Should They?


At the Start
May 2, 2003
Frame a race for Kauto Star in England so he does not have to go to Down Royal as Paul Nicholls is requesting in the Racing Post today?
Thanks Grasshopper - apologies I don't read the paper and I can't get into the website at work. I would think there are plenty of races early in the season he could enter and avoid Denman, if that's part of the thinking behind it?
I'd be inclined to do it, but to make sure it goes to a minor track (Hexham:p). Why Ireland anyway? I'm always slightly puzzled by the reluctance of trainers to take the shorter sea crossing to France where the prize monies bigger, is ther enothing at Auteuil? If trainers started doing this (and what better way of advertising it than kauto) then I think the BHA might have a little bit of a talent drain on their hands and be faced with an infinately bigger problem.

Presumebly the Charlie Hall comes to soon, although he did start him in the Old Roan a few years ago.

How about running against Masterminded in the Tingle Creek!!!. It wasn't that long ago that Nicholls was telling us he was the best 2 miler in the business as well as staying chaser
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Kauto Star could win the Prix la Haye Jousellin (which is worth more than the Hennessy and BetFair Chase combined) without coming out of second gear, but I doubt whether his trainer would want to run him on that kind of ground over 3m4f, first time up.
He`s already hung his hat on the Irish schedule this year and well done for him. How else would you get such a wealth of talent into meaningful races otherwise although I agree with what you say about France ( Aueteuil excluded for very bad conditions ) I think he was just winding the JCR a bit and succeeding . Nothing wrong with Down Royal. Incidentally as far as taking Cooldine on is concerned, I see he is 16/1 for the Winterfest at Kempton anyway:rolleyes:
Well Towcester race on the same day:D If he's looking for a facile exercise assignment, then a combination of their entrance policy and a manufactured race designed to bring in the crowds and promote jump racing might have some appeal? Did the BHA not have a 'come jump racing' camapign not so many months ago. It strikes me that their interests in promoting the sport would be better served by this, than allowing their biggest name to slip overseas. I'm slightly surprised that Kempton haven't necessarily seen the opportunity to create a King George trial race either, and give it a bit of a push

Of course it is.:o Urm...... I fear I've displayed a not particularly pleasent trait there. Well if Northern Ireland falls under the auspicies of the BHA then they've discharged their duty and Nicholls doesn't have a leg to stand on
It doesn't - Horse Racing Ireland administer the sport across the entire island. I seem to remember reading that HRI get none of the levy payments from Northern Ireland, though - anyone know if I'm mis-remembering?
Didn't Exeter do this for Best Mate a few years ago?

Anyway, if he does go to Down Royal again, I intend to be there. Thoroughly enjoyed the trip last time.
No, that was Azertyuiop.

William Hill sponsored a race a few weeks later that season, just under 3 miles, in which Best Mate beat Seebald in a photo.

The race hasn't been run since.
He always ran in the Haldon Gold Cup and why shouldn't Kauto? - well, I presume because he'd have to carry a huge lump of weight very early in the season... The 'linited handicap' Old Roan over 2.5 seems the obvious target if he wants an early season GB chase! I suppose having got beat there he won't go again though.

Auteuil is out of the question since the ground is atrocious and could ruin a good horse

PN did train KS as a 2 / 2.5 miler a couple of years ago early in the season, and said it was a mistake - he was much happier being trained as a stayer (I posted up the link at the time iirc)

Anyway, I think it's great that KS goes to Ireland, giving fans over there a chance to see him
Best Mate only ran in the Haldon twice - once was his first chase start in open company in 2001, the other was his final run in 2005. Miss Nero is correct about them putting on a special conditions race for him.