The Road to The Man who would be King

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Agree Moehat - Kate Middleton (or any other woman near enough - even the dippy tarts on TOWIE) is highly preferable to Katie Price or Jodie Marsh.

That said I think the receptionist at my gym put it best "I'll be watching it, if only in the hope that something interesting happens - like someone says 'no'"
Sorry, Shadz, couldn't resist! ;)

Yes, wouldn't it be fab if, just as the service gets to "And let any person here who knows of just hindrance or cause... " a voice yells out from the back, and a dishevelled man/woman hurtles down the aisle bawling, "Yes! Yes! I do! I'm his/her secret wife/husband!" Even as a spoof, it'd be good fun.
Can't believe I'm watching it (waiting for the cricket) but Pippa Middleton is out of this world beautiful.
Yes; I did say at the time 'this is the Jane Eyre moment'......boy you have to have the perfect figure to wear what Pippa Middleton was wearing. Think there's something gloriously pagan about the trees, and I love Hornbeam. Off to the village party in a bit, tug'o'wars and stuff. Feel very patriotic and a bit tearful!
I am not taking the piss, or trying to be dismissive, but I just don't "get" how it could make you feel like crying.

I understand people in it for the celebrity / glamour.

You're a bloke BTB and they are never able to understand a woman's emotions :D
Sooooo true! I, on t'other hand, don't get how blokes burst into tears when their footie teams win (or lose). Come on, it's just a poxy ball kicked about by overpaid yobs!

Loved it - the trees, I believe, Songy, were there to represent renewal and environment - dincha get the message behind the marriage?

Pippa is gorgeous, but then, so is Kate. They have their Mum's very slim, boyish figure (not much up top, but balanced by slim hips and a small bum) and I imagine they've got Mummy's very shapely legs. Great teeth - the Americans will be delighted! Actually, they're altogether a very good-looking family. I could see Pip starring in CSI: Miami any day. What had me in hoots was Harry, clumping into the Abbey looking like a bespangled bruiser. Boy, those are some shoulders the boy has got, especially when shown off by gilded epaulettes! He looked like a prop forward more than a prince. Harry + Pippa? Could be another lovely pairing!
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Missed most of it but I wish the happy couple all the best.

I like that it's brought so many together and the flags are flying. There is so little of that in this country now, which I find sad. Sometimes I feel like we're often discouraged from celebrating our nationality for fear of offending others. I resent that.

Cheers all round.