'Scuse me, while I kiss this guy


At the Start
May 2, 2003
Dahn sarf
For no reason at all, I wanted to find the full lyrics to Toto's song about rains in Africa, and much to my surprise, found that having burbled (hideously) "I miss the rains down in Aaaaafrica... " for years, I'm in the company of a lot of people who never knew that, in fact, the words are "I bless the rains... ". The site I looked over then mentioned commonly mis-heard song lyrics, and I wonder if any of you had sung:

"The ants are my friends, they're blowing in the wind... "

"Sweet dreams are made of cheese... "

and the classic "'Scuse me, while I kiss this guy" - sometimes, apparently, sung by the great Jimi for fun, but supposed to be "'Scuse me, while I kiss the sky."

There is supposed to be a misheard song lyrics site (of course) called www.kissthisguy.com but I couldn't find - but there were loads of others with some real doozies.

Apart from singing "We three kings of Orientar" as a kid, thinking Orientar was a dusty little town somewhere, I don't think I've misheard too many songs, but how about you?
For no reason at all, I wanted to find the full lyrics to Toto's song about rains in Africa, and much to my surprise, found that having burbled (hideously) "I miss the rains down in Aaaaafrica... " for years, I'm in the company of a lot of people who never knew that, in fact, the words are "I bless the rains... ". The site I looked over then mentioned commonly mis-heard song lyrics, and I wonder if any of you had sung:

"The ants are my friends, they're blowing in the wind... "

"Sweet dreams are made of cheese... "

and the classic "'Scuse me, while I kiss this guy" - sometimes, apparently, sung by the great Jimi for fun, but supposed to be "'Scuse me, while I kiss the sky."

There is supposed to be a misheard song lyrics site (of course) called www.kissthisguy.com but I couldn't find - but there were loads of others with some real doozies.

Apart from singing "We three kings of Orientar" as a kid, thinking Orientar was a dusty little town somewhere, I don't think I've misheard too many songs, but how about you?

Nice thread.

There's a Tina Turner song called 'Steamy Windows', which is actually quite good; it starts with her rasping out 'Randy old bastard in the front seat', or so I thought.

Disappointingly, turns out to be 'Radio blasting in the front seat'.

Also the part in (the truly ghastly) Bohemian Rhapsody, where I thought for ages that Freddie was singing 'Spare him his life for his pork sausages' , as opposed to the more prosaic 'Spare him his life from this monstrosity'.
As a small child I thought the line from the Sound of Music song So Long, Farewell said "A Jew, a Jew to you and you and yoo-ooh".
The best one I ever heard was Credence Clearwater Revival's "There's A Bathroom On The Right".

My friend's little boy misheard a line from the carol Silent Night as "Round John Virgin" and drew a picture to illustrate. Jesus, Mary, Joseph and an unknown, rotund figure immediately next to the three Kings.

He also misheard The Lord Of The Dance as "I am the Lord of the dance settee".
Oh, and another - Diana Ross's 'Chain Reaction' - I remain convinced that at one point she sings, 'Tell Eddie Waring there is no salvation' !!
It's not a misheard song, but a phrase, that I heard about once on the radio: a little girl had been going to Sunday School for a few weeks and when her mother asked how she liked it, she said she was very sorry for poor Jesus. "Oh, dear, why is that?" asked Mummy.

" 'Cos he sat upon a bunch of spiders," said the little concerned child, with a shudder.

Her mother learned from the school later that the cause of the pain was actually that "Jesus suffered under Pontius Pilate"!
"We're giving love and a femidom" is one that was mentioned more than once at work - "we are family" by Sister Sledge...

(its really we're giving love in a family dose)