TH National Hunt Cup

One addition. I'm about on board a long haul flight. If the unthinkable draw happens Ivan, feel free to select a meeting tomorrow, and I'll throw some last minute darts!

You've got your nose in front already. Literally....

I will of course do the honours if required.

Safe journey.
First race scores

One addition. I'm about on board a long haul flight. If the unthinkable draw happens Ivan, feel free to select a meeting tomorrow, and I'll throw some last minute darts!

Wherever you are in the world.....well done sir and well deserved.

Hope you take it all the way to the fez.

Good luck.
Round 3 next Saturday, players in red have choice of meeting although in the edgt v Kauto Abu match they must play the main meeting on ITV as both scored 20pts and were level on countback of firsts, seconds and thirds.


Thanks DG for another stalwart performance in keeping score. Thanks to The Bear also for a good match.

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Cheers Beef or Salmon. Some crazy priced winners reflected in the final scoring.

Thanks to DG as well for being on the ball and keeping the scores.

Good luck to Benny as well for next week.
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DG v Desperate Dan

I will nominate Kempton

edgt v Kauto Abu

ITV main meeting is Kempton

Doesn't look as if there will be any weather issues at Kempton
Great day Tanlic.
Luckily my minimal stake Heinz returns will keep me on Baked beans for the foreseeable future.
I had better take the attic room at Cheltenham and Bangkok may be far enough down wind from me !

The problem with taking the attic room is you might lift the roof off. We'll ask them to clear the garden shed for you.