Sea The Stars, sea the pics

uncle goober

At the Start
Oct 10, 2005
Some pics of a would-be St Leger winner taking the first two legs of The Triple Crown.










Thanks v. much, Uncle G, for those images, which just confirm what a superb-looking beast STS is. As John Oxx said, he's a masculine fellow - you wouldn't mistake him for a 'big filly', and he just looks the biz all round.

Strangely enough, Christie, one of the barmen in the Os & Ts Bar at Brighton, told me that (as a County Kildare man himself) he used to serve John Oxx (and the Prendergasts) when he worked as a younger fellow in Oxx's local. He said JO was an absolute gent then (but was not quite so keen on the Prendergasts) - and he quite clearly remains one now. I get the feeling that man and horse complement each other very nicely in temperament.
Superb pics UG..An absolute pleasure to see them first thing thing this morning. A beautiful beautiful horse, with the perfect temperment:<3:
What a magnificent beast he is. I fell in love with him when I saw him win his maiden at Leop. He is my ideal thoroughbred. Well done on the pics.
Thank you for the lovely photos. I too fell in love with him last year. He is the most gorgeous Thoroughbred with a real presence about him. Also seemed very apt that the winning trophy was of 2 previous Derby winning half brothers.
There's a light in the sky that hangs on the edge of illuuuusioonnn,
something very fine but it's something you knooow is therrre.
Mystery of time, hidden by a man of confuuusiooon
but the hand is quicker than the eyye
only the stranger knows why-iyy-uh iii eye
'cos it's magic
you know it's magic thatchoool fiind
you see it's magic....
Thank you very much for sharing this exceptional pix with us.
I think Sea the Stars is very aware of himself & this quite rightly.
Hopefully he will make it to Longchamp, conquer the Bois de Boulogne ...
Colin - he's just wearing a plain jointed snaffle, but if you look at the other runners behind him, none of them is wearing anything too much different, and there's a notable absence of off-cuts of sheep, crossed nosebands and tongue-ties! The horse in the Coolmore colours appears to be wearing the ubiquitous Dexter ring bit, which provides a little more control over headstrong animals, but otherwise, they're all in plain snaffles, which is what you'd hope to see at this top-rank level, although BLACK BEAR ISLAND wore a Grakle noseband with his.
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I've tried doing a small gif of STS and i'll make a better one tomorow, this is only 5.2mb so it should be acceptable.
