Only one winning selection today from BennyB nonetheless we now have our final eight players in both competitions, amazingly enough four Chasers and four Runners in each competition were succesful.
They are 'A' competition
BennyB, bob rolf, chroniclandlord, fonz, Lateforthe races, Merlin The Magician, Michael and rorydelargy
and 'B' competition
bald eagle, Dave, Dave G, Euronymous, jinnyj,Perpetual, Roddy Owen and The Cardiffian
Winners and Losers for Saturday September 21st
Final tables for Round Two
Round three starts tomorrow Sunday Sept 22nd to see who can make it to the semi finals. I will make the draw shortly and it should be online by 7PM.
All other contestants are now eliminated, thank you for playing what was a trial run of a new tipping game, I would be interested in any feedback, I have had a few constructive criticisms by PM
but would be interested in anymore.