The election 2015

i can't see how he can survive this..even new labour spin gurus couldn't spin that right

I must admit, I have no idea how frequently constituents approach MP's in matters like this, but if they do so as a stranger it seems odd. I'm guessing he might have been known to Corbyn?

The only spinning defence I can see is that Corbyn was right, in so far as he didn't prove to be a flight risk, as Corbyn had attested, and that being so, the judicial system has worked
I must admit, I have no idea how frequently constituents approach MP's in matters like this, but if they do so as a stranger it seems odd. I'm guessing he might have been known to Corbyn?

The only spinning defence I can see is that Corbyn was right, in so far as he didn't prove to be a flight risk, as Corbyn had attested, and that being so, the judicial system has worked prob with the system..i'd just be questioning Corbyn's judgement..especially when the case then became clear ..and still the letter was in possession of solicitor..Corbyn should have weighed the situation up and way are you using that letter again.

at best..its not the judgement of a party leader..looks like a right fool leaving that letter in place to be used worst he will get hung drawn and quartered

at end of day..MP looking after his prob there..find out what he is accused of though..then pull away from it...instead he sends a letter of support...then..even after the case is known..leaves letter with solicitor..bizarre
Last edited: prob with the system..i'd just be questioning Corbyn's judgement..especially when the case then became clear ..and still the letter was in possession of solicitor..Corbyn should have weighed the situation up and way are you using that letter now.

at best..its not the judgement of a party leader..looks like a right fool leaving that letter in place to be used worst he will get hung drawn and quartered

at end of day..MP looking after his prob there..find out what he is accused of though..then pull away from it...instead he sends a letter of support...then..even after the case is known..leaves letter with solicitor..bizarre

nothing surprises me ec

would he have written a letter of support if the crime had been for fundraising for the bnp? Who as horrible as they are are not isis.

Reagardless of the fact that he has sympathy for islamists you are spot on when you say it's chronic judgement.
nothing surprises me ec

would he have written a letter of support if the crime had been for fundraising for the bnp? Who as horrible as they are are not isis.

Reagardless of the fact that he has sympathy for islamists you are spot on when you say it's chronic judgement.

it looks to me like he has written the letter without checking..could have been the Ripper as far as he one in right mind would do that anyway..but then when you know what the case is...thats if you followed it'd want the letter burning wouldn't you? Its a bit like giving somene reference for a job without checking who its is.."oh yes Mr Savile is one of my constituents and i can recommend him for any work with children..needs to live in though"

surprised this isn't making the TV media...he didn't sing the national anthem a few months ago..they couldn't shut up about it for a week..thought they would have been all over this like a rash..seems odd
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surprised this isn't making the TV media...he didn't sing the national anthem a few months ago..they couldn't shut up about it for a week..thought they would have been all over this like a rash..seems odd

As I speculated earlier; my own suspicion is that perhaps this is a much more widespread practise than we realise and all MP's have their fair share of 'guiltys' on their CV's too. It has the hallmarks of keep this one quiet and we'll keep yours quiet etc
As I speculated earlier; my own suspicion is that perhaps this is a much more widespread practise than we realise and all MP's have their fair share of 'guiltys' on their CV's too. It has the hallmarks of keep this one quiet and we'll keep yours quiet etc

could be..i got the same feeling about the terrorist sympathiser stuff..Cameron was happy to say it behind closed doors..but not in the case it got turned round on him..Saudi etc. He also said it at the conference..again..somewhere he wouldn't have any comeback.

i don't know..tbh if any high profile MP was involved in something like would think it would be a TV media story...obviously with it being Corbyn you'd think it would be viral by now
How many times does someone have to praise Hamas Hezbollah and tha ira before being deemed a terrorist sympathiser?
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How many times does someone have to praise Hamas Hezbollah and tha ira before being deemed a terrorist sympathiser?

depends what you mean by praise..does he snog them?

i don't know why someone just don't ask him straight out to explain himself about just what his exact views are..very clear questions and answers might help.
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He was on channel four and lost his temper.

Many would und say that he should have calmly walked away from that rabble last night too. He could easily have made excuses but he invites comment doesn't he?

frankly if he in the slightest bit serious of connecting with voters beyond the far left then he would have done so. Stw are not going to vote for anyone else are they? But the wider labour vote let alone the other parties are surely thinking wtf ? After those posts on their website?
Frankly the big news should be the imfs comments yesterday. They could hardly have been more positive about the uk. I also read the other day that small businesses biggest concern at the moment ... By a wide margin.. Was finding skilled staff. Not getting credit or managing cash flow (sadly for me)

at at the end of the day whatever the side issues "it's the economy stupid"

i would also add that in the small world of my various clients in all sorts of sectors there is a helluva lot of positivity at the moment.

Growth th can take time to filter down but if the uk grows as the mif predict over next few years (and they will tend to be conservative estimates) then the tories will be in for a huge majority. They only have their own possible hubris to threaten them and that's why we would all much prefer to see a properly challenging opposition
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