Originally posted by Gareth Flynn@Apr 4 2008, 12:04 PM
He was on an arranged visit at the school, so the building was as safe as anywhere, short of a plane landing on it, which until the Pentagon attack over half an hour later probably wouldn't have been a consideration.
Which was the precise of nature of the threat of course
It wouldn't have taken a commercial airliner, a bomb laden Piper Cherokee or Lear jet could have done the job, which given the number of lightly regulated small airfield that litter American cities could have been easily effected.
Not entirely sure your timings are right either. Luckily a lot of it was captured on film.
8.47 - plane hits WTC North Tower
8.48 - CNN breaks into news coverage to show towers on fire and reports a plane hit. Bush is informed during the next 10 mins. By now millions of Americans are watching it and are aware of what's happened, as indeed others all over the globe were.
8.55 - Bush arrives at school
9.00 - Bush goes into listen to a reading drill
9.03 - plane hits South Tower, Bush staffers and Secret Service are watching it on a tele in White House mobile communications room
9.07 - Bush is informed (famous photo of whisper in ear, and Bush pulling face, and continues to read a story about a goat)
9.16 - AA93 hijacked
9.24 - U77 hijacked (the issue of when NORAD were informed is disputed, it should have been within a minute of the first transponder being turned off and the plane altering course, about 8.24)
9.30 - Bush finishes reading practice and holds a pre-arranged press conference in school hall to denounce the terrorists as cowards and "folks" (the latter word has been airbrushed from transcripts and archive footage within a few hours and rarely appears now) The Empire State, UN, NYSE, had all be evacuated by now, and the process was also starting in the Capitol, White House and State Department. (I've often wondered why AQ never had any snipers positioned in the streets with all these government officials running around with ID's hanging off their necks in all the confusion?)
9.35 - Bush leaves for local airport
9.37 - United 73 hits Pentagon
9.43 - Bush Arrives at Sarasota airfield
9.55 - Airforce one takes off
The lastest that his security brief should have known about the nature of the threat was 8.48 along with everyone else in America. They should of course been aware earlier when the plane was hijacked, adn this is a grey area today as regards when the CAA alerted NORAD, who in turn need 'shoot down' permissions which has to come from the Pres first (although others can authorise it in his absence). Bush would probably have been having his morning briefing at this point, but could clearly have been interupted. It's probably fair to assume that the specific nature of the threat hadn't been assessed accurately at this stage.
Bush's involvement is largely incidental however. That he failed to comprehend the gravity of the situation when it was communicated to him, is really no surprise. One journo who wa sin the press pack that day, described him as "behaving like a frightend child having a nightmare and desperately running for the protection of his mothers bed" - or words very close to this. He got fired for his copy :laughing:
As I said, it isn't Bush's reaction that's really of interest, but rather that of the secret service. The one way he might have been attacked successfully, was in actual fact the very method that was being prosecuted, yet they elected to let him adhere to a movement itinary that was widely available and advertised as early as September 7th. In itself it proves nothing, but it's very strange.
There is another story doing the rounds (and I can't offer any opinion on it as I don't know anything about it other than what you pick up in chatter) but it's worth retelling anyway. At about 7.00am some film crew turned up at the resort where Bush was staying insisting they had a morning pool side interview planned. They were middle eastern in appearance and drove the ubiquitos white van (they always seem to don't they). Bush is a notorious early to bed and early riser and had completed his morning jog. The film crew gave the name at the gate when challenged of a secret service agent who was supposidly in his security brief. The agent who challenged them knew of no such agent, and when radioing the contact in, confirmed to them that no such person existed on the rosta and that they should thus seek to go through the press office. They left.
2 days earlier, the leader of the Northern Alliance had be assassinated in Afghanistan using a bomb in a hand held camera by two people posing as a sympathetic television crew. They'd become increasingly persistant in their requests (possibly aware that 9/11 was nearing) and the person (whose name escapes me) agreed to do the interview. It's probable that AQ had anticipated retaliation against the taleban and sought to weaken the already struggling Northern Alliance by removing the war possible war lord who could be relied on to assist America in any action? At about 8.50 (2 or 3 mins after news of the first strike was breaking) a Sarasota resident claims to have seen two men of similar description, in a white van, driving away from somewhere but screaming anti american and anti Bush slogans.
Did they foil an attack on Bush? or is it just another piece of internet myth making? I don't know, but I thought I'd share it with you. It's first time I've picked this one up though