The Next President?


Yes...Good memory there. alovely lady too...although met briefly

Hopeless right winger? not at all. Its only that you think everyone to the right of Stalin is in that camp

Funny how those of us who hammer the most mysoginistic, racist, homophobic and genocidal mass cult since the nazis are labelled right wing ? Whilst the left stay.....silent. Although granted are not quite in that camp. :)

As for Geraldines comments, i would tend to agree. Or else there must be some other reason? what could it be? (although i havent watched the clip yet)

no one can deny surely, thats hes had an "easy ride". why should it be a total taboo to question why?

It was often stated that Thatcher was not heavily attacked in her early leadership days because the old school and public school poltical establishment felt uncomfortable attacking " a lady" in that way (although barbara castle might disagree)

MAybe someone will ask Obama what he thinks?

Whether he would go so far as to answer an unscripted question ...well

This is agood story and he needs to be hammered for his past associations. Incredible that he has a near free ride on this issue (see above...)

Can you imagine the reaction if Hilary was a member of a church preaching white power and paranoia against blacks ?

Obama's sudden denounciation of this preachers extremist bigoted views and bizarre paranoid drivel doesnt wash. Does he really think that we should believe that after allthese years, this stuff comes as a suprise to him?

Go for it Hilary...Really get after him on this one. Deflate and destroy this windbag

If you dont Rove will. With great skill too
About what he believes now hes under pressure.

Been with the church for 20 (?) years. Been married and all sorts of stuff by this preacher. Of course he claims that in 20 years hes never heard Wight come out with the garbage that hes just suddenly been found to be spewing and he wasnt aware for 20 years that the Church just loved racist Farrakhan

Its not to suggest that hes in tune with all the black power/exclusion/seperartism stuff...but its an awful association

This will run
Is that the one where she claims to have saved Bosnia single handed whilst under constant barrage of rockets and grenades and cruise missiles?

When in fact the video shows her going for a stroll or something?

Whats got into her? Windbag has been (belatedly...Rove would have had it in the press yonks ago) exposed has having sat through black power and near racist sermonising for twenty years and then through being exposed as a fantastist she immediately hands back the initiative

McCain is looking stronger by the minute
Just proves she is and always has been a lying and conniving bitch---her day of reckoning has arrived--she should go back to Bill--at least he tells the truth.
He never had sex with Monica---he did not need to---Hillary was upstairs and all he did was misspeak.
Influential senator Pat Leahy (an Obama supporter) called yesterday for Clinton to chuck it in, claiming she couldn't possibly win. Obama also picked up the endorsement of Pennsylvania senator Bab Casey.

Hillary is already under pressure from the Democratic establishment, many of whom were rubbed the wrong way during her husband's administration (the likes of Ted Kennedy), and if she doesn't win Pennsylvania big that pressure may become impossible to withstand; that said, I can see Clinton hanging on even if she wins Pennsylvania by a smaller margin. If that happens, I would expect the remaining superdelegates to give her the shove.

What exactly is your hatred of Hillary based on eric c? Obviously, to say Hillary is a polarising figure in the US is an understatement, but I found talking to people who despise her in the States that, when it gets down to specifics, they can present **** all evidence, and retreat to the "cold, calculating bitch" rubbish.
many of whom were rubbed the wrong way during her husband's administration (the likes of Ted Kennedy

Did he?

Nice one.Another feather in Bill's cap as far as i am concerned :luv:

I was thinking the same trackside. Just what is it about Hilary? Could it be dislike by proxy? Bill was such a charismatic figure that he was a bit hard to hate (not that i tried...). directly...? i dunno shrug::
Why do I dislike Hillary so much??

In 92---Clintons first campaign---my son worked in advance security---if Hillary was expected in Cincinnati on Thursday to speak he would have to be there a few days early to arrange the mechanics.
He says she was intolerable to work with---arrogant and never satisfied with her staffs efforts constantly over demanding and a proper B. I personally have never liked her because she has always managed to get away with exaggerating her own importance and has been devious in her law firm dealings back in Arkansas days. Many people believe she was complicit in the death of an associate--Vincent Foster -- be it from suicide or murder.
I also know that she was discreetly able to trump Bill by having her lesbian friends secreted into the White House while they were in residence---he was otherwise occupied at a different end. This is from White House staff security---since retired--golfing friend of mine. I lived in USA for 30 years.
There is more but you probably get the gist.
eric c is entitled to feel the way he does about Hillary

Those of us who have studied the Clintons for many years don't just dislike what we see -
fear and loathing wouldn't be far off it

God help America! What a choice they will have to make from these three...
You are perfectly entitled to your views of course, eric (not matter how different how different than mine).

I have never talked to her so couldn't form an opinion on that aspect (though I have heard a number of people repeating what your lad said), though the Vince Foster stuff is really the domain of the Rush Limbaugh types.
There is extremely good forensic evidence* to indicate that Foster cannot have committed suicide, inc the angle at which the bullet went into his head, which would have been a physical impossibility given the hand the gun was found in. I forget the precise details but no doubt it's all on the web somewhere... Some of it was even reported at the time! - but as Clinton was Governor of Arkansas at the time and a good many in the politco-legal establishment inc the police depended on Clinton family faovurs for their advancement, a good deal was hushed up. I've no idea who killed Foster but I'm pretty convinced he didn't kill himself.

More extraordinary power-hunting shenanigans reported today:

Hillary keeps strange company

This whole soap opera would be hysterically funny if it weren't so terrifying
The US Presidential race affects us all

*PS: If anyone wants to argue that such a cover-up is impossible, you only have to remember that there was a cover-up regarding JFK's head injuries and those ot others in the motorcade, for a generation, to protect the official story that Oswald acted alone
Precisely, Gareth. You'd want to take a look at where your info is coming from, Headstrong.

As for the other piece, I'm surprised to see the man who funded the entire Foster conspiracy endorsing her, perhaps even he's come around!

I love the picture of Clinton the Telegraph have chosen to run with the story.
To-day Hillary likened herself to Rocky Balboa---not a quitter--- and then says "Obama says he is getting tired of it."
In fact last Saturday Obama refused to go along with some senior Democrats who called for Hillary to drop out--saying---" My attitude is that Senator Clinton can run as long as she wants"
How anyone could support such a devious dishonest individual is beyond my comprehension.
For any of you Hillary fans you can have 7/1 on Betfair to stay in bed with her.
Originally posted by trackside528@Apr 1 2008, 04:41 AM
Precisely, Gareth. You'd want to take a look at where your info is coming from, Headstrong.
I did.

America is a very strange place, and the US political/legal establishment is even stranger

And for that reason I don't give a toss for what Ken Starr 'decided'
Originally posted by Gareth Flynn@Apr 2 2008, 09:42 AM
Have you ever met a conspiracy theory you didn't believe?
Yep!!! The most obvious one is of course being played out at the moment at great cost to the British tax payer. There's others that I can never quite been able to decide about, (the moon landings) and can probably be convinced either way depending who was the last person to present it to me (but then my understanding of science isn't that good). At present I'm leaning towards them legitimate though. I tend to think most of the American ones where politics over laps with big money interests, tend to be among the more plausible.
Conspiracy theories are mostly garbage

Simple fact is that most of "conspiracies" that have supposedly taken place would have required rather too many people to keep their mouths shut. Wont happen...

They could stop bloody watergate ffs..and that was very small beer in its execution

The 9/11 conspiracy is the best. The whole of the CIA, FBI, armed forces, inner goverment, jewish population , mossad, New labour and every New yorker is apparently keeping silent about what really happened...

Put it this way...

If you are organising an "conspiracy" which uncovered would cost your life or at least freedom (let alone your families future), how many associates and colleague would you wish to be involved?

Stuff has happened (and i havent looked to cloesly at the one detailed above) but more often than not, what you see is what you get....