The Flat

Good point Granger, I was brought up watching rugby league therefore understand the game better and prefer it to union. My local track is Beverley and I was brought up watching flat (I was about 6) so maybe that influenced my preference for the flat.
Why worry about a sport you dislike?

Why not just ignore it?

I despise Formula one. A nasty charmless noisy brainless sport followed by nerds who laughably think that something so tacky could be considered glamorous. Do i post that anywhere ??? :)

Anyway, in answerto grass's question about why enjoy the flat;

1. The spectacle of pure speed and beauty on a warm summers day (ok Grass, you dont get those where you are)

2. The paddock before the QE11. As admirable as jumpers are, the sheer power and elegance of the top horses never fails to stir. (Ravens especially)

3. The bloodlines (as others have mentioned). It is a fascinating dimension

4. The consistent narrative

But im well aware of the downsides I probably and ever so marginally prefer the jumps. Foer some reason my punting is much better in that sphere too
A bit like watching any premiership football Grass.

Wasnt quite so glamourous when i stood by the tea bar watching it all go off in the away end. And Doug Rougvie was stumbling around like a new born giraffe
A bit like watching any premiership football Grass.

Wasnt quite so glamourous when i stood by the tea bar watching it all go off in the away end. And Doug Rougvie was stumbling around like a new born giraffe

Aye, I can tell yer old school, clivex.

Doug Rougvie - now there's a blast from the past. Football was so much more egalitarian in the 1980's, they even let Rougvie win a European Cup Winners Cup medal, despite having zero footballing talent whatsoever.

One hopes he has been retained by Chelsea since his retirement from football, and now teaches Roman's henchmen how to go about their business in the most efficient fashion possible.
The only thing that is common between a 3m steeplechase and a 5f sprint are that horses are the mode of transport used to get from A to B.

They also have the common point that they are both a contest to see which horse is first to get from A to B unless they've changed the rules while I wasn't looking. :D

The skills required to do so differ dramatically, but the objective is the same.

Personally I rather like both codes.
Ill never forget Rougvie completely lamping a wimbledon thug (cant remember who) and walking straight off. Great stuff

Was probably the nastiest game i have seen. Actually saw Dons players gobbing on the opponents. It was war. If it had been another club would have spilt all over the ground

he was the clumsiest defender i have ever witnessed. A nightmare....
That would be Mickey Droy, though Rougvie would also be an excellent nomination for the accolade
Certainly did. Any more Rougvie anecdotes out there? I preferred Jimmy Bone myself when forced to watch Scotsport as a kid, although I was only tuning in for Glen Michael's Cavalcade. Now there was a show.....