Summer Nap Selections

Tominator (7/1) and Fantastic Moon (3/1) have been winning selections today, there could be others.
Well done to Pricewise with Macbeth today and everyone who had winning selections at the weekend, I'm still double checking the scores for last week but will get the table up tomorrow.

My selection for tomorrow -

Chookie Hamilton, 2 pts win Musselburgh 4.25
Here's the score table up to the end of last week, anyone who has had points from a placed only horse may notice that they have lost some of them - this is due to a miscalculation in my scoring spreadsheet - I wasn't deducting the win part of the stake. I don't think there are many of us affected and mostly its just a couple of points. Sorry about that.

Marble is still in the lead at the moment on both the biggest profit and the highest SP although Kauto is now tying for this with his 20/1 winner at the weekend.

Let me know if you spot any more mistakes.


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