Talking Horses - Cheltenham

  • Thread starter Thread starter Bruce_Savage
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Good Morning,

I wanted to know if members of the forum would be interested in a little game of Talking Horses, really it's to break the ice and bring down the level of ingenuity to a more simplistic game for all to play.

The first poster is an interviewer who will ask a question for a certain horse and the poster below will have to be in that horses shoes and answer in a serious non biased fashion.

Imagine we're all sat down at a press conference with our pens & pads with the horses sat on the desk in front of us - no more Trainers, Jockeys or Owners speaking because horses can speak for themselves now.

For: Big Bucks

Question: Hi there Big Bucks, it's good to see you in good health leading up to the Ladbrokes World Hurdle. You have captured the hearts and the imagination of the public in recent years become one of the top Staying Hurdlers of all time - do you believe from what you've seen or heard that anyone can realistically go toe to toe with you up the Cheltenham Hill and why do you switch off in your races?

Thanks Bruce.
to Al Ferof

Hi there Al Ferof, do you think Bruce Savage is wired up right?

..oh and are you going to enjoy coming up the Cheltenham hill again?
to Al Ferof

Hi there Al Ferof, do you think Bruce Savage is wired up right?

..oh and are you going to enjoy coming up the Cheltenham hill again?


The rules are simple - someone has to reply back as Big Bucks then they can post another question for the horses on the panel.


Arent there dodgy websites for those that want to role play as horses?


I have gone through some research into improving & stimulating online communities and one of the biggest factors of constructive involvement was easy entry, easy reading and easy exit.

On one of my Psychology classes we have to sit in the middle of an experimental room that has on lookers marking our behaviors. The game is simple, you may have even seen it on your travels around the internet but basically someone states two options like red or blue then the person to the left replies back with an answer followed by two options of there own.

Of course when we done the experiments it was far more challenging and subliminal in assessment that simple red or blue but I've tried to tweak it around Horse Racing so that this game should invite people in whereby we can assess some real opinions on horses and may actually help improve decision making on our betting over the festival or it could just be a fun way of helping others and maybe just a fun topic to post in.

If we can take ourselves out of the picture and from any opinion we may hold on certain horses then put ourselves into the horses shoes then I think the forum as a whole can create extreme clarity & excellent debate.

Of course it needs some proper constructive views to make it flow how I think it should.
Hi Bruce, good question - i have to say no but in truth I'm **** scared that Oscar whiskey will stay cos if he does I just ain't quick enough....
On one of my Psychology classes we have to sit in the middle of an experimental room that has on lookers marking our behaviors

in or out of the straightjacket?
Question For: Hurricane Fly

Afternoon Hurricane, firstly how was your journey over the Irish sea?

You and connections enjoyed a fantastic Cheltenham last year landing some old fashioned wagers from the voices of Ireland can you tell us how you felt approaching 4 out and if there was anything that worried you?

Secondly how do you anticipate the race to unfold this year and are you confident of repeating your feat from 12 months ago?
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Hf "fck that. I want to know why they cut my bollocks off whilst that ******* Sea the stars gets to hump all those fillies"
Hi Kauto Star,

Do you remember when people said Denman was better than you? What do you say to those people now?
Binocular: Hey Hurricane did you know Sea the stars was going to run in the Champion Hurdle?

Hurricane: Yep! He was, until I told him hold on to your nuts this is going to be some blow job
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Hi Long Run: How do you feel about having that useless Cohen on your ass in every grade one chase?

Does he bung you beforehand to jump over an obstacle?
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Dear Sizing Europe,

Do you know that no horse has won the Arkle and gone on to win the Queen the following two years? Given that you could possibly also have won a Champion Hurdle when you fo win will it make you the most underrated, unappreciated beast of all time?
Hi Long Run: How do you feel about having that useless Cohen on your ass in every grade one chase?

Does he bung you beforehand to jump over an obstacle?

Me cheri Marbell - I 'ave no 'ow you zey time to speek at ze momente, just let me fini ma dinner and I shall be back to discuss ze dentiste wiz you presently....
Alors!! I forget to answer last evening, le securitie is keeping moi awake...

Le dentiste is a nice man,but as a jockee 'e is an eediot. Sometimes he fall off, sometimes he stay on - sometimes he kick me,sometimes he pull me, often i ignore him as it is saferrr,he know nuzzing about le races. 'E is alzo le reason I wear le silly earmuffs - 'e 'as a fan cluuub who scream and shout at 'im all ze time, it is tres offputting... Zere is an 'orse here entre in ze 4 mile race for dentiste types, if 'e ride it 'e will not be riding me,'e will maybe be dead as it does not jump well... I see that Yogi man last week - he try to tell me 'ow to jump - he cannot do it,so why he try to teach me???

Zat brown 'orse wiz ze white face - people zink ze sun shines out of his arzehole - I have 'ad a good look twice zis season, I can assure you that it doez not. I zink if I am allowed to jump ze final fence alongside 'im next friday, I will beat him up ze 'ill - he is not so fast as me unless it is flat. My friend at ze yard iz also running - I zink I shluld beat him, though he is a ver' tough 'orze to beat and he nearly beat me ze ozzer week.

Az my good friend once zaid - "when ze seagulls follow the trawler, it is because zey zink sardines will be thrown into ze sea" I will be ze trawler next Friday......