So how did you do?


At the Start
Dec 7, 2004
Doubled my bank on Day One, gave it all back and more on Day Two, broke-even on a quiet Day Three and was having a storming Day 4 until getting the Gold Cup all wrong. Pretty much back to where I started and it seems like a good time to call it quits...
Day 1 - Great day with both The Hurricane and Quevega winning
Day 2 - Not too bad a day though Aupcharlie winning the bumper would have helped
Day 3 - Decent day with Son Amix placing, Rigour Back Bob going in in the W/O markets and Plato taking the Charity race
Day 4 - Brilliant, Secret Dancer and Our Island both beaten but Long Run winning the Gold Cup helped. If I was being very critical then Mid Div And Creep and Gina Andrews winning the Foxhunters would have helped as I was on at 500 on Betfair but can't win them all.

Day 1 - Best day, Hurricane Fly was a nice win. I got bad vibes in the Arkle as soon as Barry had a look round.
Day 2 - Sizing Europe was special but I had too much on Master Minded and For Non Stop falling at the last stung. Nice profit though.
Day 3 - Started excellently with Noble Prince and although I lost out on Grand Crus it was a great occasion and I was pleased I chose that day to go.
Day 4 - I won on Long Run but it was all about the big fella and my heart fair bursts thinking about his record at the Festival.

Overall a very profitable week and this year I will NOT give most of it back at Liverpool.
Sizing, Hurricane and Quevega ensured profit

Feom a racing point of view, easily one of the better festivals with 4 brilliant championship winning horses
Flying, quite literally on Tuesday, little worse off end of Wednesday, bad Thursday, and poor Friday until Sir Des Champs scooted up there. Marginally ahead for the week, but was a couple of hundred of quid better off on Tuesday. As ever, should have had more on the winners, less on the losers, and not laid Long Run...
Tuesday: Sunnhillboy ante post no good. No other bet
Wednesday: No bet
Thursday: Chairty race more than made up for two pony e/w losers
Friday: Long Run @ 5/1 my only other bet than a bet in the last.

€75 e/w @ 8/1 Imingsingtheblues for my first ubber winning week of the year. BTW I'm not disciplined it's just no fuin having a bet when your up to to your ears working during it.
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Day 1:- Peddlers a bad result but saved on place and EW and HF. Cue Card was a stinker - down on day.
Day 2:- Sizing saver and Cheltenian was monstrous - ahead well.
Day 3:- Despite Quevaga Big Bucks double Wishful Thinking and Barafundle meant I lost.
Day 4:- Final Approach... get in Ruby. Sir De Champs (thanks Del) Unaccompanied and Askthemaster (66/1) ew - great day. Overall winning distance bet up as well so overall a very profitable week and got out of jail with Peddlers beaten. :D
Day 1 - Sunnyhill a bad start but Hurricane Fly, Quevega & Vino Griego made it a winning day, 3 Irish winners helped my antepost too.
Day 2 - Sizing Europe my only winner, but with the first 4 Irish horses winning meant my over 6.5 was up and the week was destined for large profit no matter what. Pricewise double gave me hope for the 4 or more bet, but ultimately unsuccessful.
Day 3 - Big Bucks to win under 4.5L, Albertas and Junior made it a good day, 1 pricewise winner to set up the final day.
Day 4 - Long Run my only winner, but the culmination of the distance bets made for a profitable day and perhaps the most profitable week ever.

Knackered now...
Apparently its not about the winning.... but it sure would have helped!! Only had one winner all festival but narrowly missed out today with both Get Out Of Here and Son of Flicka both being mugged on the line!

Still its been great to listen to and have the comp for a bit of fun!
Had an unbelievable week, never had a four days like it really.

Day 1 i had four winners and a place lay of Cue Card.
Day 2 it nearly went sideways, gave a lot back on so young, but rescued it with the last two winners, 9s and 14s.
Day 3 Beuna Vista and Son amix both backed on betfair, would have been some forecast, Doubles up with Big Bucks, and then joined in on the gamble on Junior.
Day 4. Decent bet on unaccompanied sunk, some each way though, big bet on Final Approach, profit on the Bobs worth race as he was a saver to court in motion, Profit on the Gold Cup on Long Run, and then the biggest win of the week on Sir Des Champs! Unreal stuff.

To put it in context, my starting bank is now 9 times bigger, so its been a crazy good week.
Blown away first time ever

Had First Leiutenant and Junior and about 9 seconds :mad:

Great weather though and fab racing
Day 1 absolute bloodbath.Cue Card (yes i was sucked in) Menorah etc etc.
Day 2 went to Cheltenham,backed chicago grey but got burnt on the "good things" TFR and so young.
Day 3 Managed to get a lot of it back especially nice patent Junior,plato and noble prince.
Day 4 cracking day today,Baby run leaving my lucky 63 down for big big return.Still happy though managed to finish the week up +900
Day 1 small on Al Ferof and Divers for small money
kept me nicely ahead of the game.
Day 2 -went for it on Sizing Europe-decisive move of the week for me.
Day 3-Loosen My Load win only would have taken it to a different level.Each way bets on Mourad and Consigliere kept it respectable.
Day. 4 -Bobs worth paid for some losing bets and I kept it small in the supporting races but the Gold Cup stung.
A good week very happy that I didn't get sucked into the minor events and away meetings.I opened 6 betting accounts on my sisters behalf and she is delighted with her return.
Didn't have a drink all week but I am physically and mentally shattered.
Day one - not too bad as I only play with little money and always go w/s so Peddlars probably kept me about even (didn't do every race)
Day 2 - slightly up with First Lieutenant and What A Charm then Bothy bringing in some place money.
Day 3 - everything beaten out of sight until Albertas saved the day, paying for my ticket for Friday. Memo spirit supplied the spending money.
Day 4 - had the first two in the Triumph and the GC so all in all prob about £100 up.

First time I've been for more than one day. Had an absolute blast and as a firm "flattie" I think I might be converted! Highlights for me had to be Albertas win - he's one of my favourites so fantastic to see him back to form plus we were right by the winning post - and of course the GC - superb race.
I was down 150 on the week. Horses I have backed plenty of times but deserted this time won, both Sizings and Buena Vista particularly annoying and 9 seconds added to punting frustration but it was a great week of racing and still thoroughly enjoyable with some wonderful perfromances.
Excellent week money-wise. All hard work done last week well justified. Oiseau de Nuit the cherry on top of the icing on the cake.
I did brilliantly on Tuesday, until I decided to take my profit and bung it all on Quantitiveeasing at 9-1 to win the last....

Wed just about broke even

Thurs - slip of the finger with my Legends gave me Pat Rodfords winner, but still finished only a bit up.

Friday - broke even again...

so i havent lost from the beginning of the week, and my god it was exciting watching the Quantitiveeasing race - I dont bet big by any stretch of the imagination, and if he'd won it would have paid the stud fee and a bit more, but Im no worse off than I started - and if that happens, then Im happy.

and the racing was amazing - so how on earth could I call it a bad time??!!
Wayward Prince,Peddlers Cross & Faasel were about the closest I came to a winner. Had a couple of 5ths as well when payout was only first 4 which about summed my week up really!!! First time I haven't had a winner at the Festival:(
Terrible week punting wise but fantastic week overall. The atmosphere at the Festival is unrivalled anywhere else. Great week with good people.
This was the worst Cheltenham I've ever had betting wise; still trying to get my head round where I went wrong. I'd said at the start of the week I probably shouldn't be having any bets at all [went to a preview and I'm ashamed to admit to the fact that I hadn't heard of an awful lot of high profile horses]. Having said that, when I watch the re runs [I never watch a horse jump a fence as I've always got my eyes closed] I think I'll realise that it has been one of the best Cheltenhams ever, and such a tonic after what has been, for me, a rather upsetting season. Probably didn't follow the Irish racing closely enough this year; backed every Gigginstown horse except for the ones that won. Hope Imperial Commander is ok and noticed today that China Rock pulled up as well.
Worst ever Cheltenham for betting. Not a single return on 11 bets. Cant really complain too much, had some very good festivals in recent years and a good jan/feb, but was a bit of a shock

Bothy was my best selection i suppose. Was staggered how badly Time for rupert ran...

A few horses "put awaY for the festival did nothing (Cue Card, Menorah, TFR) and yet Captain chris ran twice in Feb

That was most frustrating miss. Really liked the horse since his Kempton runs and could see it was on the cusp of coming together at Sandown

The betting is just a sideline to what was a very memorable festival.