The Clinton Affair

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The idea that you think you are so smart that I will read an essay from you says a lot. Just because you write essays doesn't make you are smart. Answer a simple question. Is the USA removing troops from Syria and Afghanistan what the American people want? No one on this thread bar me will say this because you are all disingenuous. If Trump is against way you are for it. Address this in one sentence or don't bother. Otherwise I'm done talking to retards that think they are smarter than the general public. This thread is a perfect example why populism is on the rise.
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As of today Trump's approval rating on the RCP average is 42.4. His lowest in the last 18 months has been 37.7 and his highest 44.4. There isn't much upside left.

I think you're likely deluding yourself if you think there's going to be a wave of liberal progressives who suddenly flock to Trump over a decision to retreat from Syria. Especially as they come to realise that its all about Turkey and trying to strike a deal with them which prevents the Turks from heaping further embarrassment on Trump's beloved Saudi Arabia. Indeed, I note that even Joe Scarborough got himself on message today having spent yesterday pursuing links to Putin. I can only assume that someone has explained the real motives behind Trump's move as he cryptically referenced "events in a courthouse earlier this week" (which was of course a secondary motive that I alluded to yesterday given that Flynn was an unregistered foreign agent for Turkey cracking deals on their behalf)

The people you're describing "progressives on the left" are higher information voters, they aren't going to perform a 180 on this cynical move. These people have long ago decided what they think about Trump. Their minds are made up. If you're relying on them to win a buy position you're likely going to struggle, and before you commit to it, you need to also trade out any loss of support from his own supporters who lap up the idea of exceptionalism.

Also you need to factor in other things when looking at the approval rating.

As things stand, he hasn't got a Chief of Staff, hasn't got an Attorney General, has just lost his Defence Secretary, he's just shut the government down, the stock market has had its worst December since 1931 and he's just been ordered to close his foundation down for inappropriate function. All this in the last 10 days. He's got a total 17 legal cases in against him, plus six major investigations. Someone is sooner or later going to put two and two together about Stephanie Wolkoff as well. This is just an example of one of them!

For those unaware, she's a friend of Melania Trump whose line of business is party planning and event organisation. She founded WIS Media Partners in December 2016, (six week before the inauguration) and was paid a bit less than $26m towards organising the event. On November 19th, 2016, Trump agreed to settle the legal case brought against him for fraud involving Trump University for a total of $25m. Coincidence? We'll see. Has he really used WIS to funnel his legal settlement through using inauguration donations to pay off his fine?

Trumps in real trouble, trust me.

Length of this ******* post from a retard in his mother's basement. I'll bet my life you've achieved nothing in life. For the 6 million word count you've written on here you've got **** all right. Michael Avenatti (NAP)
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Imagine we now live in a world where a hatred of a president is more important than stopping unnecessary wars and "intellects" defend it. You should all being ******* ashamed of yourselves.
Slim I don't really do politics on the basis of I have enough on my plate trying to keep myself in check.

For a guy who seems a) drunk most the time b) fairly abusive and resentful towards people c) a little bit insecure about his own success and d) very quick to perhaps suggest that other people are failing in in life (very much related to point c ) then it may be an idea to sort yourself out a little bit before you try to cure the world.

I'm not the brightest star but personally I'm glad people can have the freedom to express themselves in as many words as they like and that other people believe it or not have the freedom not to read it if they deem it too long for there attention span. Its a real weird phobia, the fear of "essays" as you call them but I'd suggest its becoming a common one judging by the success of Twitter.

As you like.
Slim I don't really do politics on the basis of I have enough on my plate trying to keep myself in check.

For a guy who seems a) drunk most the time b) fairly abusive and resentful towards people c) a little bit insecure about his own success and d) very quick to perhaps suggest that other people are failing in in life (very much related to point c ) then it may be an idea to sort yourself out a little bit before you try to cure the world.

I'm not the brightest star but personally I'm glad people can have the freedom to express themselves in as many words as they like and that other people believe it or not have the freedom not to read it if they deem it too long for there attention span. Its a real weird phobia, the fear of "essays" as you call them but I'd suggest its becoming a common one judging by the success of Twitter.

As you like.

You're just sore because I removed you from the WhatsApp group. Sorry pal but that just capitalism and you know nothing about me to comment on my lifestyle.
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You're just sore because I removed you from the WhatsApp group. Sorry pal but that just capitalism and you know nothing about me to comment on my lifestyle.

And btw you could have squeezed that essay into "I think you're a ****".
That's the point Slim I don't really think you're a **** just a kid who thinks he knows more than he does about life I actually find you amusing. Yeah I'm really sore about being removed from the Whats App group...I'll really miss Martin....nice guy...knows his **** :)
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That's the point Slim I don't really think you're a **** just a kid who thinks he knows more than he does about life I actually find you amusing. Yeah I'm really sore about being removed from the Whats App group...I'll really miss Martin....nice guy...knows his **** :)
A kid? Jesus wept.
It will be with no regret that this will be my last post on this forum. Sick of dealing with retards like you.
Apologies Slim Its not my usual style to get involved and I'm only mucking about don't be so touchy fella.

Look Merry Christmas and happy New year to you and I hope your Whatsapp group can provide you plenty of winners in one sentence ..or less :lol:

All the best.
Well the only pollster I've seen so far that has surveyed the period post 20 Dec and is capturing the reaction to Trump great policy coup that was going to have liberal progressives suddenly throw off their previous convictions and flock to Trump, has been the normally supportive Rasmussen

Trump's approval rating is down 3
Trump's disapproval is up 2

His net approval index rating has also fallen to minus 11 with them
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He's one chicken wing away from a coronary..:rolleyes: In meltdown tonight as well!!:thumbsup:
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Even the latest Rasmussen poll has him -12, OK the CNN has him -20, but I'm prepared to give that a light touch the same way I am Ras

Trumps approvals are down about 1.2pts but it's disapprovals that are more telling, they're up 3.3pts. The gap that was 9.3 is now 13.6 in the space of about 4 weeks
Well with Gallup and Quinnipac now reporting the RCP average finally has a collection polls conducted after the 19/12/18

Trump's approval rating is 41.0 down 1.4

His disapproval rating is 55.5 up 3.8