Sooooo true! I, on t'other hand, don't get how blokes burst into tears when their footie teams win (or lose). Come on, it's just a poxy ball kicked about by overpaid yobs!
Loved it - the trees, I believe, Songy, were there to represent renewal and environment - dincha get the message behind the marriage?
Pippa is gorgeous, but then, so is Kate. They have their Mum's very slim, boyish figure (not much up top, but balanced by slim hips and a small bum) and I imagine they've got Mummy's very shapely legs. Great teeth - the Americans will be delighted! Actually, they're altogether a very good-looking family. I could see Pip starring in CSI: Miami any day. What had me in hoots was Harry, clumping into the Abbey looking like a bespangled bruiser. Boy, those are some shoulders the boy has got, especially when shown off by gilded epaulettes! He looked like a prop forward more than a prince. Harry + Pippa? Could be another lovely pairing!