Sydney hostage taking

How utterly predictable that this thread would be diverted to Israel. Surprised it took so long!
One person is killed by a firearm every 17 minutes, 87 people are killed during an average day, and 609 are killed every week - Name that Country?

It's 1 every 17 minutes, not 17 every 1 minute!

Last time I knew, South Africa was pretty similar mind you despite having a smaller population. I believe the "killed" qualification includes suicides and accidents
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One person is killed by a firearm every 17 minutes, 87 people are killed during an average day, and 609 are killed every week - Name that Country?

maybe USA because it's so huge?
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It's the USA.

Having said that, America's figures are always disputed in terms of what is included and what is omitted. These figures came from NBC pouring over official documents (whatever an official document is). It's interesting though that as many American's are roughly killed (or perhaps 'die from' would be a better description) firearms every month, as were killed in the Twin Towers
And the relevance to the thread regarding Islamic extremist violence (and anti Israel?) is?........
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Hamm, I'm no apologist for Israel, but there is a world of difference between the atrocities perpetrated by IS/Boko Baram/Others, and those of Israel in Gaza.

The actions of these Militant Jihadi groups are wanton, ongoing, and are part of an overt strategy of radical Islam, whose ultimate aim is genocide. I make no comment on the right/wrong of Israel's excursion into Gaza, but it was limited, tactical, and was deployed as a last-resort measure in response to a threat - perceived or otherwise.

Anyone failing to acknowledge the difference between the two, is looking at the picture with one eye shut......possibly on purpose.
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Hamm, I'm no apologist for Israel, but there is a world of difference between the atrocities perpetrated by IS/Boko Baram/Others, and those of Israel in Gaza.

The actions of these Militant Jihadi groups are wanton, ongoing, and are part of an overt strategy of radical Islam, whose ultimate aim is genocide. I make no comment on the right/wrong of Israel's excursion into Gaza, but it was limited, tactical, and was deployed as a last-resort measure in response to a threat - perceived or otherwise.

Anyone failing to acknowledge the difference between the two, is looking at the picture with one eye shut......possibly on purpose.

I am not sure has people's ability to read disappeared in the past 24 hours!

Read my last post - I am not say BH and ISIS are not worse, I said I found Israel's particular massacre more shocking as you would expect better from a supposedly progressive nation, a nation backed by the (general) world we all live in. For BH and ISIS, these people are beneath contempt and hence, to me at least, their actions are less shocking. I hadn't placed the Taliban in their category until yesterday, hence why I was more shocked by yesterday's events than by the atrocities of BH and ISIS.
I have to agree with this Clive, these inhuman bast***s have no place in any society in this day and age. They are a virus on humanity, a virus that needs to be eradicated.Their medieval ideology and outdated bigoted mentality does not belong.
I hate these people more than anyone ive hated im my life. I could genuinely take real pleasure from actually killing them .

The only good that can come out of this is a real awakenibg and determined slaughter if isis aq and the taleban

Sorry Clive my last post was in response to this.
I am not sure has people's ability to read disappeared in the past 24 hours!

Read my last post - I am not say BH and ISIS are not worse, I said I found Israel's particular massacre more shocking as you would expect better from a supposedly progressive nation, a nation backed by the (general) world we all live in. For BH and ISIS, these people are beneath contempt and hence, to me at least, their actions are less shocking. I hadn't placed the Taliban in their category until yesterday, hence why I was more shocked by yesterday's events than by the atrocities of BH and ISIS.

Just because we hold Israel to a higher standard, does not make their actions in Gaza "more shocking" than the indiscriminate slaughter being perpetrated by IS, AQ, BH, Al Shabbab, the Taliban, or any other such organisation - not in my view, at any rate.........but I get your point.
its the same taleban leader who ordered the shooting of Malala. How can this be a shock? The taleban is every bit as nasty and repressive as boko harum and isis. i cannot believe that wasnt understood. They harboured and gave strong suuport to aq for fcks sake
Just because we hold Israel to a higher standard, does not make their actions in Gaza "more shocking" than the indiscriminate slaughter being perpetrated by IS, AQ, BH, Al Shabbab, the Taliban, or any other such organisation - not in my view, at any rate.........but I get your point.

of course it doesnt. complete nonsense
its the same taleban leader who ordered the shooting of Malala. How can this be a shock? The taleban is every bit as nasty and repressive as boko harum and isis. i cannot believe that wasnt understood. They harboured and gave strong suuport to aq for fcks sake

And Pakistan harboured the Taleban, albeit there are two Talebans here. Even the Afghani Taleban have disowned this action
And Pakistan harboured the Taleban, albeit there are two Talebans here. Even the Afghani Taleban have disowned this action

Are where they are though. You can go on saying "ah yes but!" About anything. Now they know what they have to do and with western aid they need to be brought to their knees. This is the Jordan aq moment for the taleban.

Very moving to hear about how hundreds of kids turned up at the school in their uniforms today.