The Road to The Man who would be King

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My favourite quote I've read in the build up to the Royal wedding:

Kate Middleton’s black see-through dress that first attracted Prince William to Kate Middleton, has sold for £65,000 plus an additional £13,000 in buyer’s fees at auction. The buyer would only reveal they were purchasing the dress on behalf of ‘Nick from Jersey’.
The dress which cost £30 to make, was designed by a St. Andrews student named Charlotte Todd, and Kate modeled it at the University Of St Andrews fashion show in 2002. Todd says it was supposed to be a skirt and worn over a slip, but instead she wore it as a strapless dress with a matching pair of panties underneath. Todd didn’t know if the panties worn by the model at the auction were those worn by Kate at the fashion show. When Kate Middleton hit the catwalk wearing the see through dress and black lingerie her future husband to be, Prince William, was in the crowd. The two originally met at St Andrews and will be married next month at the Westminster Abbey.

It's being perverted on a whole new level. I take my girlfriends knickers off my head to you Todd...

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...she's got no hips.....I also want Prince William to have a hair transplant. All famous men are having them now and, if he's going to represent us on a world stage I want him to have hair. I'm quite happy for my taxes going towards paying for it.
...she's got no hips.....I also want Prince William to have a hair transplant. All famous men are having them now and, if he's going to represent us on a world stage I want him to have hair. I'm quite happy for my taxes going towards paying for it.

Very harsh but good constructive points. They're hardly child baring hips are they..
And James Nesbitt, I actually thought part of his charm was the receding hairline. It's just that I think William would look better with hair [looking at it from a photographic point of view].
I read all this much too quickly, from "she's got no hips" to "I want him to have an heir apparent". Back to Specsavers...
I think she's a fine cut of a woman.

He used to be handsome, but the ginger bloke is the looker in the family now.

Maybe Harry gets it from his Dad!

2 nice fellas by all accounts. They certainly bring the Royal family much closer to everyone else.
I've bought some Union Jack paper chains for Friday [and work tomorrow]. Heard they're putting trees into Westminster Abbey, so I'm thinking a Botticelli themed wedding [given that Kate has an interest in Renaissance art].
No, you just hear stories. My best buddy in England is from Cornwall, and his brother (who is in the Navy) was responsible for looking after both of them a year or so back, spent some time with them, had a few beers, and said they were spot on and very down to earth, and good fun. It's how they come across as well.
The part of Harrys speach after the Walking Wounded thing hes joined in recently (the antartic walk thingy) was very good,and very funny - now if theres any part of the royal wedding Id love to be a fly on the wall for, its his best mans speach.....
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Will be glad when its over. Im an avowed republican. Bowing and scraping to people on the basis of an accident of birth is bizarre IMO
No, you just hear stories. My best buddy in England is from Cornwall, and his brother (who is in the Navy) was responsible for looking after both of them a year or so back, spent some time with them, had a few beers, and said they were spot on and very down to earth, and good fun. It's how they come across as well.

Harry must have changed considerably; a friend who was at Eton at the same time said he was a first class arsehole who thought he was far superior to everyone, and acted it. William, on the other hand, was an extremely nice guy.
Genuinely thought this thread was going to be about one of the greatest films ever committed to celluloid. You can imagine my disappointment. :(

As for William and Kate, I wish them as much success in their marriage, as I would the simplest pauper from Richmond in his (or hers). Their nuptials rate on the same scale of interest, and if anything, I can't earn on Friday, so this shindig is hitting me in the pocket not once but twice, so I've two legit reasons to hope the Abbey burns to the ground with all inside it (collective IQ lost measured in the hundreds).

Regardless, I hope they enjoy a long, loving and enduring marriage, and knock-out as many jug-eared, cross-eyed nippers as pleases them. For all that she may be a girl-next-door type, such a look can have a certain allure when it's from the smarter-end end of the spectrum (as, indeed, can complete tug-boats :D), and William can at least console himself with the fact that he has snared himself a bit of a looker. He's definitely punching out of his division.

It bodes well for them that they met of their own choosing, and despite what must be an enormous amount of pressure, they remain together - with quite a strong bond, it would appear. I think they have as good a chance of having a successful marriage as anyone who ties the knot these days.....just so long as she gets him a pair of hair-clippers for a wedding gift.

He simply has to come to terms with his genes and sort out his barnet. A #1 all over is essential; I contend that their future happiness is dependent on it.

Toodle-pip and Tally-ho to the c*nts anyway. :D
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I'm getting fed up of all the anti-Royal crap that is being spouted at the moment - and no, I'm not talking about this thread.

Maybe I'm an old sentimental traditionalist historian but I'm a Royalist and proud to be. The Royal Family give this country its identity, character, customs and traditions and a lot of countries envy us for having such a rich history to look back on. For all that they're more a decoration than governors in the modern world, I still think that they should be preserved and as has been shown in the build up to this wedding - and as will be shown in the next few days - this wedding will be a cause of celebration for hundreds of thousands of people in this country and revels & street parties will abound. There is no substitute for that, and the family of any President would never provoke such emotional scenes nor sense of national pride and unity as we shall see over the next few days.

I did laugh though when I caught part of some programme on ITV last night outlining Kate's early life - no-one who lived near there would be proud to admit to having been brought up in Bradfield Southend, it's an utter dump of a place!!!! Where her parents live now is far more exclusive though - a nice area called The Avenue in Chapel Row. Famous for being the scene of where an ambulance crew took over an hour to get a 15 year old me into an ambulance, having thought I'd broken my back.
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There is no substitute for that, and the family of any President would never provoke such emotional scenes nor sense of national pride and unity as we shall see over the next few days.

Oh i dont know

the bloke in north Korea. Castro perhaps too

Hitler if he had had a family. Mussolini too. Franco
The Royal Family give this country its identity, character, customs and traditions and a lot of countries envy us for having such a rich history to look back on.

I'm with you, the last thing we need is thick Britain electing our head of state. But I fear this is just as much our national identity these days.

Oh, stop it, Clivex! :lol::lol: Kim Il-Jong - totally stage-crafted and totally required attendance! Don't forget to mention the forced labour camps which back up his lovely republic, or how many dissidents Castro put to death or into foul dungeons until they rotted away into squalid madness. Hitler and Mussolini - fabulous examples of republicanism, dahlink. I assume you're using these examples to polish your stand-up routine? ;) Tell me where I can blag a ticket!

I don't mind us having a royal family in situ at all - they can no longer decree that we will be executed painfully for riding through their parklands, so they're all right with me, if a trifle suburban in outlook. I think the sweeping flair and chutzpah of the Tudors and Elizabethans is missing these days - only feebly replaced by the desperate venturing of the Ministry of Defence into interfering in tribal infighting, which I've no doubt sends our historical regals a-spinning in their catacombs.

Euro - how the hell did you get that pic of Shadow Leader - on the right?
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I'd rather the young ladies of this country aspire to be Ms Middleton than Katie Price or some fly by night that wins a reality show or X factory type thing. I'm rather chuffed that we'll be represented on the world stage by someone so lovely as Kate, as I'm somewhat envious of the french with their Mrs Sarkozi [sp]. The new generation of Royals are rather delightful [look at Zara]. And, as a left wing ex hippy I can't believe I'm saying this!