Shadow Leaders [latest] Rant

Oh, and anyone with time on their hands this afternoon/evening is more than welcome to come to Chez Shads to help her erect a 5ft parrot cage picked up yesterday

That is one tall fcuking parrot!. What were you feeding it?
It's amazing what vodka does to a parrot's growth spurts!!

I don't actually hate Gib Kri - it's just maddening most of the time & does indeed drive you clinically insane after a while, I swear!

Got a feckin box at last - just got to assemble this cage.....
Oh, for God's sake, Shadz, just wring its blasted neck and be done with it! Plenty of parrots for sale over here - what's the fuss about bringing one squawking collection of housemites over, when there are loads here? norty
Well done, Shadz! I have to admit to paying a chap to put my cross-trainer together. :shy: It's bloody enormous and a bit frightening the way it just kinda takes off with me! I've managed 46 seconds on it so far, before falling into a heap. I think the goal of an hour a day is just a wee bit distant...
Just saw this thread and it is so funny that I threw a perfect cup of tea all over PC. Once the hissing noises stopped all seems okay ..... :D

Shadow, cannot believe your troubles, this is indeed like a Monty Python script. I used to transport my moggy between San Francisco and LA with me all the time, many years ago. Had similar problems though when new regulations came in which meant that I could no longer use a spare seat to sit his cat carry in. Delta then said that the cat carry had to go under the seat, which was impossible unless I squashed the cat flat. I did not want to put him in the hold but when I did the airline supplied a huge box the size of a wardrobe and I had visons of my poor small cat flying form one side of the box to the other throughout the flight. Must be even worse with a parriot - does this box incliude a perch for her?

I had assumed that in flight travel for animals had improved since those early days - but I guess not!

Poor parrot - hope she comes back with you and all is well in the end!
Ah, but you didn't bank on dealing with Gibraltarians!! :laughing:

Yes - the box has a built in perch and two nailed down feed bowls, complete with two wire mesh 'windows' with hessian nailed over it so she has some privacy if she wants it!!! And the best bit is that finally BA in Gib have said that the box should be grand & I should turn up Monday for approval :D

On speaking to a mate today (she was in my flat pilfering as many of my books as she could carry!!!) she said the bird is in grand spirits too which is good!
Or is she going pigeon-post? Sounds like she's on a wing and a prayer, though, it's just a shame that toucan not sit in the same seat, isn't it?
Oh, don't start with the puns, please!!!!

Um, the deluxe carry case is pretty much a wooden crate!!! The cage on the other hand is lovely!! It even has a name - the Montana Haiti!!

On the other hand I found it on the net earlier available at £60 less than I paid for it - typical.....:(
I'm sorry about the puns, Shadz. I realize they're no yolk at a time like this, and as you're coming back to the UK, I'll be treading on eggshells in case you fly in a rage at me. Anything but get your feathers ruffled, dearest!

Okay - no more, I promise, ducks. :suspect:
And if you get a headache about this don't go looking in the jungle for a painkilling tablet - the parrots-ate-'em-all...
Originally posted by krizon@Mar 22 2007, 09:02 PM
The 'paracetamol' for those still bemused (and now howling) - good heavens, I first heard that one in 1978!
Me too. It was cr@p then and still is but some on here have led very sheltered lives and appreciate punnery at its worst.
I knocked around with a chap who loved those sort of puns. He had many fine qualities which compensated for the groaners he inflicted on me.

How does a monkey cook his steak? He puts it under the gorilla...

How did the goose do at cricket? He was out for a duck...

cry I've just reminded myself of how bad they were!
Sadly because most of them don't actually understand the beauty of our language...

And no, before anyone tries to infer that I am being racist and talking about children whose first language is not English, I am not! I am talking about children born here, with parents whose first language is English. Children raised on a diet almost entirely comprised of visual stimulation - as opposed to being encouraged to appreciate the written word and to love reading for its own sake.

It's sad !
The decline in the number of children who read is one of the saddest things I find about my job.
She does like to quack though every now & then, Merls! When I flew her out here she was going through a quacking stage & as I walked around Heathrow all you could hear emanating from her carrier was a volley of quacks!

Anyway - box approved, vet booked, flight booked, missing top of index finger on left hand due to attack of stroppiness so appear all set to go! Only possible hurdle is that some bloke at Customs House in Gib has decided I need a CITES certificate [which I don't!] so won't issue an export licence till he's inspected the bird, something he's done a lot of huffing over as he says he 's busy. Mind you customs at BA Cargo didn't want a CITES certificate and neither do DEFRA - on double checking with DEFRA in Bristol [who deal with CITES certificates] I was told "oh well, if it makes him happy let him issue a CITES certificate but you don't need it and we don't want it - but if he really must & it makes him happy then let him go ahead....!!"