The Champion Chase 2010

Jumping is just as important, if not more, about what a horse can do as speed/stamina. If he can't jump, he's not good enough.

You are very much wide of the mark comparing Big Zeb with Moscow Flyer in terms of jumping.
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If Master minded is over his injury he'll win he doesn't need to be at his best, just fit. 2.58 could look very big after the game spirit, and he wouldn't run him if he's not ready.
Watching it again I am surprised Golden Silver got so close considering the round of jumping he put in .I always thought he was a sound jumper .
It would be nice to see Kalahari King go really well tomorrow to add some much needed spark to the Queen Mother.
Or maybe he's running at Newbury because he needs to to get him ready (for Cheltenham)?

Nicholls said in the RP last week that he wasn't going to do any fast work with Master Minded before Newbury and that he would 'use the race to bring him on'...schooling in public, anyone?! He'd better hope that the horse wins, a 40 day ban for non-trying from Newbury would bugger up Cheltenham! :lol:
He looks to have the sort of turn of foot that will make him very dangerous to anything if he is within striking distance at the last.
He looks to have the sort of turn of foot that will make him very dangerous to anything if he is within striking distance at the last.

I love Kalahari king, i don't get to see to many top class horses in the flesh up here in Edinburgh, but was pleased to see him last year at musselburgh (my 2 little girls first racecourse outing). As you said Galileo he has a lovely turn of foot and takes his fences very well at 8/1 it looks like a very good bet at the moment.
KK is a sensible each-way bet for the Champion Chase, even at the 6s now available. I's expect him to be placed, possibly win, as MM has been looking vulnerable. Even if MM returns to his best to win the Champion decisively you shouldn't lose your money on KK.
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