knows but it's pretty clear that as more people arrive at a decision it's increasingly Yes.

I can't get away from the possibility of a link in the surge in Yes and Cameron's recent visit. If Better Together want to stem the flow they really need to send in as many Labour heavyweights as they can find. I have to say the BT campaign so far has been pretty short of pathetic, to the point that you really have to wonder if they are serious about keeping the union.

Darling isn't coming across well and there doesn't seem to be anyone else.

Ed Milliband doesn't come across as a leader.

Jim Murphy, bless him, is pounding the streets on his Irn Bru box trying to drum up support via megaphone. He must be really frustrated at the level of inactivity elsewhere.

It may well be Scotland gets what it deserves a week on Thursday.

It looks like I'm going to have to look for a country to adopt me.
Very juvenile to base a vote on a leader who is supposedly despised

i do not believe for one moment that the voters north of the border are so pathetically shallow

And hes hardly a strongly divisive leader. Im not a great fan in many respects but what exactly has he done ? policies over the last few years wouldnt have varied greatly whoever was in power.

Still one result of independence would be the need to grow up and stop blaming and "hating" on the basis of their background and their image. Because frankly thats all it is
I can't get away from the possibility of a link in the surge in Yes and Cameron's recent visit.

Well the coup de grace should be served this week when Nigel Farage crosses the border

Speaking to someone only today actually who was plotting his way across the Rio Tweed in the dead of night provided he can avoid the talbots cunningly reintegrated in the Cheviots. Migrant centre at Gretna? whilst others try and chase lorries and leap on the back of them on the A1

Scotland under President Sturgeon will be an interesting sight

I realise that the Scots have agreat tradition of invention but I can't decide whether I want to nominate Salmond for the Nobel prize for Economics or the pulitzer prize for fiction

I'm curious to know how any economy is going to run American personal income tax rates, Irish corporation tax rates, Australian VAT rates, provide a Scandanavian welfare service, with free universal education and health care, and still manage to balance the books :blink:

I'm waiting for the RBS to come clean about the true level of their debt :whistle: