TH Winter Competitions

OK between us Col and I have come up with a Paypal button. There is an example of how it will look and work on the top thread of Page 1 of this thread. There will be an option of 1, 2 or 3 entries and you need to enter your FORUM name as well.

Paypal is free when funded by the sender’s PayPal balance, bank account or DEBIT card. If you use a credit card to send money, a fee of 3.4% + 20p applies.

The entry fee will be 75p per team up to 3 teams. Hopefully we will have enough entries to cover the £100 prize usually associated with the competition after fees are deducted. Any surplus I will pay back into the Forum via the donate button which helps to cover the running costs of the forum. As a rough example if 50 players submit 3 teams that raises £112.50

The TTF competition will run as of Saturday 10th October (Chepstow) I will post the rules and list of horses up by this weekend which gives everyone two weeks to compile their teams.
OK between us Col and I have come up with a Paypal button. There is an example of how it will look and work on the top thread of Page 1 of this thread. There will be an option of 1, 2 or 3 entries and you need to enter your FORUM name as well.

Paypal is free when funded by the sender’s PayPal balance, bank account or DEBIT card. If you use a credit card to send money, a fee of 3.4% + 20p applies.

The entry fee will be 75p per team up to 3 teams. Hopefully we will have enough entries to cover the £100 prize usually associated with the competition after fees are deducted. Any surplus I will pay back into the Forum via the donate button which helps to cover the running costs of the forum. As a rough example if 50 players submit 3 teams that raises £112.50

The TTF competition will run as of Saturday 10th October (Chepstow) I will post the rules and list of horses up by this weekend which gives everyone two weeks to compile their teams.

Don't worry about Paypal and extra teams - I will put up the £100 prize for winner of TTF but keep it at one team each with a dark horse. It didn't work when they tried to change it with the original tote comp. :)
Thanks chef, much appreciated.

I've put too much work into it to drop back to one team now though, up to three teams will work fine, trust me :ninja: :lol:
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I'm preparing a thread containing the rules and conditions for the Ante Post competition which is due to start on November 1st. I didn't realise we usually have two prizes awarded, one of £150 and a trophy to the person whose bets generate the most winnings, and one of £50 to the person whose portfolio has the highest notional value on 29 Feb. Grassy has volunteered £100 which means we need one or more sponsors for the other £100. Any takers ?

Grey's has offered £100 sponsorship for the Winter competition and swedish chef's £100 is for the Ten To Follow.
I confirmed to Grey my prize for the MVP last year should go to the prize fund this year

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Don't be caught out like I was last year, the Ten To Follow competition (see link above) gets under way on Saturday so it's time to be sorting out your entries.

Please remember also that the Cheltenham Festival Ante Post competition starts at the end of the month and anyone playing in both it and the Ten To Follow will be eligible for the Winter Prize for the best overall performance in the two competitions.

Thanks to the generosity of forum members there is an overall prize fund of more than £400, which these days in euros is worth a fortune of money, plus the rather handsome Alan Morgan Trophy*.

All the competitions are free to enter, so go for it.

* (as opposed to the Rather Handsome Alan Morgan Trophy)
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I'm not sure what sort of entry levels were expected but I can put a 'nag advert' at the top of the screen for a day or two so that when anyone unregistered or haven't visited the forum for 24 hours come on, they will see it on the first visit they make after its in place if that helps at all
Entries for the TTF so far are on a par with the same stage last year I'd say but a reminder of the starting date would be no harm because it comes that bit earlier than the other competition.
Entries for the TTF so far are on a par with the same stage last year I'd say but a reminder of the starting date would be no harm because it comes that bit earlier than the other competition.

Extended to 2pm this Saturday, October 10th
I'll leave the banner up until tomorrow at some point, I will be going out though so will have to remove it then as I won't be around to approve any registrations. Its showing on both mobile site and desktop, although it won't show to users using tapatalk
I know we're pretty much comped out but just thought I'd point out for anyone who could be interested that ATR are doing a Fantasy Racing game for the jumps.

Think I'll probably end up involved.

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