Summer Nap Selections


Senior Jockey
Jul 4, 2004
The competition kicks off tomorrow. Please use this thread for entering your selections.

Most weeks competitors will have just two selections but this first week you will have four, to mark the fact that with both Galway and Goodwood going on it is one of the best racing weeks of the year. Two of your selections will be at 4pts and the other two at 2pts. They can be used any day and at any meeting this week in Britain or Ireland. Bets not used will be counted as losing selections.

Here are the rules once again:

1. The Summer Naps competition will run from Monday 30 July until Sunday 21 October. Don't laugh, summer hasn't arrived yet so when it does it's bound to run late.

2. All members and new members will be welcome to take part.

3. Competitors must make two Nap selections per week.

a) One selection midweek (Monday to Friday) and one selection at the weekend (Saturday and Sunday).

b) Staking will be the following:
Midweek: Staking will be either 2pts win or 1pt e/w.
Weekend: Staking will be either 4pts win or 2pt e/w.

4.Naps will be settled at SP.

5. British and Irish racing only, apart from Arc weekend at Longchamp, for which bets will be settled at PMU prices.

6. Competitors not posting a Nap will be deemed to have tipped a loser.

7. Selections can be made at any time before the start of the race concerned.

8. Any competitor who fails to post a Nap for 3 weeks in a row will be eliminated.

9. New entries will be allowed until 31 August, with a penalty of 6pts for every week missed. Galway/Goodwood and York Ebor will count as double weeks.

10. Competitors will be required to select two 4pt Naps and two 2pt Naps during Galway/Goodwood week. They can be made on any day of the week. The same shall apply during the week of the York Ebor meeting.

11. Competitors will have three 4pt selections on the last weekend of the competition, 20 and 21 October.

13. Selections are to be made on the forum thread "Summer Nap Selections" set aside for the purpose.

14. Prizes will be as follows: 1st €150
In the event of a tie the prize will go to the competitor with the greater number of winning selections.

Highest priced winner napped: €50.
In the event of a tie the prize will go the competitor with the higher overall score.

16. Participants can take it for granted they will receive abuse for the duration of the competition. The organiser knows from experienece to expect his share.

Could somebody stickify this thread, please?
Can I take part in a control experiment? I am not going to be around much the next few weeks.

Say pick favourites every week or something.

Of course, I thought that was your normal approach anyway?