Sydney hostage taking

Truly shocking and heartbreaking news. I didn't think news comes worse this year than Israel's massacre of children but this is on another level. I am not sure how any one person in this world can physically point a gun at a child and pull a trigger, it is sick, disgusting and vile. It's very hard to comprehend.
Well given that boko harum have done exactly the same.... On a more regular scale too. And isis have beheaded and crucified children.

It's not the time for comparisons but a closer look at some intents and circumstances should be warranted.

There will be the usual "nothing to do with religion" drivel but the hard line strand of Islam constantly preaches a death cult and it is hardly unconnected.
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It is but a lot of it isn't. It can get better and so many states are far better places than they were 30 years ago. The wall came down, facist leaders have all but disappeared and much of the third world is moving forward at a good pace. Western liberals democracies are as strong as ever

But there must always be vigilance and force against those that want to destroy us
I didn't think news comes worse this year than Israel's massacre of children
Your choice of word -- massacre -- is completely unjustified in the context of the recent Gaza conflict.
Israel doesn't massacre children.
Yes it did - via bombs. They were given on several occasions co-ordinates of UN schools where there were children. They still chose to bomb those locations, not by accident. That is pretty close to most definitions of a massacre.
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give over can't say that:)....its anti semitic:blink:..Israel are protected by using that accusation whenever they kill people

its like a licence to do wtf you like..or in monoply..a get out of jail free goes like this

you killed those kids...
we did but feel its justified.
its wrong though murdering innocent kids must be anti semitic

thats how it goes
Stupid comment ec.

when isreal is cited as worse than isis and boko harem, let alone countless massacres in sub sahran africa, what conclusions do you think people will come to?

There is abolsutely no comparison between the strikes and the calculated execution of children. Time and again Israel pulled back from attacks where there was too much risk. Of course some will go wrong as they do in any war, which is a response to a direct attack and costinuous attack. In case you still don't realise that. Which would be pretty incredible.

if hamas had been left alone to develop their tunnels (which were clearly built forterrorist attacks) and their weaponry you can be absolutely certain that they would have carried out the same actions we saw tody. They don't even attempt to hide what they believe should happen to jews. Yes . Jews, not Israelis. All agestoo.

you going to cite the bombing of german cities as bad as the killing today?

it is so predictable that whatever happens anywhere, Israel wil just have to be brought up.
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There is no need to compare Israel with these, just to state that both news events were massacres of children and shocking and upsetting. I would rather both were heavily punished for their actions but for different reasons this is unlikely to happen.
Stupid comment ec.

when isreal is cited as worse than isis and boko harem, let alone countless massacres in sub sahran africa, what conclusions do you think people will come to?

There is abolsutely no comparison between the strikes and the calculated execution of children. Time and again Israel pulled back from attacks where there was too much risk. Of course some will go wrong as they do in any war, which is a response to a direct attack and costinuous attack. In case you still don't realise that. Which would be pretty incredible.

if hamas had been left alone to develop their tunnels (which were clearly built forterrorist attacks) and their weaponry you can be absolutely certain that they would have carried out the same actions we saw tody. They don't even attempt to hide what they believe should happen to jews. Yes . Jews, not Israelis. All agestoo.

you going to cite the bombing of german cities as bad as the killing today?

it is so predictable that whatever happens anywhere, Israel wil just have to be brought up.

was it stupid?,,,looked pretty much on the money to me

i have said before..i don't use league tables to judge which murder is worst than others..Icebreaker did that on the other thread..and i don't agree with one being worse than another

people who blindly murder other people..are scum...i don't care what imaginary world they pray to..i certainly don't single out one group..and make excuses for them...allowing them to do it.

murder is murder Clive...i'm not remotely interested in excuses being made for it..for any group of fact letting one lot do it and criticising others is pretty hypocrytical imo

if men want to fight to the death..then they should do so...i have no problem with that..but if they hide behind babies...then you find a way of killing them that doesn't include killing the has done f00k all wrong

thats across the board for me..i don't let off factions i favour..its across the board
This is much better than the Champion Hurdle

I kind of saw the blue touch paper had been lit the moment Israel cropped up

I'm curious about how you'll separate a deliberate killing with an accidental one Clive. I think it can be done, but I think you're in hazy areas here
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There is no need to compare Israel with these, just to state that both news events were massacres of children and shocking and upsetting.

I believe you need to consult the meaning of the word "massacre" -- and I honestly don't say that or mean it in an insulting or an offensive way.
Israel gave prior warning to its strikes. Did the Taleban? Does ISIS, Boko, or Al Qaeda?
" the IDF warned civilians prior to targeting militants in highly populated areas in order to comply with international law.[331][354][355][356] Human rights organizations including Amnesty International,[357][358]confirmed that in many cases, Palestinians received warnings prior to evacuation, including flyers, phone calls and roof knocking."
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Ok Hamm leave it at that.

ec. That's far too simplistic. I'm not going to go into reasons why the intent today and the intent of Islamists is obviously different to those of other societies but it should be very obvious from their beliefs and philosophies.
I left this forum for a while as I have no wish to debate with those who deny massacres of hundreds of children.. (otherwise known as zionists...)
This is much better than the Champion Hurdle

I kind of saw the blue touch paper had been lit the moment Israel cropped up

I'm curious about how you'll separate a deliberate killing with an accidental one Clive. I think it can be done, but I think you're in hazy areas here

No I'm not
I left this forum for a while as I have no wish to debate with those who deny massacres of hundreds of children.. (otherwise known as zionists...)

Then why being it up? No one else did . Why bring Israel straight into the debate about a situation which is nothing, absolutely nothing to do with Israel? Why claim (and we will accept it was an oversight in the haste to bring Israel into it) that it was worse than isis? Do you really think that could go unchallenged?
I believe you need to consult the meaning of the word "massacre" -- and I honestly don't say that or mean it in an insulting or an offensive way.
Israel gave prior warning to its strikes. Did the Taleban? Does ISIS, Boko, or Al Qaeda?
" the IDF warned civilians prior to targeting militants in highly populated areas in order to comply with international law.[331][354][355][356] Human rights organizations including Amnesty International,[357][358]confirmed that in many cases, Palestinians received warnings prior to evacuation, including flyers, phone calls and roof knocking."

absolutely spot on
Then why being it up? No one else did . Why bring Israel straight into the debate about a situation which is nothing, absolutely nothing to do with Israel? Why claim (and we will accept it was an oversight in the haste to bring Israel into it) that it was worse than isis? Do you really think that could go unchallenged?

I brought it up as today's news was reminiscent of Israel's barbaric actions earlier this year - both involved the inexcusable massacre of an awful lot of children. If you can't see the link, I despair for you...

Where did I mention ISIS today?
Truly shocking and heartbreaking news. I didn't think news comes worse this year than Israel's massacre of children but this is on another level. I am not sure how any one person in this world can physically point a gun at a child and pull a trigger, it is sick, disgusting and vile. It's very hard to comprehend.

Because pretty clearly you are claiming that Israel is worse than isis and BH. Does it have to be repeated?
Then why being it up? No one else did . Why bring Israel straight into the debate about a situation which is nothing, absolutely nothing to do with Israel?
Indeed so! You are of course correct.
A more sensitive soul than myself would see it as taking an opportunity to verbally bash Israel (again) whilst delivering platitudes about murdered children in Pakistan.
Because pretty clearly you are claiming that Israel is worse than isis and BH. Does it have to be repeated?

I never spoke about 'Israel'. I spoke about the event I found most shocking in 2014 to date. Israel is a supposed progressive state and hence is held to different morals (and hence their massacre of hundreds of children was to me much more shocking) than the barbaric BH and ISIS, whose actions need no condemnation.