Summer Holidays

I had a dream last night that we were in Vietnam and came about a bunch of rather attractive ladies

You pulled me aside and gave me life lessons on the topic

It was good to be in such safe hands

If you are relying on me it is no surprise that you are still a virgin.
A friend of mine is in Vietnam right now, he has a friend who works there and was himself there back in the 70s when he was a seaman.

He's spending a few weeks seeing various places and has just left Vun Tao, which thanks to the photos he's sent, looks rather nice.

Mind you, we have some lovely beaches and more here in Devon and that does me, not been on a plane since the 90s. I guess my carbon footprint is looking good
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Are yee free to come to Vietnam in Jan ladies?

Well I did ask Sal where she wanted to go next year and she did say Vietnam. Sadly I have commitments in January like horses in and point to pointing. Otherwise we would have joined you!