Summer Holidays

Perugia ,where Roddy is, is a great place for a base to do all places you mentioned if you have a car. There are also some nice lakes nearby where you can chill out in between sightseeing.

We spent some time further north this year taking in Piedmont and the Alpes
No, bad weather wouldn't be the end of the world but a bit of sun and no waterproofs do make things more enjoyable.

I'm hoping to get away to West Wales (Aberdyfi) late August and the weather will be a lottery.

Just back from Brynteg in North Wales - beautiful spot, loads to do, very friendly and the kids had a ball. Highly recommend it to anyone with kids under 5 or so.
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Hamm, the Palio itself is mental if you're in the heart of the Campo, but it's a great place to be in the couple of days running-up to the race.

Try and see San Gimignano too if you get a chance.
Cheers, will have a look - what did you like about it?

Tout Seul - thanks. Do you mean Grey though? I unfortunately will be dependant on public transport.

How does Perugia compare with Bologna I wonder? That was the other place that looked interesting.
Cheers, will have a look - what did you like about it?

Tout Seul - thanks. Do you mean Grey though? I unfortunately will be dependant on public transport.

How does Perugia compare with Bologna I wonder? That was the other place that looked interesting.

TS might have meant me, Hamm, I was in Perugia last week, at the jazz festival.

It is a lovely town in its own right, sitting on a hill top which attracts pleasant breezes and offers great views across to Assisi, Spello and other places set against a backdrop of mountains. It is full of heritage buildings casually hidden behind archways or down little alleys and is a very pleasant place to walk around. And yet it is not a major tourist destination, so prices and quality in hotels and restaurants are generally very good.

I can't compare Perugia with Bologna, however, because I've never spent any time there, but anything I've heard about it has been positive.

If you do go to Perugia, you should also plan a visit to Assisi, less than an hour away by bus. The Giotto and Cimabue frescoes in the basilica are a sight to be seen.
I'm going to Japan and Vietnam for 2 weeks (each) next April. Any 'do's and don'ts' from experience are appreciated.
I'm going to Japan and Vietnam for 2 weeks (each) next April. Any 'do's and don'ts' from experience are appreciated.

Vietnam is very beautiful. You can make of it what you will really. It doesn't quite have the same beautiful beaches as a Thailand but if you want to find a quiet beautiful isolated beach you will

It is very cheap - cheapest lager in the world (I don't drink so cannot verify it's taste)

War guided tour is a bit touristy but you'll prob end up doing that

The people are friendly, food a bit less spicy than some of the rest of Asia

If you want to escape life and a digital detox find a quite resort and unwind

Go find a monk and get your spiritual awakening
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The bonus was good this year so in Vietnam we are going to base ourselves at a fairly nice 5* jobbie on a beach in the Hoi An region. Been? Recommendations?
The bonus was good this year so in Vietnam we are going to base ourselves at a fairly nice 5* jobbie on a beach in the Hoi An region. Been? Recommendations?

One drawback with Vietnam is they don't offer e-visa's so unless its changed in the last 18 months you have to send your passport to the embassy in London

Hoi An - I was there for a week

I'd recommend hiring a bike and cycling around

Street food heaven - you'll smell grilled food a lot. Very nice fish if that is your thing

Are some very nice beaches - if you are staying in on of the high end hotels (not my scene :) ) you will likely have a bit of private beach cordoned off for you

Old Town is must see and some temples and museums
Actually Colm, it looks like you can get an e-visa now but be wary of some of these websites

Thanks for the inputs Grange. I am happy to hear of a cordoned off beach as I do rather dread proximity to the lower orders when vacationing. See you Saturday?
The bonus was good this year so in Vietnam we are going to base ourselves at a fairly nice 5* jobbie on a beach in the Hoi An region. Been? Recommendations?
Currently in Marrakech with friend who spent 18 years in Vietnam. I will ask her advice.
I'm going to Japan and Vietnam for 2 weeks (each) next April. Any 'do's and don'ts' from experience are appreciated.

I have just arrived in Japan with the better half and the youngest sponger ( who swears uni does start for another 3 weeks). I do hope your bonus was exceptional because tears are appearing in my eyes each time I hand over my plastic friend. We have lots of things planned including watching Ireland give the Scots a rugby lesson. I will update on my return the highs and lows.
I'm going to Japan and Vietnam for 2 weeks (each) next April. Any 'do's and don'ts' from experience are appreciated.

I've kindly agreed to take on a work project that will earn me a 3 weeks holiday in Vietnam and Hoi An in January

I have to shake a few hands and a few backslaps for 3 days for my troubles

I'll report back to you first hand on Vietnam do's and dont's 2020
Good man. I am staying at this place in Vietnam when we are not in Hanoi or Ho Chi Min City. Let me know if you come across it.

Make sure you get back for the DRF.

I had a dream last night that we were in Vietnam and came about a bunch of rather attractive ladies

You pulled me aside and gave me life lessons on the topic

It was good to be in such safe hands
I haven’t forgotten to ask my friend (Saigon Sally as she’s known!). She suggested a website but I have forgotten the name. I will re ask.
We survived Morocco! Actually we had an incredible time. Not sure Morocco has recovered yet! Two ditzy blondes with superb bartering skills, we returned with more shoes than the local Clark’s and ended up donating clothes to the maid in the Riad so we had space for them all. Highly recommend going there - lovely people, fab food and a real assault on your senses in every way.