Talking Horses Naps Competition 2011

  • Thread starter Thread starter SlimChance
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Troodles, is your New Year rezzie to totally crush OTB's now threadbare hopes? You little tease!

I'm not surprised Lady H says that - he once admitted to having 42 phone accounts!

Apparently, on coming out of the shower to a series of missed calls and texts, Mrs H commented that she was surprised that he did not take it in there with him...
:lol: I have this image of his lordship sitting at a bank of switches and buttons, like a NASA control room, in his baronial hall. What with the poker action, the stocks, the shares, the bonds, the spreads, the daily news reports which keep him au courant with world trends, I'm surprised he still recognises her ladyship: "Ah, you must be the new cook. I'll ring through to Jenkins and get him to show you where the kitchen is... "

And what always impressed me about him was that, no matter how much had been ventured, if the result didn't pan out, there was never any bleating and certainly never any swearing. Just the same as with the horses - no overblown predictions and no boasting about the victories.
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Yes, we're good enough to satisfy their voyeurism, not good enough to chat to. Naturally, they're all men...