The Next President?

Lot of speculation still about. Huffington Post have reported that it was offered on Friday, without a response from Hillary.

An interesting aside to the whole thing is the fact that, if she accepts the offer, they (Bill and Hillary) will have to open up all of their financial history, including the contributions to the Clinton Library, which they have thusfar refused to go public with, and which has been a source of intrigue for a while now.

This should only be allowed to go one way...
Paul Volcker new a assesor for Barack,
young blood needed for the change

I was wrong with Obama
he pretend to be extreme left to beat hillary, then a moderate to beat the gran daddy and will be more conservative than Georgy as emperor , I like this guy.

we needed this change!!!
Amazed no one has commented on this today......the Yanks sure no how to put on a show. Loved it when Obama prompted the guy to correct himself! Hope he does well.
I was very glad no-one had commented on it [until now!] - I'm utterly fed up to the back teeth with the words 'Barack Obama'. It's all over everything and everywhere you look, every channel, every programme, the radio, the papers, the net - I'm not interested!
I was very glad no-one had commented on it [until now!] - I'm utterly fed up to the back teeth with the words 'Barack Obama'. It's all over everything and everywhere you look, every channel, every programme, the radio, the papers, the net - I'm not interested!

I personally loved the whole campaign, election, and inauguration today.
A truly historic day. I liked the way his speech was less haughty and had more substance than before. I'm a fan. I hope he doesn't disappoint.
Thought a history buff like you would take an interest when it's happening in front of you Shads :p

Just 3 years till the 2012 primaries :D
A truly awe-inspiring moment in our collective hisotry. Maybe you have to be old enough to remember segregation, and the Civil Rights moment, to truly understand - not that I believe anyone other than an American could. But this day had an importance for the entire race of humanity

Great pictures, immensely moving, thanks for the link
Superb photos - thanks for that link. A very great moment and especially poignant as he's a true child of the America being mixed race. He does look a little fragile, though, doesn't he, standing alongside some of those Yank Hunks.

All the very best of good sense and good advisers, good health and a healthy dose of good luck to the man.
But this day had an importance for the entire race of humanity


Hes not fcking jesus or Batman

Hes a new president who is quite likely to be more engaged and thoughtful than his predecessor, although at the same time, unlikely to be at all radical

His race is neither here nor there, other than to prove that the americans are far more colour blind than many on this side of the pond would wish to assume.

More interesting is the fact that he likes his 20 lucky strikes. who was the last president to nip out of the oval office for a fag?
LBJ would be my guess? FDR was probably the most celebrated smoking Pres that comes to mind.

Indeed I have fond memories of invoking FDR during a Tribunal when the respondant was trying to discredit our evidence as 'smokers gossip', the idea being that as soon as you lit a cigarette or smoked you'd automatically lurch into fits of uncontrollable and unfounded gossip. I seem to recall invoking Yalta, and the post war settlement, picking out the three principals as Josef Stalin (fabled pipe smoker) Winston Churchill (cultivated an image out of his cigar smoking) and Franklin D Roosevelt (prolific long handled cigarette smoker). Pausing momentarily for brief affect, I said "I was always given to understand they were negotiating the post war settlement. I didn't realise that they were simply indulging in a good old gossip. The notion is demonstrable nonesense I'd suggest?"

Not sure I hadn't got Yalta and Potsdam mixed up in truth, and think Truman might have attended the latter, but it didn't matter. The point was made, and even the chairman, the panel, and the repsondants defence were desperately trying hard not to laugh out loud. We won!!!
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who was the last president to nip out of the oval office for a fag?

and for any americans reading this ...i mean cigarette :whistle:

But then again...i wonder which was the last presiednt to... ahem.....
Thinking about it Clive, it all depends on your definition of inhaling. Both Bush 'the latest', and Clinton have admitted to dope smoking. There's a tree in Oxford known allegedly as "the Clinton tree" incidentally, which our Bill was fond of climbing when he was as high as a kite and preaching to the Parks that one day he would be leader of the free world. Apparently he developed quite a reputation amongst the fire and resuce service as he wasn't one for being talked down.

Anyway, anyone for President Palin yet?

Hes not fcking jesus or Batman

Hes a new president who is quite likely to be more engaged and thoughtful than his predecessor, although at the same time, unlikely to be at all radical

Signalled the closure of Guantanamo Bay within a year,all CIA detention centres all over the world are to close, getting rid of torture, Clinton getting into the Secretary Of State role all in the first couple of days.

Is he going to save/change the But everything he has done today is all good in my book.
I've some sympathy with Clivex's view, actually.

That he as been voted in is undoubtedly a very good thing, not just for the States but for the rest of the world, and is history in the making in that it's another 'first'. I can't help but feel though that the reactions to this happening have indeed been what you'd expect to see were there a new Messiah walking amongst us.
I've some sympathy with Clivex's view, actually.

That he as been voted in is undoubtedly a very good thing, not just for the States but for the rest of the world, and is history in the making in that it's another 'first'. I can't help but feel though that the reactions to this happening have indeed been what you'd expect to see were there a new Messiah walking amongst us.

Given all the doom and gloom who cares if people are going over board about him. Not that much to be cheerful about in most current affairs.
I don't know why, but he just reminds me of Blair when he came in "the messiah" in the fact of he talks amazing and we just have to see if actions speak louder than words. I really hope so