The election 2015

This is the biggest party issue for decades. If I was a labour voter I would be more than obsessed with this. You really want to see your party completely marginalised?
most labour voters don't care until the election..only a small % of the population..similar to the poll on air strikes here 19/175..whats that?..10% of ordinary voter will even be noticing said before..90% of the electorate don't follow politics in detail so most of the stuff you think is ignored until grand national time in 2020...and even then it will only get scratched at what happens at this moment in time.

What leads up to an election may be more relevant imo..but thats probably only a month or so before when they go daft with coverage...possibly you will get more noticing then...but generally the populus would rather watch Strictly or jungle..or even a blank screen rather than watch owt to do with politics.

One of the funniest vox pops which sort of backs this up..and made me laugh out loud..interviewer last week on beeb main news..walks up to this woman and asked something or other about Jeremy Corbyn..this woman looked at him and says.."you're not him are you"? So..she had not a clue who Corbyn was or what he looked like.

The only people who care..are the labour members..and 60% of them are very happy indeed with i'm not sure who you actually mean when you say folk are bothered..they aren't.

I'll bet you are one of the most concerned from what i can tell:D..which i think is really sweet of you duckie:)

And lets say there are some folk..which i am sure there are just a few...not labour party members ...who are can they do about it?..absolutely if you can't change point worrying about it.
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Don't agree with that ec. I do not believe for a minute that only 10% of the population will have any idea what's going on i didn't say only 10% know whats going on..i said only 10% probably follow politics in vox pop example wasn't really suggesting other 90% don't know..just that within that have such as that woman..who didn't know wtf Corbyn was. Most people will know who the leaders are..but in everyday interest level..thats probably it. Most folk just give politics a passing interest..i.e. may catch a bit on news accidentally...or maybe when that bit comes on go for a p1ss or make a cup o tea.

Now if we were talking about someone on strictly being a terrorist snogger it migt be different..if they had folk going round threatening folk who voted someone they didn't like..probably be an outcry.."ooh i only voted for Peter Andre and a brick come through window"
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the sunday politics TV show attracts 350,000 viewers...which is about 0.05% of the population Clive..about same as Morning Line on a good horse racing has about the same level of "interested" viewers

Strictly come dancing 10.2 million viewers = 16% of population.

so one hell of a lot more folk are bothered about a few celebs prancing round than whether Corbyn kiss asses terrorists..or if he farts in a Marxist way..or if he sings the national anthem ...or sings along with Adele...or any of the other stuff the media thinks is of interest to fact..its the media that obsesses with that stuff...they just think loads of folk are interested..they aren't really.
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maybe Corbyn should go on strictly Clive..then at least doris in blackburn would know who he was:)...he could have flabbott as dance partner

in fact if he did that a month before next election..he'd win easily.."oh you can't vote for him Doris..he's a terrorist snogger".."oh i don't care about that..he does a lovely quick step"

in fact..maybe instead of an election...they do a An Election Strictly..and winner gets PM's job..all money from phone votes for whole series to go to NHS..job sorted.
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Good enough for Malcolm X [emoji12]

MalcolmX was a follower of the Nation of Islam. It does indeed make sense. All this phoney smokescreen about hating Islam and yet all the positions he argues for have the effect of bolstering it

They're brothers.
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Out with Israeli lender today. Skinful . Top class .
Nice one, lad ! Proper order too.
Except, it may not go down well with some of the appeasers and pro-Pally's ............ you fraternising with the "oppressors" and all that! :lol:
Yer supposed to boycott everything Israeli, don't ya know, even a proffered friendly drink with one of them.
Nice one, lad ! Proper order too.
Except, it may not go down well with some of the appeasers and pro-Pally's ............ you fraternising with the "oppressors" and all that! :lol:
Yer supposed to boycott everything Israeli, don't ya know, even a proffered friendly drink with one of them.

well better that than out for a stoning or throwing abuse at women because they don't want to have a roll with someone that fundamentally hates them . I would add that the booze up was in a leather bar in Brighton too but it wasn't
I tell you what is fcking great. I have regularly and rightly suggested them as a lender to all sorts of businesses from all sorts of cultural backgrounds over the pats few years and not once has there been a flicker of objection. In fact usually quite the opposite in terms of "have some of that" .

thats bang on true and guardian readers who represent fck all can go fck themselves
As a matter of interest, have you ever found the opposite -- i.e., has it ever happened in your experience for an Israeli lender to refuse a loan to another party purely on grounds of race or creed? Just wondering.

out of the question.

In fact one of my best clients is a security business run by a huge Iranian (body guards boris Johnson as it happens) . A smart terrific bloke who's going great guns in a tough market and someone I have a lot of time for full stop. He's over here, loves it and considers himself a Brit. And the lender consider themselves to be in the british market,

thats all anyone needs to know
a security business run by a huge Iranian .................................... And the lender consider themselves to be in the british market,
So basically, the Israeli lender doesn't give a Shiite who he lends his money to ? :lol::lol::lol:
Not just Clive

I'm inclined to wonder if this had been a government minister, would they not be expected to resign?
Last night a Labour spokesman said Mr Corbyn had been approached by the constituent prior to the trial, and wrote a letter on his behalf as is standard for a constituency MP.

This was before the full facts of the case had emerged, and was on the basis that Mr Corbyn was informed the constituent needed to be at home with his children and would not abscond and could not travel abroad‎.

‎ The ‎spokesman said: 'Jeremy Corbyn condemns the actions of his constituent as appalling acts against vulnerable people and wholly unacceptable.'

the problem is before you write on behalf of should really be checking what the charges are..ffs you don't just recommend bail without knowing. His ignorance shows poor judgement..and the facts were out when the solicitor tried to use the letter a second time..surely Corbyn should have told them the letter was not to be used a second time..first time was bad enough.
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