Stopping Smoking


At the Start
Jun 2, 2003
I have not had a cigarette since last Tuesday. Having a bad cold last week certainly helped me, but now my cold is better and I'm am starting to struggle. But- I will not weaken, I won't, I won't.
I quit easily in a day. Fruit machines on the other hand I have been battling for 12 years and haven't done it. Addiction is horrid. Best of luck, Triptych.
I gave up in just a day too, helped by the worst ever hangover... Clearing up after a particularly wild and uncouth party did the trick (I can still smell the stinking ash trays now)

Although fifteen years later, I still havn't nailed the other cause of that hangover...

All the very best Triptych, you will find the strength
I gave the patches a try last year, and they worked like a charm, but i forgot them when i went to the States in april and started up again.
Now when i try using them i get a rash. Has anyone got any advice on what is the best aid to use now?
Light up, inhale deeply, burn yourself on your arm with the lighted end. It's called aversion therapy. Every time you inhale, you MUST burn your arm. By the fifth or sixth sizzle, you'll stop.

What about the Nicorette inhalers - are they any good? Hypnotherapy is also apparently quite effective. It managed in 45 minutes to get me to be a lot more relaxed around heights, elevators, bridges, etc. Not entirely cured of the phobia - the Clifton Suspension got the better of me, but a lot better than the acute embarrassment of going down a hotel's stairway on my bottom, at the age of 30, because I could see into the Vertigo-like stairwell! :o
Mmmm, think i`ll pass on the aversion therapy. I`m also a bit concerned that if i do give up i`ll put the pounds on and obcure the chiselled six pack i currently possess.
Nah, that's a myth, Euro. I assume you're referring to your torso, and not the Foster's in the fridge? You'll be able to work out much better with cleaner lungs, you're less likely to be crippled by a stroke and gimp about drooling at a relatively young age, with everyone saying smugly, 'oh, he brought it on himself, y'know', and you'll smell divine. Think of something else to spend the considerable savings on - more bets, more body oil, more full body massages...

Seriously, if you approach it with the view that you'll just try giving up for a week, not approaching it as if it's some sort of inquisitorial ordeal to go through, then just take it a day at a time. Softly, softly, catchee monkey...
There's no single approach that works for everyone.

My brother gave up gradually over 10 years by reducing his daily consumption each 1st January until he had completely eliminated it. I would have found that approach completely impossible because it would have required discipline on a daily basis over many years.

I did it completely differently, going for a shorst, sharp shock, basically on impulse. I didn't know I was going to do it until I did, if you know what I mean. Once I got through the first two or three weeks the main part of the process was over.

Ideas which helped get me through it was trying to remember all those times I smoked without enjoying it, the money I was saving, and, more recently, the sheer inconvenience of being a smoker having to stand around outside buildings while getting the fix.

The other thing I found helpful during the first few weeks without nicotine was to suck on a sweet or chew gum when the cravings got bad. This phase only lasted a couple of weeks, so I wouldn't worry about any weight implications.
In order to stop smoking, I would have to start first.

I've tried many times, but I just haven't got the will power.

I find myself not having a cigerette, then not having another one straight after.

(Thanks to Paul Merton for that material)
Simmo has 200 cigs in the house (last of the holiday supplies). After that Simmo will be an ex-smoker (Note the confidence in that statement :D ). Simmo can no longer afford to subsidise others tax bills and I fully expect the chancellor to have to announce an increase in income tax at the next budget.

I will no doubt put on weight as I am a bit of a nervous smoker, doing it to have something to do with my hands half of the time and on previous attempts this has carried over into eating instead. Eating isn't nearly so addictive though and I can lose the weight later.

I am currently trying to prepare myself mentally for this effort. I lasted two weeks the last time. This time I am a stronger person and will succeed.

No Bastard Chancellor's Going To Take Me Alive.
My mate took a friend's advice tried to substitute chocolate for cigarettes but soon went back to the weed. He said he couldn't get the chocolate to light.
For the past few months I've managed to smoke very little (sometimes not at all) during the week but have been unable to resist buying a pack when going to the pub (the first one's almost orgasmic). Hopefully once the smoking ban is introduced in Scotland (Mar 26th I think) I'll maybe be able to put a stop to it altogether. I envisage a lot more fights in pubs come March and I can see women stopping going to pubs altogether as they'll get sick of guys that have got nothing to do with their hands :lol:.

It beats me how they can't come up with an alternative in this day and age. In America they brought out a cigarette (Eclipse) that heats rather than burns the tobacco. It practically eliminates passive smoking, lingering smells etc. and the makers claim it's a much safer smoke. The anti-smoking lobby refute this but, you get the impression they'd do that anyway.
Originally posted by BrianH+Jan 9 2006, 01:00 PM--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (BrianH @ Jan 9 2006, 01:00 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> <!--QuoteBegin-Honest Tom@Jan 9 2006, 11:43 AM
I envisage a lot more fights in pubs come March
Is that possible in Glasgow? [/b][/quote]
Shouldn't that be on simmo's thread Brian :lol:

Sod it. After bumming my load earlier I just went out and bought ten there just now. :cry:
Just stick the whole lot in your mouth in one go, HT, like pan-pipes, light the lot, have a real blast, then you can give up instantly 'cos they'll be all gone.
I honestly feel if my Mum had given up smoking she would still be with me now. That said, she loved smoking. I offered her £1000 to give up about 3 years ago and she just laughed! No amount of money would make her give up as she actually enjoyed it. :shy:

Each to their own. Personally, if I was given a choice between smoking or living longer, I would choose a longer life every time but then I have never smoked.
Sunday is D-Day. I shall puff my very last cigarette on Saturday night. If my behaviour is erratic or anyone accidentally dies by my hand next week then please make allowances for me.

I shall be avoiding any public houses where it is possible to purchase firearms. Just in case.
2 weeks and 2 days now and not one cigarette. I have my good days and my bad days. Today was not good thanks to the muppets I work with driving me to the brink of lighting one up. :angy:
Triptych, just think positive. Your body is already so much healthier than 2 weeks ago. Find other ways of coping with your stress in the office if you can..... and well done! B)
He bought it cheaply from the fake Honest Tom, who has been creeping around under cover of darkness offering them to all and sundry. I don't believe that anyone should buy anything from that dodgy man...